Tuesday, July 16, 2024





Monsoon, cyclone prone visit,

Destruct coastal states exist,

Broken home, tree uprooted,

Begin restorations, spirited, (1)


The image, horrible imprints,

Humans acquire tempest hints,

Hurts tongue, can lash but brutal,

Blind for reaction acts fatal, (2)


Thunderstorm hailstorm stay,

Lightening frightening sway,

Look at the tempest life fear,

Tempest exist in human tear, (3)


Observed cruelty, often crush,

Scolding ferociously, in a hush,

Listening to words reactions,

Heart fragile splintered turns, (4)


Temper like storm hits hard,

Angry words shockwave bad,

Restoration impossible stay,

The wound raw bleeds way, (5)


Tempest over the tea cup hit,

Light discussion, turn discreet,

Lifelong friendships fall apart,

Trustworthy humans depart, (6)


Creates crevasse, family split,

Mind addicted to tempest hit,

Teacups, not tempest, heal,

Soft and soothing words feel, (7)


Balms cover the heart hurt,

Storm not permanent short,

Anger tongue tied lip stitched,

Trick win human or preached, (viii)


Storm tall tree uprooted soon,

Grass survives humility boon,

Humility colors words, voice,

Teacup tempest stop choice, (9)


Rain comes monsoon romantic,

Not storm drizzles love ecstatic,

Life teaches gentleness decent,

Tempest windy ferocious dent, (10)


Noisy toads invisible alarmed,

Birds within the shelter swarmed,

The darkness in the day threatens,

Tempest on teacup life shaken. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Tempest

Themes: Storm or fight

Written: 16th July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Sunday, July 14, 2024





Docile decent life silent prefer,

Knew from the core of his heart suffer,

Human life turmoil continues,

No sight of solution light hues, (1)


Darkness, physical entity lost,

Reticent to express agony, host,

Moved from the village home abode,

Staying with child wish accord, (2)


Taught child humility, honesty,

Advised to live a life in modesty,

Virtue is the prime merit of a human,

Discovered his child happy ran, (3)


Inclination deception, brutality,

Prefer life quarrelsome hostility,

Urban lives, congested picture,

Lost the serenity fighter winner, (4)


A lot of shouts, the city noisy,

Money meaning of survival cozy,

The father is disheartened, observes,

His son adjusted and fit resolve, (5)


Reticent to talk with neighbors,

City life, the world apart, labors,

The stark difference is the corn fields,

His life, a peasant nature yields, (6)


Sober nature somber tolerated,

Climate hostile fragile violated,

But the community helps each other,

Relationship festival soft feather, (7)


The father saw his child, luxury,

Different human nature mercury,

Fluid where intention goes sad,

Preferred reticent his wish mad, (viii)


He loved lifelong simple life stays,

Generation, education, new ways,

Felt that day he dreamed the opposite,

His child will be like him, excited, (9)


Today, he is moving back to the village,

Reticent, his virtue, love, privilege,

The fresh air and greeneries invited,

Purity links the heart decided, (10)


No more reticent smiles quietly,

Opened his impression directly,

Hot discussions tea shop agog,

Village men crowded a story ago. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Reticent

Themes: Unwilling to speak

Written: 14th July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Saturday, July 13, 2024





Amazes the world and existence,

Accommodate change, for instance,

Persistence visible, phenomenal,

Life exists, changes act normal, (1)


Melodrama actor performs well,

The audience is now crying tearful hell,

The scene changes, the smile returns,

Background danger for concern, (2)


Creates sequence, mesmerizes all,

Versatility lives in the actor, tall,

Change face, voice, action sudden,

Famous the actor less a burden, (3)


Searched my life versatility exists,

School teacher masterly persists,

Students different, character hire,

Mischievous, naughty wise share, (4)


All are the same for the teacher teach,

Equal to every child alert preach,

Love our school teacher, versatile,

During my visit to the village, he smiles, (5)


Draw love and respect like father,

Reminiscences he instilled better,

Versatile village well is invaluable,

Our village sweet dependent, able, (6)


Sweet drinking water, further way,

Cows buffalos drink sight display,

A few were bathing near the well,

Female folk washed clothes, quell, (7)



Adjacent land soil vegetable plant,

Avocado, banana, cucumber scant,

Versatile, the village pond creates,

Lotus blooms water scarcity met, (viii)


Village life dependent well or pond,

Disappeared changes time, respond,

Deep well human depends, activity,

Drinking water to irrigation pretty, (9)


Versatile for rural life purposes,

Observant my mind, yet repose,

Able, used for different purposes,

Change accommodate supposes, (10)


Miracle mothers perform for kids,

Versatile service to her pain leads,

Never object, tolerate, share love,

Bow to her feet versatile she above. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Versatile

Themes: Able to change and help

Written: 13th July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Friday, July 12, 2024





Reflection through a mirror entices,

Lake, river, project perfect suffice,

Observes soul, responsive search,

The beauty of nature enchants much, (1)


Human  and the soul love God,

Concludes His creation accord,

Mothers love undiluted children,

The bond is divine and unbroken, (2)


Better-half part of life a shadow,

Happiness, pleasure, pain, show,

Response matching reflections,

Love unique definition emotions, (3)


Sharing worry tension strength,

Her response neutralizes wealth,

Sickness watch she prays tears,

Human response exceptional hires, (4)


Not nature human to human,

Love animals recognized man,

Feed cows, keep dogs, pet cats stay,

The immensity of response life dismay, (5)


Lick your limbs, sleep on the lap,

Trust case responsive mirror cap,

Subtle thing, love care service alert,

Response life prosper happy escort, (6)


Absence of virtue decent life hit,

Response anger cruelty envy greet,

Observe landscape misdeeds,

Barren land, dry river bed weeds, (7)


Response equal and opposite stay,

Reflects tree calm water life play,

Look at the cremation site response,

The world is illusive life short burns, (viii)


How dream captures the mind madly,

Money never stays longer sadly,

The response is a false drama feature,

Detachment winner life mature, (9)


Animal, bird, plant, responsive a lot,

Secrecy love and protection alert,

From childhood, I knew response, live,

Lessons learned in the mirror, thrive, (10)


In response to the slow motion of water,

Rock turns to pebble sands after,

Prayer, humility, soft-spoken practice,

Respect to honor, response justice. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Response

Themes: Reaction

Written: 12th July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite  


Thursday, July 11, 2024




Unmoved his position, stubborn,

Faced criticism preference born,

Speaking against other prohibit,

Adhere to silence gossip he quit, (1)


Aloofness attitude, lonely, silent,

Personality honest, pious, decent,

Unique life existence exemplary,

Humiliated hurt insult unsavory, (2)


Mocked, yet tolerate, look away,

Stance unperturbed inhibits way,

Now, the surprising thing to sock,

Educated a school teacher luck, (3)


A villager students migrate to the city,

Good education plum post pretty,

Proficient in book knowledge, deal,

Never noticed virtue teacher feel, (4)


Opposite stance quarrelsome life,

Noisy, abusive, angry, counter strife,

Cause fear uproar win nefarious,

Tearful parents evade yet furious, (5)


Students fail to learn stance, rare,

Incapable to follow, hidden repair,

Change personality character well,

Stance not written following tell, (6)


Plant a tree, feed pet animals, birds,

Lesson for life kindness, get a reward,

Polite, humble, benevolent living,

Stance missing in book thinking, (7)


Help sufferer downtrodden divine,

Selfless acts purify the heart, shine,

Look at the lotus leaf water bubble,

Fail to attach with leaf no trouble, (viii)


Similar human life unattached,

Uncorrupt facing dirt scratched,

Observe the lotus, beautiful flower,

Rises from muddy water tower, (9)


Unmatched beauty fragrant stay,

Root muddy, like lies, subtly dismay,

Numerous stances, notice, practice,

Human life developed get justice, (10)


Prosperous attitude refined praise,

Equals with school teacher haze,

The troublesome part to follow attain,

Stance rare quality lotus leaf gain. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Stance

Themes: Conviction

Written: 11th July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite  


Wednesday, July 10, 2024





Mute and dumb, sorrowful lives,

Prefer drama, humorous strives,

Suffered trauma, forget the moment,

music, oration, or script prevent, (1)


Intentional to make a satirical fit,

Orchestra for such human meet,

Taken years to translate scripts,

Humorous underneath and lists, (2)


Creating interest lessons means,

A generation ago, performed, hint,

Satire hurts heart-wounded hell,

Make fun play quote jovially spell, (3)


Human quality, not vice, spirited,

Capable, erase pain, scripted,

Underscore these persons, sock,

Their personal lives hell amok, (4)


Sing satirical music, verses rate,

Translate humorous ways state,

Favorite spirits, well known live,

Thwart miseries peaceful believe, (5)


Survived for a long time, culture,

Thread and toys play superior,

Narrate stories, music melodious,

Spectators listen to, feel curious, (6)


Gradually diminishing  the scene,

Parody live in comics heart win,

Translate old stories, funny art,

Children prize the books or craft, (7)



The aspect not insignificant prize,

Fascinate the world, yet surprise,

Parrot learns human voice, speak,

Creates laughter excellent seek, (viii)


Monkey plays, birds play exactly,

Astonishing parody animal flatly,

Enough accustomed sighted true,

Platform to be happy future glue, (9)


Rhapsody hook, pervade perfectly,

Melody, fathomless, pleasure tally,

Hypnotizing effect, human notices,

Balance life equal opposite entices, (10)


Human natures variant myriad,

Parody part of life melodies add,

Awestruck, scrutinize, mind plays,

Humorous at times hymns essays. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Parody

Themes: Humorous part of life

Written: 10th July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite