Friday, July 12, 2024





Reflection through a mirror entices,

Lake, river, project perfect suffice,

Observes soul, responsive search,

The beauty of nature enchants much, (1)


Human  and the soul love God,

Concludes His creation accord,

Mothers love undiluted children,

The bond is divine and unbroken, (2)


Better-half part of life a shadow,

Happiness, pleasure, pain, show,

Response matching reflections,

Love unique definition emotions, (3)


Sharing worry tension strength,

Her response neutralizes wealth,

Sickness watch she prays tears,

Human response exceptional hires, (4)


Not nature human to human,

Love animals recognized man,

Feed cows, keep dogs, pet cats stay,

The immensity of response life dismay, (5)


Lick your limbs, sleep on the lap,

Trust case responsive mirror cap,

Subtle thing, love care service alert,

Response life prosper happy escort, (6)


Absence of virtue decent life hit,

Response anger cruelty envy greet,

Observe landscape misdeeds,

Barren land, dry river bed weeds, (7)


Response equal and opposite stay,

Reflects tree calm water life play,

Look at the cremation site response,

The world is illusive life short burns, (viii)


How dream captures the mind madly,

Money never stays longer sadly,

The response is a false drama feature,

Detachment winner life mature, (9)


Animal, bird, plant, responsive a lot,

Secrecy love and protection alert,

From childhood, I knew response, live,

Lessons learned in the mirror, thrive, (10)


In response to the slow motion of water,

Rock turns to pebble sands after,

Prayer, humility, soft-spoken practice,

Respect to honor, response justice. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Response

Themes: Reaction

Written: 12th July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite  


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