Sunday, July 14, 2024





Docile decent life silent prefer,

Knew from the core of his heart suffer,

Human life turmoil continues,

No sight of solution light hues, (1)


Darkness, physical entity lost,

Reticent to express agony, host,

Moved from the village home abode,

Staying with child wish accord, (2)


Taught child humility, honesty,

Advised to live a life in modesty,

Virtue is the prime merit of a human,

Discovered his child happy ran, (3)


Inclination deception, brutality,

Prefer life quarrelsome hostility,

Urban lives, congested picture,

Lost the serenity fighter winner, (4)


A lot of shouts, the city noisy,

Money meaning of survival cozy,

The father is disheartened, observes,

His son adjusted and fit resolve, (5)


Reticent to talk with neighbors,

City life, the world apart, labors,

The stark difference is the corn fields,

His life, a peasant nature yields, (6)


Sober nature somber tolerated,

Climate hostile fragile violated,

But the community helps each other,

Relationship festival soft feather, (7)


The father saw his child, luxury,

Different human nature mercury,

Fluid where intention goes sad,

Preferred reticent his wish mad, (viii)


He loved lifelong simple life stays,

Generation, education, new ways,

Felt that day he dreamed the opposite,

His child will be like him, excited, (9)


Today, he is moving back to the village,

Reticent, his virtue, love, privilege,

The fresh air and greeneries invited,

Purity links the heart decided, (10)


No more reticent smiles quietly,

Opened his impression directly,

Hot discussions tea shop agog,

Village men crowded a story ago. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Reticent

Themes: Unwilling to speak

Written: 14th July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



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