Wednesday, July 10, 2024





Mute and dumb, sorrowful lives,

Prefer drama, humorous strives,

Suffered trauma, forget the moment,

music, oration, or script prevent, (1)


Intentional to make a satirical fit,

Orchestra for such human meet,

Taken years to translate scripts,

Humorous underneath and lists, (2)


Creating interest lessons means,

A generation ago, performed, hint,

Satire hurts heart-wounded hell,

Make fun play quote jovially spell, (3)


Human quality, not vice, spirited,

Capable, erase pain, scripted,

Underscore these persons, sock,

Their personal lives hell amok, (4)


Sing satirical music, verses rate,

Translate humorous ways state,

Favorite spirits, well known live,

Thwart miseries peaceful believe, (5)


Survived for a long time, culture,

Thread and toys play superior,

Narrate stories, music melodious,

Spectators listen to, feel curious, (6)


Gradually diminishing  the scene,

Parody live in comics heart win,

Translate old stories, funny art,

Children prize the books or craft, (7)



The aspect not insignificant prize,

Fascinate the world, yet surprise,

Parrot learns human voice, speak,

Creates laughter excellent seek, (viii)


Monkey plays, birds play exactly,

Astonishing parody animal flatly,

Enough accustomed sighted true,

Platform to be happy future glue, (9)


Rhapsody hook, pervade perfectly,

Melody, fathomless, pleasure tally,

Hypnotizing effect, human notices,

Balance life equal opposite entices, (10)


Human natures variant myriad,

Parody part of life melodies add,

Awestruck, scrutinize, mind plays,

Humorous at times hymns essays. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Parody

Themes: Humorous part of life

Written: 10th July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



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