Monday, April 26, 2021





Early morning sun yet to rise,

Awake get up from bed realize,

A new day blank page to write,

Story of my life hope in delight, (1)


Mind is alert query endless best,

Self euphoric plans promulgate,

Visit nature rest a temple I love,

Pray for sick spirit, heal revolve, (2)


Nature lives recluse fresh total,

Worry tension fear, greet mortal,

Good n bad news excite thought,

Wait, guide conscience wrought, (3)


Breakfast ends wheel of life roll,

Escape euphoric n ephemeral all,

Hospital duty serves patients call,

Forget family visit work enthrall, (4)


Nightlong life battle hopes heal,

A dawn new day begins to seal,

Evening night over ignores time,

Recovers sick brings tear clean, (5)


Early dawn a patient sleeps still,

Never can see a sunrise I kneel,

Ramadan month fast it reminds,

Almighty may grace life rekindle, (6)


Frantic call home enquire worry,

Situations among patients hurry,

Watch pleading eyes of guests’ lot,

Medical bed vaccine tests entrust, (7)


Gossip rumor kill best effort care,

Preventive clean life masks share,

Simple food lot of water diet meets,

Exercise on breathing n walks fit, (8)


Writes eulogy of euphoric escape,

Early dawn joy ephemeral shape,

In a restroom, know close temple,

Almighty if mute deaf wait, simple, (9)


Miseries of people tears of visitor,

Cry kin of departed in pain fear,

Ah… let me stop these scenes dot,

Only motto duty to save lives most, (10)


Emotion only fetches other’s plight,

Forget family children wife’s sight,

Weeks passed guess if duties end,

Realize life transparent transcend (11)


Dual realm born sure to die fact,

A pandemic raises n sink instant,

Thought jolt at noises overwhelm,

A patient recovers a disease tame, (12)


Happy tear I look from the door,

Escape as euphoric beat death cure,

Self euphoric miss yet vindicate,

Patients escape euphoric dictate. (13)





Sunday, April 25, 2021





Amazes human life deviate,

Concrete jungle complicate,

Stubborn mind seek comfort,

Luxury cost of nature escort, (1)


Amazonia forest breaths life,

Human hunger, woods hike

Read books newspaper most,

Furniture house if trees lost, (2)


Greenhouse cover earth hot,

Forest fire feed inferno roast,

Wildlife suffers vanish often,

Mankind cry sad lives moan, (3)


Dry bed rivers lakes shrink,

And female walk mile drink,

Rural lack clean water need,

Deplete forest livelihood bid, (4)


Soil vomit poison insect lot,

Entire harvest devastate dot,

Rest human spoils careless,

Million-ton grain rains face, (5)


A canvas of horror man etch,

Own devastation peril sketch,

Ocean bottom liters with dirt,

Plastic pollutes torture heart, (6)


Majestic-megapolis dust bowl,

Corona hunt n kill fears soul,

Human lung pays price total,

Ever underestimates a mortal, (7)


Life three hundred thousand,

Daily search sick bed demand,

Million sick fight bitter battle,

Life n death case show mettle, (8)


Your mettle human, virus not,

Sacrilege to destroy nature lot,

Advent-of-life begin nature lap,

Sole greed fend limit time cap, (9)


Cry human race to extinction,

Time recall wise examination,

Need animal land, air, water,

Deprive resource crime mere, (10)


Respect intellect wise thinker,

Ever caution rest yet discover,

Regeneration restoration soon,

Under the aegis of nature boon, (11)

Serene verdure invites again,

Soul remorse revives, regain,

Fertile soil pure water air nit,

Fascinated in daydream neet, (12)


Fag of life love my generation,

Witness a change  estimation,

A century-long  cycle manifest,

Under Aegis of Nature resurrect, (13)


Virus a phenomenon to vanish,

A lesson of nature-friendly wish,

Incredible human future bright,

Protect support nature is insight (14)








Saturday, April 24, 2021





An enchanting encounter etch,

Life pass gentle a picture fetch,

Search in memory lonely times,

A smile young girl spread lines,

Her inquiries crisp n modulate,

A guest young heart confiscate, (1)


She writes swift my replies note,

Her beautiful finger like a quote,

Golden hair, crisp suit n polish,

Demeanor her figure wait relish,

Short time, sweet answer polite,

Fail to guess why lost in delight, (2)


Reluctant, left to my hotel room,

Young heart mine amaze soon,

Unknown female myself tourist,

Never got acquainted find tryst,

Her sight beautiful face attracts,

Serene green hills mist distracts, (3)


Life business executive holiday,

Recluse from monotony dismay,

Single in life neet female friend,

Endless sessions of talk in end,

Discussions chat outlook forget,

Fail to tantalize my heart, rivet,(4)


Magnificent city life often travel,

Encounter fair ladies little dwell,

Empty page my life write job well,

Promotion career travel meet nail,

Heart ever seek pick post position,

Never any girl tame heart motion, (5)


The whole night got awake think,

New sensations bring image pink,

Her sweet voice look seduce state,

Inner equilibrium peace devastate,

The next morning found her talk in ruin,

She interacts n few n far between, (6)


Group of tourists visits scenic fall,

An opportunity, her company call,

Travels long in forest gossip most,

Mutually got acquainted my effort,

Last day on tour concierge greets,

Invited her to my office request it, (7)


An offshore tour challenge project,

Business life hardly it could reject,

A couple of years of hard work toil,

Promotions package applause swell,

Thought that night her charm float,

Nightlong dream her near almost,(8)


Plan again to visit her place n meet,

Fear yet firm to propose her n greet,

A conference sudden blocked travel,

Miseries endless eager wait unravel,

Just quit office to take a flight move,

Find crisp concierge newly married,

Her husband greet all plan misfired,

I offered both a hearty dinner night,

Rest of life a memory sinks delight (9)






Friday, April 23, 2021





Love knows no barrier wins,

Teenage friend’s craze twins,

Closest souls lead live front,

Fight quarrel yet little grunt, (1)


Study burn lamp midnight,

Alas, friend sleeps pity sight,

Fun-loving mate game excel,

Differs life but bond prevail, (2)


End school life, College new,

Friendship again few renew,

Lost school friend feel loner,

Sweet childhood pain suffer, (3)


Meets casual school friend,

Sea-beach gossips last end,

Tearful depart with promise,

One soul two bodies remind, (4)


Promise share pain success,

Help each other need excess,

Friend for life hand in hand,

Fate distances soul remand, (4)


Schoolfriend married  settle,

Peak up job show my mettle,

Name, fame, glory affluence,

Hard work dream confluence, (5)


Ego rules heart often dictate,

Conscience an ego confiscate,

Forget close friend in memory,

Fail to wish met look unsavory, (6)


Erase old friendship for good,

To poor indistinct dead-wood,

As honey bees suck opulence,

In arrogance among influence, (7)


Sunset in dusk pale brilliance,

Pale self-esteem least elegance,

Evening-of-life alone in recluse,

Family split n nostalgic profuse, (8)


Sad today realize famous little,

People discard porcelain brittle,

Huge world find alone, imagine,

Never visits end of week season, (9)


Old letters read n time enough,

Remember my friend read huff,

Friend’s wife invited on demise,

Speechless in sock yet surprise, (10)

Unshaven dirty tortured visit,

Visit friend’s home guilt remit,

Tear refuses to control, silent,

Chokes heart, mind turbulent, (11)


Night at seashore reminiscent,

Resurrect al’ promises nascent,

If friend whisper lesson whims,

Repentat, broken renege ruins (12)


Felt river of life merge an ocean,

No more my friend n crestfallen,

Inks, I meet the ocean disappear,

Hurt my friend  a renege to clear, (13) 










Thursday, April 22, 2021





Globe unique in the universe,

World changes if time reverse,

Mankind witness transforms,

In age meets civil reformation, (1)


Amazes human mind intricate,

Search lifelong ever investigate,

Qualities find hidden influence,

Lost balance in anger pretense, (2)


Jealousy on glamor fame hurt,

Greed directs me honesty lost,

Desires heart encounter often,

Forest fire in thoughts motion, (3)


Hundred qualities my nature,

Reach ripe age control failure,

Deep thought let emotion act,

Tense mind night long aghast, (4)


Fear worries melt body faster,

Write my owes shiver in fever,

Pray with trust intense futile,

Surrender pure mind beguile, (5)


War within resembles world,

Neith self nor people get glad,

Ruins nation people all suffer,

Ruins my life intangibles tear, (6)


Wonder peaceful world enjoy,

Love abundance trusts envoy,

Share others pain help needy,

Shelter comfort homeless tidy, (7)


Look within nature never lack,

Purity, true spirit efforts back,

Yes, I can love a fellow human,

Able to help in need n care one, (8)


Search nature tranquil, serene,

Purity reflects my nature refine,

Calm peaceful mind conscience,

If world enamor my ego resigns, (9)


Small earth being realize a lesson

Humble tiny grass vast creation,

Wisest chameleon adopts colors,

Message resemble site, mix sure, (10)


Learn gradually culture custom,

Behave as roman when in Rome,

People n my world taught me all,

Education saves life progress call, (11)


Earth Day 2021 in tear now ink,

Never nature, people erode sink,

Corona time restore faith health,

Restore Earth love nature wealth, (12)


Earth Day mother earth endure,

Goodwill love, care, feed, shelter,

I learn clean, simple life surface,

Mother; The Intangible Interlace (13)