Friday, April 23, 2021





Love knows no barrier wins,

Teenage friend’s craze twins,

Closest souls lead live front,

Fight quarrel yet little grunt, (1)


Study burn lamp midnight,

Alas, friend sleeps pity sight,

Fun-loving mate game excel,

Differs life but bond prevail, (2)


End school life, College new,

Friendship again few renew,

Lost school friend feel loner,

Sweet childhood pain suffer, (3)


Meets casual school friend,

Sea-beach gossips last end,

Tearful depart with promise,

One soul two bodies remind, (4)


Promise share pain success,

Help each other need excess,

Friend for life hand in hand,

Fate distances soul remand, (4)


Schoolfriend married  settle,

Peak up job show my mettle,

Name, fame, glory affluence,

Hard work dream confluence, (5)


Ego rules heart often dictate,

Conscience an ego confiscate,

Forget close friend in memory,

Fail to wish met look unsavory, (6)


Erase old friendship for good,

To poor indistinct dead-wood,

As honey bees suck opulence,

In arrogance among influence, (7)


Sunset in dusk pale brilliance,

Pale self-esteem least elegance,

Evening-of-life alone in recluse,

Family split n nostalgic profuse, (8)


Sad today realize famous little,

People discard porcelain brittle,

Huge world find alone, imagine,

Never visits end of week season, (9)


Old letters read n time enough,

Remember my friend read huff,

Friend’s wife invited on demise,

Speechless in sock yet surprise, (10)

Unshaven dirty tortured visit,

Visit friend’s home guilt remit,

Tear refuses to control, silent,

Chokes heart, mind turbulent, (11)


Night at seashore reminiscent,

Resurrect al’ promises nascent,

If friend whisper lesson whims,

Repentat, broken renege ruins (12)


Felt river of life merge an ocean,

No more my friend n crestfallen,

Inks, I meet the ocean disappear,

Hurt my friend  a renege to clear, (13) 










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