Wednesday, December 21, 2022





Flows life, human experiences,

A woman in society family,

The sweetener of life and beautiful,

Beauty never means her skin only,

Expression of her life, poetic softness,

The immensity of love, compassion,

Infinite care, endless service extends,

Oasis in the dreary desert of life appears,

blistering hot sand dunes life on a test,

Finds a traveler solace at an oasis,

Satiate thirsty heart fountain in front,

Reality image of a woman, encounter,

Parched lips get wet, and she offers water,

Smile at times for a few turns mirage,

Throngs heart for companionship a lot,

Misses by a whisker the soft hands for life,

Thorn becomes her memory living hurt,

I have seen such an elegant lady, speechless,

Obscure remote village rich was landlady,

Palatial mansion  century old crowded,

She had twelve sons given birth in life,

Unfortunately, an age six children perished,

Unknown fever untreated suffered,

One-by-one left the world, mother unhappy,

Lost her husband at an early age,

Life loomed as if that desert sand ended,

Rest six sons grew in time strong,

And stout, bold, adventurous traveler,

Found mother's infinite care and love,

Lived to meet family life wealthy happy,

Children plenty in the family, growing,

Time flows serenely forgotten sadly past,

The woman I saw, an icon for a large family,

Sons, grandsons, and granddaughters grew,

Their mothers included fifty family members,

Head of the family the landlady worshipped,

Charisma and compassion help farmers,

Fast gained as a folklore goddess,

Adored undisputedly admired her soft heart,

Shower gift to weeping eyes brings smiles,

Sons were happy, so the daughter in laws,

Children, the grandkids explicitly in love,

Octogenarian touching a hundred years,

Raised the sandstorm life in the desert,

Monstrous, the cloud of sand continued,

A decade passed, her six sons passed away,

Still alive, the mistress of destiny,

Surprised the village people disbelieve,

Agile, functional, understood time,

Silent, sober, pious by now confined,

People enter the room, touch her feet,

Quietly escape out of the room,

Surprised her twelve sons, her husband gone,

Life flowing through her, surprising all,

Started queue of six widows one by one,

All departed  in a few years it happened,

Eldest grandson, master of the house,

The century-old lady, still living fine,

Today invited to the eleventh day of the rite,

The demise of  the eldest grandson, a ceremony,

Villagers are offered food, delicious plates,

Few are meeting the lady to bow,

She came in a wheelchair to out,

Asked before the crowd if tasteful food,

Next was her request for sweets,

She was relishing her plate lavishly,

Astonished spellbound onlookers were,

An unwanted life stays forget the death,

Enjoys sweetmeat after grandson's death,

Life in her adherences bewildered all,

Death around her taking all duly,

Unwanted soul death never liked to touch... 



 Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Unwanted (Fiction)

Themes: life outlasts longevity if a curse

Date: 21st December 2022, Cuttack

Picture: Courtesy Google

@ Copywrite



Tuesday, December 20, 2022





Never get astonished life happy,

Imagine a crossroad watch people,

The world is funnily in four directions,

I saw in life the stream of people,

Each one is opposite going distances,

Unknown their destination cross here,

Not the motion of life I have marked,

But life meets after traveling distance,

Fate forces separate people far off,

Job hooks to a place for part of life,

Impossible to escape from duty stays,

Separated blood yearning missing one,

Hungry in look wait patiently sadly,

The date of the calendar rolls faster taunts,

Still opportunity to meet extends,

Not deliberate compulsions confines,

Separate family members wait and wait,

A porter by profession carries luggage,

Upon the arrival of a train, I look closely,

Surprised has seen warm tears,

Sobbing silently, stand wait for arrival,

Unfathomable their impatience,

I stand with them for luggage,

Silently standing, their eyes lost,

Wait for that split second to unite,

Arrives the monster hissed proudly,

In time reached the station,

Search eyes like dears windows,

Coaches roll quickly and halt before them,

I look at smiling faces waving wildly,

The man in life wife missed for years,

Children grow up with curious eyes,

Wait for their father went abroad,

Missed for years probing understandable,

I see their happiness meeting him,

The life unites people I witness,

Friend opposite scene, I felt the opposite,

Heartbroken, I cry too, felt tearful,

They were not mine, empathy overtakes,

Old couples came to the station,

Their only child, a young man, leaving,

Joining for service overseas is lucrative,

The pleasant news sank in sorrow,

Knew very well the chick of Yester years,

Spread his wings flying far off,

Root their prepared nest, perhaps,

The future poses a question son will return,

Empty will be house emptiness heavy,

I look at them, the mother sobbing,

Reclines her head on the chest of her son,

The child was tearful and hugged her tightly,

Ma, I shall return little worry,

Allow me happily smiling to join,

Wiped my tears, knew the smiles

The pretension of a mother her love thick,

Father, I introspected, a rock stature,

The pain of separation is  fathomless,

Trying his best to accommodate failed,

Embraced his son, kissed his forehead,

Go dear, cherish your future, and pray to God,

His son touch his feet, tears wet his feet,

I offloaded his luggage and gave him a card,

Printed of Lord's face a belief laced with,

He offered enough money, and I returned,

I hugged him, to return when back home,

My book of life ring of scenes touching,

The son returned after a decade with a family,

His old father, I saw alone, queried,

He recognized me, told her demise,

The platform where the son saw his mom,

For the last time never thought of losing her.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Porter

Theme: Witness life scenes touching

Date: 18th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Sunday, December 18, 2022





The river is sacred and ancient flows,

Embankments are stone pavements,

Offered water to departed worshipped,

Takes a holy dip in their loving memories,

Pray for peace and happiness to the soul,

The stone steps to the water get a crowd,

Baths men and women early morning,

Offer water to the orange sun,

Belief to liberate from dawn and dusk,

Graces to break chains of life,

Lighted becomes an ignorant mind,

Wake up to the glories of the sun,

The creator of day and night,

That lures spirits to this elusive world,

Think there is love, kindness, help,

Life makes luxuriant existence enamor,

The bond of humans links children,

Passionate to usher newcomers into life,

Graceful conjugal love marital phase,

The soul savors the elixir of life born,

In the lap grows tiny limbs soon,

Sooner than expected mature into the world,

Happy parents watch children, chicks,

Spread their wings and fly far off to nest,

Life comes to an end twilight signal,

Six pieces of bamboo sticks tied,

Pallbearers carry on shoulders,

The mortal remains must be cremated,

River watch pyres ignited on the bank,

The ashes will mix with flowing water,

Touched holy water that is mixed,

With the ashes of my forefathers, I felt,

The vibration unearthly intuitive mind,

Looked at the burning pyres,

A woman old died, was cremated,

She was staying in a shelter home,

On her demise, three sons intimated,

Requested to cremate her by dawn,

None attended  didn't reply to the news,

The curator of the shelter home performed,

Saved his head after the cremation,

Bathed in the river offered cooked rice,

Offer a little water to the departed soul,

Prayed neck-deep in water for her,

May the rising sun provide her peace,

Provide her soul an abode in life homeless,

I got impressed at his benevolence,

Compassion and immensity moved me,

I hugged him, touched his feet,

Worship, sir, your divine heart,

Give solace to the spirit a destitute in life,

Performed her rights for salvation,

The children failed to do needful service,

 Perform to their mother at her demise,

Touched his head saved curator said,

The mother owns three houses in a city,

Three sons are living in these houses,

Reluctant to keep aging mother,

Left here with me a few years ago,

Today her journey is over to belief,

She has made rapport with God learned,

Learned this world complex in her last breath,

Rapport dedicated to homeless mothers.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Rapport

Themes: Rapport with reality

Date: 17th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Saturday, December 17, 2022






Symphony of life enchanting often,

Melts frozen pain to drain to recon,

Drain happens to be memory fade,

Reluctant to remember morn tirade,


Love me now or never moving faster,

Wait, the panoramic world sequester,

Look bright sunshine next may rain,

Searching past results recalling pain,


Invitingly entices, follow days quietly,

Provide the broken heart hope lightly,

Uprooted wood rain soaked in fungus,

Decaying yet memory is subconscious,


Remember Good days foliage branch,

After blossoms, fruit seedlings scratch,

Look at me dear, how propagates soon,

Dry fruit bursts open seed flies boon,


Takes root, again replicated another,

Time helps memories erased further,

The storm winds ferocious ended all,

Unknown distant land lives enthrall,


Propagate happiness, joy, fragrance,

Close now eyes human life in a trance,

Breaths beautifully continuous love,

Love breath symbol of me do resolve,


Deathless within you, your limbs fail,

Escapes to space duly seeds prevail,

Mingle with air, no beginning or end,

Piggyback riding to distance to extend,


Light moisture warmth trim seed grows,

Human, your life germinates n shows,

New name parent body renews abode,

Never can remember past life, episode,


Why cry bitterly here, cursing life deprive,

After a long time, the opportunity thrive,

Uprooted trunk resembles sprout lives,

Know me, perform life miracle retrieves,


Condemn you pale face deathly in pale,

Smile, feel, get spirited, smile once, inhale,

Energizes me enough, spirited strengths,

Unwelcome drudgery chain wavelengths,


Console your heart a caterpillar exists,

Never knows, what happens, cocoon lists,

Manifests out of the cocoon a butterfly,

Your weeping heart changes, my reply,


Spread colors on your wings, heart soar,

look again, dear human, morn wait eager,

Unwelcome failures, frustration entraps,

Look at tomorrow next dawn and enwraps,


Sing dear, my glorious existence outpour,

Every labyrinth tissue blood well enamor,

Revive energy sunshine fuels encourage,

Unwelcome demise, life pristine envisage!   


Pem: Bijayananda Mishra

Poem: Unwelcome

Theme: Confides life

Date 17th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Friday, December 16, 2022





Dark is the room sits quietly alone,

Contemplate immersive my plight,

Offer my hands to help but refuse,

Rudely conveyed to me, keep aloof,


Notices folk dance from a distance,

Overwhelms my heart swayed now,

Rhythmic dancing, my limbs sing,

Mix with people, joyous automatic,


Mingles my  smiles festive ecstatic,

Pulling someone with alacrity out,

Shout disgustedly and warn me,

Not invited to our community bet,


Join let again threat consequence,

Dismayed at the look scorn reason,

Served people from birth sweeps,

Cleans street of city dirt in heaps,


Chest deep in sewerage lifts filth,

Lovingly smile at life underneath,

Duty least discriminate accepted,

Earn peanut for work, not wicked,


Gentle, polite to people, respect all,

Feast or ceremony time get a recall,

Lifts garbage of foods, paper dishes,

Fight with beggars, dog's life wishes,


Morsels of food hungry lives want,

Fails to notice leftover looked scant,

Humans, if equated with a dog a bit,

Sad then watching the sight, I quit,


Felt occasionally pray at the temple,

May god grace destitute life simple,

Get food, cloth, a roof needs shelter,

So mercy to the ill recovery matter,


Life is precious fate causes disaster,

Untouchable is the tag life inferior,

Less than a beggar surprised soon,

People offer food or cloth to them,

Sit among them for food overwhelm,


Thrown out of the line, scolded a lot,

Happen in front of temple lies but,

Not allowed to the community wall,

Clean our door front sewerage mall,


Born with the caste to die someday,

Not allowed to lift departed dismay,

Life dead dogs sick die on the road,

Stinking smell dispelled crowds trod,


Angry eyes pointed fingers at me now,

Clear devil from here get lost to bow,

Illiterate child labor father died early,

Illicit wine poisoned, killed him nearly,


Work mother in brick-kiln grew there,

Play on the muddy road timeshare,

Slum with tin roofs,  a bed, and an oven,

Once a meal rice salt onion is chicken,


Lunch-diner breakfast combine into one,

Fortunate today get my meal, a man,

Seldom complains for life, dear friend,

Grudge against humanity, to befriend,


Told me, men, at pyres, move to heaven,

Ask you intelligent wise for me shaken,

Mixes the ass, graves side by side well,

Grows the tree luxuriant, spirits dwell,


Our spirits live together leniency if, exist,

Mingles with mirth lives why me, resist?


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Leniency

Theme: The untouchability

Date: 15th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Thursday, December 15, 2022





Behold my mind humming always,

Visible like a bee flies at random,

Searching flowers beautiful colored,

Detects fragrance  direction guesses,

Drunken and wild playful neatly hops,

Flower to flower settle flies moment after,

Laden with honey sweet back to the hive,

Store well happily seek next adventure,

The flower that magnetizes short a while,

Last, from dawn to dusk completes life,

Pregnant with future, shrouded dreams,

Delivers its tomorrow succulent fruit,

Fruit of intimate relationship with bee,

Eons creator's deep and divine wishes,

Exist for propagation undefeatable,

Functions my mind compare, visible,

Life is subtly equivalent to a flower's existence,

I discovered the budding mind,

Grown, beautiful thoughts, fragrant,

Pervade inescapably infects bees,

The pair of eyes, ears, lips, and tongue,

Metamorphoses to bee honey traps,

Drink the elixir of life, dear limbs fade,

Eyes ears impaired in time lips crack,

Loses tongue, the taste of world magnetic.

That offers sweetness myriad, versatile,

The fish, meat, fruit, juices, drink lists,

Honey is the lust of mind collects heart,

Laugh today, O' mind when is satiated,

Stores like a bee search adventure more,

Till twilight settles,  seek calmness, tired,

That your thoughts pollinated mature,

Seeds are growing pregnant soul succor,

Love the thought fructify in time,

Spreads from the heart to heart harbor swell,

Attainment, honey of flower life hides,

Looking inward, behold my heart well,

The beehive full of honey stored love,

Spreads like seeds to hearts,

The sight of the season when flower blossoms,

Spring is a fantasy of mind love people,

Thought pregnant with love infects,

Sustains this beautiful nature,

Human is the animal do sleep, eat, conjugate,

Experiences the same fear, animal instinct,

Differ the thoughts believe trust and faith,

Senses very clearly the master's presence,

Flowery petals, loving surrender scented,

Oblate the honey, rich heart devout,

Wear your color indebted for aromas,

Brightness  inherits at morn to glorify,

Fulfills life through attainment fallen,

Know very well, Lord, the seed in me,

Some day another life heart storehouse,

 The creator's charisma is  cherished collect,

Sprout flowering buds like mango,

Ignorant mind aware of acute scent,

The revelation of attainment ripens in summer,

Mango fruit succulent sweet, I smile,

May once again my thought is same,

This mind, unruly, bee visualizes.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Attainment

Themes: Mind is a honey bee

Date: 14th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite