Showing posts with label UNWELCOME. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UNWELCOME. Show all posts

Saturday, December 17, 2022






Symphony of life enchanting often,

Melts frozen pain to drain to recon,

Drain happens to be memory fade,

Reluctant to remember morn tirade,


Love me now or never moving faster,

Wait, the panoramic world sequester,

Look bright sunshine next may rain,

Searching past results recalling pain,


Invitingly entices, follow days quietly,

Provide the broken heart hope lightly,

Uprooted wood rain soaked in fungus,

Decaying yet memory is subconscious,


Remember Good days foliage branch,

After blossoms, fruit seedlings scratch,

Look at me dear, how propagates soon,

Dry fruit bursts open seed flies boon,


Takes root, again replicated another,

Time helps memories erased further,

The storm winds ferocious ended all,

Unknown distant land lives enthrall,


Propagate happiness, joy, fragrance,

Close now eyes human life in a trance,

Breaths beautifully continuous love,

Love breath symbol of me do resolve,


Deathless within you, your limbs fail,

Escapes to space duly seeds prevail,

Mingle with air, no beginning or end,

Piggyback riding to distance to extend,


Light moisture warmth trim seed grows,

Human, your life germinates n shows,

New name parent body renews abode,

Never can remember past life, episode,


Why cry bitterly here, cursing life deprive,

After a long time, the opportunity thrive,

Uprooted trunk resembles sprout lives,

Know me, perform life miracle retrieves,


Condemn you pale face deathly in pale,

Smile, feel, get spirited, smile once, inhale,

Energizes me enough, spirited strengths,

Unwelcome drudgery chain wavelengths,


Console your heart a caterpillar exists,

Never knows, what happens, cocoon lists,

Manifests out of the cocoon a butterfly,

Your weeping heart changes, my reply,


Spread colors on your wings, heart soar,

look again, dear human, morn wait eager,

Unwelcome failures, frustration entraps,

Look at tomorrow next dawn and enwraps,


Sing dear, my glorious existence outpour,

Every labyrinth tissue blood well enamor,

Revive energy sunshine fuels encourage,

Unwelcome demise, life pristine envisage!   


Pem: Bijayananda Mishra

Poem: Unwelcome

Theme: Confides life

Date 17th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite