Monday, November 30, 2020




When darkness spread, life search,

Ignorance opaque sight, fear lurch,

Poverty, sickness, vices, blind rule,

Suffering, pain, death prevails cool,

Bitterest fight, hatred, jealousy grow,

Violence, evil practices, wild show,

Nation for century rots under slavery,

Lack of education, life bleak unsavory,

Jobless youth vulgar, crude mind,

Unmarried girl burden brute remind,

Old age sick seek to escape for good,

Parents with large offspring in wood,

A canvas of society painted black real,

A beacon of hope inventions surreal,

The new millennium, a beacon of light,

Life at the bottom sees a tunnel bright,

Earthen oven, dry wood smoke blight,

Replaced with biomass oven in flame,

Replaced with solar panel, solar oven,

The rural cottage now brighter television,

Women welfare telecast skills reason,

Kids learn education on air, wave,

Farmer learns cultivation to save,

Clean gas, hot plate solar electric,

Rural female life in heath magic,

Toilet culture, brick home alters,

Beacon of hope for lifestyle betters,

The modesty of women, in sweet home,

Skilled for domestic products own,

Own handsome in food, spices, toys,

Stitch clothes, cosmetic, art voyages,

Savings able children school, college,

Girls of generation progress knowledge,

Biogas fuels, compost need field,

Water harvest feed betters yield,

Means of rural scene richer fine,

The inroad of heath care cattle shine,

Beacon of hope gain fizzle darkness,

Rural women in free scope reckless,


A nation’s backbone farmer, women,

Awakens freedom, bondage in the chain,

The chain was behind the door for female,

A chain was illiteracy for kids swell,

A chain was sickness lack of treatment,

A chain was vagaries of climate bent,

A chain was elements devastate ruin,

Beacon of modern help broke n win,

Bondage disappear for women folk,

Beacon of reforms village girl mock,

Beacon of education, skill alter soon,

Beacon of silver light sizzle full moon,



New millennium corona specter bleak,

Locked down cities, roads life pinprick,

Hospitals overflowing with sick intense,

Modern care, the prowess to cure pretense,

Clueless, calamities swindle a year,

Education halts, halt industry near,

Blocked travels, suffered export most,

Progress of nation under lock share lost,

Darkness wraps the future, the human mind,

Paralyzes escape instinct beacon remind,

Populace disciplined in the mask, clean,

Distancing, saving crowd, domestic rinse,

Vaccine, exercise, fresh air, nature,

Forestation, preservation of water,

Beacon of hope potent counter well,

Beacon of cure, numbers recover swell,

Beacon of confidence nation roll,

Beacon of joy waiting for New Year doll.



Sunday, November 29, 2020





When sensation offshoot in youth,

Transforms childhood curios on truth,

Blue skies, white clouds spell on earth,

Morning glories, crimson dusk in mirth,

Meadow, grassy field, a tiny flower, color,

Dark clouds raise lightning, thunder,

Drizzles cool, hail storms, cats-n-dogs,

Winter breeze, walking in morning fogs,

Summer heat, in the cool shade of trees,

Smells of mango buds call hill greens,

Playful in sparkling waters, waterfall,

Pulsating thrills in heart, sweet recall,

Enchantress pair of eyes nicely hooks,

Tiny girls, shining eyes, electric look,

Enchanting village girl curious timid,

Mercuric glances attraction etch vivid,

Enchantress, her spell in magic, nature,

Enchantress village girls in heart secure,

Adolescence, feelings under influence,

Sweet dreams, magnetic eyes confluence,

Sleepless night awaken mind trespass,

Quiet nature dark, sleepy village awash,

Dews in pasture, moonlit, solitude cover,

Infinite love, passion enamor, lone seeker,

Infectious fragrances, soft touches breeze,

Ecstasy on experiences, young heart crease,

Enchantress young heart thirsty in passion,

Entraps thoughts intoxicate spirit so often,

Decades after limbs inert remembers thrill,

Converges village nature, village girl’s skill,

Loving heart soaked in emotions, shifty eyes,

Never forgot enchantress, pair of eyes shy,

Her magical spell cast myriads of dreams,

In old age amazes her charms young realm,

Life brings a fresh mind, feelings plentitude,

Passion to love feminine beauty attitude,

Ran in the elusive paradise of sweet home,

Pair of eyes through life mate awesome,

Village girl her timid eyes now giggle,

Sweet daughter in lap, smiles sizzle,

Realizes often, enchantress youth, its play,

Projected rainbows in colors, eyes to clay,

The allure of human nature for family life,

Wife, kids joyful, steal time, never strike,

Youth, adulthood well past, lonely ripe age,

Never bows to a time inert, memory passage,

Content n happy in a captivating thrill,

Enchantress, her magic spells reveal,

Watch O’ human mind a flowering plant,

Offshoot in two leaves never hook elegant,

Youth beautiful, flowers do blossom,

Plant fragrant in color, bees awesome,

All in time happens, the plant grows leafless,

Dry as twig rest on earth quiet lifeless,

Seeds of flower in rain will germinate,

Enchantress nature brings life intricate,

Grows plant, nice magic wander activate,

Contemplative in mood, encompass my time,

Enchantress, pair of eyes in the sky, cycles fine!









Saturday, November 28, 2020




Grew in a temple town for pilgrims,

Use to merge from nation prayer extreme,

The deity in the temple round eyes, no ear, palm,

No feet, round belly, red lips look calm,

As the child saw many cry loud, tear on a roll,

Few laugh whisper, if thanksgiving calls,

Visitors few focus temple carvings exotic,

Many are busy savoring sweet ecstatic,

Buy idols, beads, fancy items busy most,

Group squat in the courtyard, in gossip, lost,

There is a temple of a goddess, other, god,

Light oil lamps earthen, readily try to nod,

Few ordinary pilgrims sing a loud prayer,

Often dance in rhythm onlooker share,

Saw old people, women sit quietly in the corner,

Reading sacred books, eyes closed prayer,

Beads silent roll long, curious seek ever,

Few hoist flags in the temple, pay for the charge,

Thousands oiled wick burns seeker large,

Childhood left, in the imprint on memories,

Temple visits in innocent belief, glories,

Festivals year-round celebration drag,

The millions throng, crowd marches with the flag,

Grew young, then adult Worshipped pure,

Never could know Lord listen, help assure,

Saw many a time lonely, before round eyes,

Learned visualizes our pain, desires in rising,

Ever insatiable greed, healings are met quick,

Trust n faith conviction, prayer does magic,

Ripe age learned the essence of divine grace,

Seekers ever surrender, practice, in bless,

Legs, palms are invisible, deaf to listen,

Purity, righteous life, rejections listen,

Round eyes, all-knowing of deeds instant,

Whenever we commit, he sees from distant,

As we sow, so we reap, good or evil mind,

Prayers, visits, frequent presence fails to remind,

A plentitude of beggars, ill terminal, blind,

Deaf, partially able, mute, restitute find,

Cheats, thief, criminals, killers mix well,

River of the soul in the main road in the festival swell,

Perplex cool mind, Lord just looks silent,

Witness misdeeds, subtle never prevent,

Never seen cure beggary, hunger, sick,

Limbs ever grew, disables right quick,

Woes of women abundant, ill-treated,

Molested in public, cruelly rejected,

Orphans host of them to beg converge,

Ever ocean of compassion did submerge,

Ever plight of destitute, women ill fate,

Infinite love, His grace, erases reflect,

Ever His kindness saved victims stable,

Ever His wish heals sick, defects able,

Ever Lord punish cheat, criminal, fraud,

Ever Cruel, pretentious mind faces odd,

O’ Lord in life, wicked tremble to death,

How come they visit temple donate wealth,

Gold, money, jewels heap as gift shower,

Ever they dread your mace to slaughter,

A time your gift amazes human mind,

Weapon to obiter human race clean blind,

More virulent organic weapon mind create,

Spread like mind faster, invisible predate,

Silent tears warm roll, alone wet lips sip,

Bewildered insight, this mind do worship,

Life near the end, could not fathom your rule,

So much violence, arson, cruel death cool,

Insight dictates my heart O’ all mighty,

Ever peaceful, happy my nation beauty,

Ever women feel secure, kid’s future,

Ever innocent, poor, destitute shelter,

Ever hunger dissolves, wellness growth,

Ever O’ almighty as warrior preserve worth,

Ever Lord decimate evil eternal definite,

Ever you clear my bewildered insight?



Friday, November 27, 2020




At the tender age of school encountered first,

Beauty is sweet to look at, enamor heart,

Lifelong time rolled slow, rare did fast,

Bewitching beauty hooked little to last,

The beauty of the female face never felt special,

Slip out of school, nearby beach enthrall,

Blue sea, surging wave incessant roar,

Golden sand dazzles cleanest to loiter,

Use to sit long hours watches birds,

Flying high in blue skies never tired,

Fishermen sailing boat, mind afloat,

Distant coastal forest swings aloft,

The solitude, bright sunshine etch,

Bewitching beauty in childhood stretch,

Grew younger passion for nature, beauty,

Heart missed often bewitched slips duty,

Vast waters placid coastal lake allure,

Boat sails, wind gentle, birds much more,

The temple on a rock, in deity folklore,

The crowd love a trip, beautiful lake sure,

Lost many a time in Greens, mountain,

On many occasions heartthrob lo fountain,

Waterfalls several rocks in color gleam,

Rainbows in summer cool spirit clean,

Brooks in deep forest colorful tiny bird,

Creeping soft crawling at bank, lizard,

Tiny fish in number steal look so long,

Rays of setting sun, forest in dusk song,

A trip by boat sailing in a river in life,

Village folk, goods from cities, smiles,

Goat, cycle, school kids, their laughter,

Bewitched in the beauty of innocence assure,

At night a journey by boat once in a full moon,

Overwhelmed on her charms, river own,

In silvery waters, alone with few silent,

Boat mans village song touching decent,

In tour on duty traveled interior most,

Rural landscape imprinted spirit lost,

Green rice fields, swings enchant,

Bells of bullock cart attract, distant,

Cowherds, dust cloud, herdsman tall,

His long stick turban, loud call recall,

At a young age lost in beauty n charms,

Village girl, colorful cloth, smile warm,

Kids playing in village road, cycle tire,

Run along in groups dances inspire,

Evening time village in darkness sleep,

Few oil wicks burn bright, village deity,

Old man with Bhagavat bright lamp,

His narration, listen silent local rapt,

In, car while return saw kids crowd,

Curios eyes, noise, giggle lot proud,

 Left the village, dolls with the pitcher on the head,

Little child clinging cloth bare tread,

Glances as spark curious smiles,

Bathing ghat in pond prick miles,

Paradise on earth is my state love,

Bewitching her beauty tear dissolve,


In, flight to big metros visit frequent,

Gleaming glass towers, flyovers went,

Luminescent cars speeding ahead,

Homes in concrete kissing sky red,

Huge parks, working place dazzle,

Huge colleges, hospitals, transit sizzle,

Million in the stream of life, evening light,

Shames dark night, music, club bright,

Saw beggars in the street, handsome men,

Youth with an attractive look, kids reign,

Scintillating in beautiful young women,

Colored designed dress, silk woven,

Few in ornaments, gold, jewels shine,

Admiring eyes, lips, smile crisp line,

Owed paradise on the moon, felt distant,

Forgotten in age busy life reluctant,

Fading quick milling crowd, night sky,

A damsel in slumber lighted with a sigh,


Ripe age, mind traverse memory lane,

Natural beauty my state, village women,

Purity, smiles, silence, solitude lure,

The smell of earth, mountain green allure,

Fortunate in the lap of bewitching beauty,

Sing her splendor, on earth executive.