Tuesday, May 4, 2021






Incredible beauty nature invites,

River, mountain n forest excites,

Immobilize serenity often charm,

A people simple n mingles warm, (1)


Tribal young females, their smile,

Costume, ornaments, attire style,

Youth reflects rapids swell move,

A joyous time love intimacy wove, (2)


Youth, male, female dance ecstatic,

Amazing a visit imprint romantic,

Dark hair on young women curve,

Curves of the ravine attract serve, (3)


Exotic female voice saturate song,

Green forest fragrant flowers long,

Mesmerizes my heart mingle sure,

Pulsating dances of youth enamor, (4)


A rhythm confluence with the step,

Beatings of the drum love life help,

Remember my dances, drink thrill,

Reverberates forest n vibrates hill, (5)


Waves surge in young hearts like,

Waves of swollen river flow alike,

Scents of wildflower worn by girls,

Magnetic their pull if a lust snarls, (6)


Silence of night  dark forest recall,

Nostalgic lusty heart, discover all,

Rain-soaked greens attract again,

Mingle with tribal people, remain, (7)


Wet earth aroma smell infectious,

Infectious boundless joy onerous,

Purity of nature fresh wind water,

Simple people, unforgettable jeer, (viii)


Hunt forest animal fruit, root all,

Lunch, dinner morning dusk call

Obscure a village of mud cottages,

Weaver of cloths pattern envisages, (9)


Colorful natural ingredients rich,

Tribal design art mimic lives each,

Lives in pen, unique n wonderful,

Saree for women weave incredible, (10)


Simple cotton yarns, natural color,

A confluence of couture nice culture,

Nine yards of cotton hand-printed,

Appreciate world women n excited, (11)


Real feelings compare with textiles,

Technology urban couture if exiles,

Realized cottage product priceless,

Tribal design pattern arts impress, (12)


Festival near I bought nice prints,

Offers to my family present mints,

Dresses elegant festive atmosphere,

Confluence couture n tribal culture,  (13)









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