Thursday, January 20, 2022





Declare rebellious heart in, sock,

Game of thrones not-a-play rock,

Not children’s play, lust playing,

Democratic value real, decaying, (1)


Human search peace, desperate,

Powerful betraying time indicate,

Greed denies public choice alter,

Sabotage systems divisive sheer, (2)


Hankers million, money floating,

Grab, time ripen people running,

Take pleasure comforts luxuries,

Accent to power or like miseries, (3)


Constitution paper, unreal, says,

Equal freedoms, dogma dismays,

Ground realities gathered cloud,

National life, less become proud, (4)


Belligerence clouded election hit,

Panorama, confuse anger treat,

Served freedom fighters, selfless,

Generations remember, impress, (5)


History earth spinning if, search,

Ever noble-hearted return, lurch,

Forgotten ages slavery exploited,

Dream, building nation fortified, (6)


Life behind jail prosecution cost,

Willingly hanged freedom accost,

Few intoxicated belligerent, sign,

Evade sacrifice, servicing define, (7)


Game of throne, reward goodies,

Free energy waving loan foodies,

Wave home loan crop loan, bills,

Accentuate public symbol drills, (viii)


Frightened corona, flees fearful,

Mask-less crowd throng to gull,

Hurt, pained, sad, madness fill,

Power heady wine to serve devil, (9)


Plead republic somber reminds,

Win political lives nobility finds,

Essence, of republic celebrating,

Marches, parade proud singing, (10)


Might-of-nation at display trail,

Trailer, of poorest children yell,

Carry national flag, sells smile,

O’ belligerence, halt for a while, (11)


For whom, shout to vote, daring,

Find freedom equality thrilling,

Search, Bapu, Netaji n Sardar,

Between decades, life few n far, (12)


True achieve republic servicing,

Ensure clean life safe ensuring,

Salute people hope pride sense,

Eliminates pseudo belligerence, (13)


Confluence dedication, devotion,

Nation dreaming n feel emotion,

Dictate thy heart, old age wait,

True liberation if, poverty melt, (14)


Erases illiteracy, class, division,

Arrives republic, unified nation,

Disappears terror, traitors quit,

Change belligerent crowd intuit, (15)

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