Wednesday, January 19, 2022




Impeccable time machine body,

Intense, observe thought study,

Timeframe birth to death flows,

Human emotion feeling if, owes, (1)


Each breath passes, time think,

Continuous thought float wink,

Synchronized with breath well,

Proceed, on time scale unravel, (2)


Eventful life fascinate phasing,

Link breath onward increasing,

Childhood, youth, adult or age,

Events like sand memory raise, (3)


Each breath hourglass notices,

Upper part if, by one decreases,

Hypothetical, lifetime detailed

Fixed numbers inhale exhaled, (4)


Presumes time, sands particle,

Breath count decreases simple,

Trickle-down settles at, bottom,

Hourglass bottom, life fathom, (5)


Settle dream hope, aspiration,

Accomplishment neat emotion,

Eventful human life deposited,

Memories sands accumulated, (6)


Heavy bottom glass empty top,

Measure breathe at top, hope,

Childhood, youth, adult in age,

Time sand decreases, in phase, (7)


Hourglass metaphor, indicator,

Birth to death scale time, fixer,

Significance keep breathe easy,

Feel quiet mind, slow decrease, (viii)


Deep sleep, rest period counts,

Normal breath human mounts,

Extend, lifetime save time dust,

Anger anxiety increases, it cost, (9)


Rate-of-breaths increases high,

Empties hourglass counts sigh,

Deciphers life, dream greenery,

Upper glass cast, neat scenery, (10)


Heart aspires world reflect feel,

Bottom glass sand pyramid fill,

Desert image mirrors age true,

Pyramid height alerts life, glue, (11)


Vanish, greenery sand trickles,

Hourglass symbolize wrinkles,

Hourglass measures time best,

Human-body resemble life test, (12)


Counts breath numbered slow,

Hourglass, breath trickles flow,

Last breath nearer sands some,

Body respires count lesser own, (13)


Last breath n hourglass empty,

Bottom portions mortal reality,

The flesh, bone, inert body hit,

Empty top glass soul, void nit, (14)


Eternal linked not with breath,

Hourglass fails to count, wealth,

Soul; less goes to bottom stays,

Hourglass, inert body dismays, (15)


Anger, fear, anxiety, life sad feel

Count, rate of breath, nit reveal

Reducing number fixed quickly,

Hourglass alarm time up nicely. (16)

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