Sunday, November 12, 2023






Sycophancy hurts, attitude naive,

Glittering lives, glorious life crave,

Altogether different, look-alikes say,

Gold jewelry shines truthful sway, (1)


Truth is bitter often, enmity creates,

Glorious life, humanity, less threat,

Out of question exploitation loves,

Inhabit glory human heart solves, (2)


Fountain of love eyes glint, smile,

Glitter envy green eyes pose style,

Immaculate dress polished tongue,

Deceives believing heart sad song, (3)


Convinced, he continues advising,

Generation paradigm change ring,

Children owed to the glittering realm,

Million a few earn overnight calm, (4)


Say a few words, smile, act mint gold,

Glorious life serves country mold,

Pointed, he cautioned his children,

Thirst for money lust is sin drain, (5)


Pollute character, purity, exists, say,

Money sweeter than honey a play,

Mad world, mad wild heart, baits,

Lottery, chit fund, bets, portraits, (6)


Hanker children's heart wealth wit,

Glittering shows four walls defeat,

Riches to rag reverses destroyers,

Think children recognize spoilers, (7)


They drink wine, smuggle, bets, soul,

Human life is not for gold, different a goal,

Serve others selfless extract smile,

Wipe tears and clean dirt help a senile, (viii)


Lives the Lord in them live to serve,

Glorious life, belong to you, deserve,

That was the advice of that father, sad,

Children grow up soon change bad, (9)


Forgot their parents, childhood alive,

Forgotten glitter to glory, disbelieve,

Left home minted gold affluent all,

Parents in the village, father cry recall, (10)


Noble was a teacher, built lives,

Brilliant school students it revives,

His words golden valuable to gold,

Hundreds of his disciples it mold, (11)


Children rejected him prosperous,

His life kept him aloof, miraculous,

Passed his life and wife, simplicity,

Villagers respect them, say, ability, (12)


Worship both as Guru and Mother,

Touch their feet and treat them as saviors,

Children of the village studied higher,

Knowledgeable got famous quicker, (13)


Their respect and gratitude are visible, sad,

Lost the parent children less mad,

Treated school kids like their children,

Both had pilgrimage last note golden, (14)


Addressed to their children chose recluse,

Letter to each of them glory amuse,

Children failed to find them socked,

Generation fails gold words mocked. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: The Last Note

Themes: Advice of father to children ignored

Written: 12 November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 






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