Wednesday, November 29, 2023






Unanswered questions floated,

Turbulence in a teacup, gloated,

Myriad mystery, life projection,

Taunt human trouble rejection, (1)


Fights lifelong solution difficult,

Possibility achieved check fault,

Utter silence, quiet move finish,

Unfinished work complete wish, (2)


Bare body, no cloth, wet skin, toil,

To raise the head again alert foil,

A thick mist of realities disappears,

I exist fighting for life fail severe, (3)


Forgetting life if extinguished lit,

Flickering wick burning it defeat,

Four walls, bathroom, I struggle,

An invisible power, life smuggle, (4)


Watches illuminated bathroom,

Blackout state darkness groom,

Forgot for a few seconds of existence,

Unconsciousness, no resistance, (5)


Fail to cry out for help, forget fell,

It is twice, fell unconscious, nail,

Paralysis state, fight for life, still,

Immobilized state, escaped will, (6)


How come I could escape, I know,

Automatic electric pushed show,

Rest was rescue symptom alert,

Hospital bed, saline, great effort, (7)


Twenty-second, third, fourth, pass,

Dates scroll, unaware of the impasse,

Stable health parameters release,

The hospital to home, bed, please, (viii)


Six days knew nothing sleeping,

Time passed by graceful ticking,

Not yet time, dear soul, to escape,

Invisible force watchful life shape, (9)


Help when required, I needed much,

A surreptitious hand helped lurch,

Saved me in the bathroom twice now,

Life passed ever searched to bow, (10)


Vowed promise made yet broken,

Silently watch my misdeed token,

Savior to me, subtle, plays delight,

Troubles visit me encounter fright, (11)


Fail to protect me cry out louder,

Compassion His love get prouder,

Infinite bliss grace care surrounds,

Surreptitious Lord exhibit I found, (12)


He protects automatic play found,

Divine presence life is a profound,

Game of light, shadow, life, death,

Surreptitious, He controls the breath, (13)


Silk thread, to and fro exchanges,

Living beings inhale the lord's images.

He exists, I missed his entire life,

His visit helped me survive in strife. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Surreptitious

Themes: Subtle is divine help saving lives

Written: 29th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


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