Showing posts with label ABJURE SEGREGATION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ABJURE SEGREGATION. Show all posts

Saturday, June 12, 2021





Cactus today myself my, thorn,

Thorn untouchable, day I born,

Abjure shed tear, smiles flower,

Born, segregate from all, cower, (1)


Beautiful flowers garden, fence,

Grow inside root out an offense,

Contemplates, people love rose,

Eloquence n write poems prose, (2)


Tolerate a thorn just ignore nit,

Rose exists the class I little hit,

Class by birth, look down upon,

Despise affluent aristocracy on, (3)


Poor life face derivation content,

Cactus I grow desolation decent,

Never find rose, grows here nice,

Perplex me yet, abjure prejudice, (4)


Sprout from soil n equal nature,

Cactus plant decorate my flower,

Incredible insight myopic detail,

Age-old vices, blind beliefs  nail,(5)


Human life n my fluid resemble,  

Name, surname, class ensemble,

Watch creeper Jasmine fragrant,

Creep on your fence face vibrant, (6)


Ornate idol top chest, ascendant,

From very birth, I feel discordant,

O’ human creeper needs support,

Delicate-group enjoys all rapport, (7)



Cactus I grow in arid life deprive,

Open to skies, blister sun I revive,

Knows discrimination un-natural,

Lord Grace me succulent enthrall, (viii)


Small bees abjure wall love equal,

Less discriminate rose cactus pal,

Ego blind people mind class, color,

Prejudice color pride hate inferior, (9)


Inferior only notion wall you erect,

Constitution, freedoms yet respect,

Temple door close category persist,

Marriage, relationship group resist, (10)


Ceremony debar caste is sacrilege,

Neither people nor nation, assuage,

Mute spectator n society helpless,

Deprivation of self-respect distress, (11)


Dream cactus garden never build,

Part of verdure nature looks yield,

Homogeneous human effort tower,

Mix caste creed race praise shower, (12)


Glass tower glaze bright shines all,

Indwellers mix with class, feel tall,

Part-of-nature human share lesson,

Cactus me schedule caste tribe on, (13)


Solemn pledge let us unite a union,

Solemn pledge I abjure segregation.    

Solemn pledge for equality freedom,

Behold our earth heaven’s kingdom. (14)