Showing posts with label BENEDICTION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BENEDICTION. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 15, 2023





Nightmare realities human deed,

Nightingale disappeared, indeed, 

Never asked soul peace quietude,

Naughty mind blind fear attitude, (1)


Necessity, stay alive to procreate,

Negate benevolence, fiery create,

Narrate destruction, devastation,

None are visible live commotion, (2)


No children, school playground,

Networks terror executes found,

Nationality unknown, lack faces,

Nostradamus predict, surfaces, (3)


Neither existed before nor past,

Notorious death squads impact,

Normal is life citizens seek sufferer,

Neo-militants theology insecure, (4)


Naked aggression destroys peace,

Nails fear factor territory justice,

Nameless monstrosity question,

Names new millennium pristine, (5)


Not native spread tentacle hurt,

National now migrant life escort,

Notwithstanding stable beggars,

Narrow principle future shatters, (6)


Benediction prayers to the Lord,

Benign pace effort solves accord,

beseech development education,

Bewitch child study, promotion, (7)


Beware of violence theology net,

Befitting reply educate estimate,

Bastion of peace, prosperity, say,

Better day, future, brighter stay, (viii)


Best living, food, clothes, shelter,

Beg Lord long life for kids ever,

Belittle clerics, theologies fight,

Betrays divine creation insight, (9)


Believes the human race is superior,

Betrayal illiteracy lives inferior,

Bestowed with wisdom acumen,

Bare fact Lord grace life lumen, (10)


Beckon friendship brotherhood,

Banish terror, militancy, brood,

Behest of humanity conscience,

Behold child devout in science, (11)


Bold spirit, daring, different vision,

Bemuse target future invasion,

Benediction, pray for children,

Bewilder, tyrant terror smitten, (12)


Beside people, country capture,

Beast their action let disappear,

Benevolence resurfaces, graceful,

Benediction God protect, fearful, (13)


Benediction, the world united grows,

Benediction human race shows,

Benediction Lord is one equality,

Benediction, Lord bless morality, (14)


Benediction salvage life, survive,

Benediction life fears God thrive,

Benediction, let me perish to hell,

Benediction world survives hail. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Benediction

Themes: Pray the human race survives

Written: 15th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite