Showing posts with label FEMININITY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FEMININITY. Show all posts

Thursday, January 27, 2022




Wonder creator takes moth-nine,

Polishes create live human clean,

Ponder Lord took eon woman nit,

Desired, dreaming pleasure treat, (1)


Presume, happiness time extend,

Delicately dedicated wish to end,

Scrupulous care tenderly n mold,

Wonder, if smiling, touched gold, (2)


Flair bestowed to skin glaze fine,

Let, feather touch smoother skin,

Divine build human, in His image,

Wishing femininity female ablaze, (3)


Long black hair, down knee wave,

Replicate, river enchants, behave,

River serpentine attractive a look,

Curvy long hair n charming hook, (4)


Eyebrows bow nose arrow strike,

Eyes electric spark transmit hike,

Eyelash creates hypnosis quickly,

Invisible rope capture soul likely, (5)


Human-heart undone surrender,

Long tender arm slim if, creeper,

Surrounds male heart binds nit,

Robust fight human face defeat, (6)


Slender long leg rounded, alarm,

Transfixed male heart less harm,

Stem-of-creepers mimic female,

Tight embrace to tree likes male, (7)


Blossom jasmine fragrant sweet,

Male life face nets lovingly greet,

Tentacle her smiles teeth spark,

Lips reservoir of honey, embark, (viii)


Voyage God created mischief fit,

Tree-creeper stays tight grip nit,

Lord, created male to withstand,

Come trouble, stay strong hand, (9)


Fights strongest-soul flesh iron,

Accept challenge failure lesson,

Divine wisdom defeats woman,

Defeat strongest-male, only one, (10)


Bountiful beauty, His creations,

Captivate male heart, devotions,

Like creeper seek support, earn,

Husband act like tree lovelorn, (11)


Femininity naughty creation lit,

Dancing charming beauty greet,

Captures air, water-fire n space,

Lord mischief monger like grace, (12)


Nature femininity emulate grin,

Female n nature, at par decline,

Male life designed to protect fail,

Creator’s angel in treatment hell, (13)


Derecognize male heart, a story,

Divine creations delicate, worry,

Crumpled honor decline beauty,

Nature n female face, assiduity, (14)


Insult to female, Lord insulted,

Wrongly ascribe, males wicked,

Destroy nature, insults to Lord,

Femininity His smiles do accord. (15)