Showing posts with label SEQUEL TO VERDURE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEQUEL TO VERDURE. Show all posts

Thursday, April 29, 2021





Nervous disarray a people,

Peace mirth misses simple,

Tranquil town, silent tomb,

National program if dumb, (1)


Horrible war conflict zero,

Death today pervade hero,

Pyres burn, nameless life,

Witness time differs, strife, (2)


Stadium, hotels star guest,

Encroach, sick beds haste,

Doctors, nurse outnumber,

Kin disallowed sick suffer, (3)


Life battle, struggle breathe,

Gold melts, oxygen wealth,

Paradox a realm, real sad,

Death equalize sane, mad, (4)


Rich in glass towers know,

Money little saves life owe,

Ever world realize essence,

Humanity fight sick tense, (5)


Savagery nature supreme,

Ego, greed ruins, extreme,

Cruel, sinful, saints equal,

Message time, learn mortal, (6)


A canvas of land impress,

Medicene, vaccine distress,

Long queues, summer heat,

Toils people for a bed treat, (7)


Election rallies gather fade,

Festival crowd, sick invade,

Notion returns to lockdown,

School, college is shut down, (8)


Media noise message dense,

Never people feel a pretense,

Mask, keep distance, sanitize,

Take a jab, to confine precise, (9)


IPL, election, festival continues,

Less to pen alert time reviews,

Oxygen in air n short supply,

Metropolis dust bowl if reply, (10)


Air quality O’ people dictate,

Fresh air distant verdure bet,

Farmland, highways, township,

Industry, housing forests dip, (11)


Nature in deplete air toxic,

Water polluted people sick,

Future is a battle for water,

River, underwater dry near, (12)


Polar-ice melts threaten bit,

Devastation destruction hit,

Never mean nature’s curse,

The sin, mankind of course, (13)


Recycle earth-being nature,

Truth insignificant creature,

Boasts mankind face rather,

Eon virus erase a race fewer, (14)


Key to survive hostile planet,

Nature friendly promulgate,

Revive nature conserve water,

Clean air Sequel to Verdure. (15)