Showing posts with label WAVE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WAVE. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 15, 2023





The sacred moment rings enthralling,

Celebrates independence spectral,

Hues splashed across the country,

Stupendous roadmap momentary, (1)


The highway-rail link is extensively visible,

Astonishing speed, time invincible,

A billion people united, bold effort,

Nation building enormous lo hurt, (2)


Fifth columnist rampart, growing,

Wild fabrications, hatred showing,

Predicting doomsday division vow,

Democracy in danger, unity grows, (3)


New year a few months far target,

Election to elect, past deed forget,

The country felt weak, ashamed, lost,

Opportunity arrives mistake cost, (4)


Repudiates nepotism, corruption,

Resolves public enforcement motion,

The landscape is changing fast, warn,

Peace, prosperity, progress disarm, (5)


Disarms predicting horrors swell,

Waving black coated divides fuel,

Cowed down to frontal attack, flee,

The House of Law was stunned, and glee, (6)


Won hearts of people clean life luck,

Patriotic flavors selfless hard work,

Miraculous changing scenarios lit,

Growing megapolis traveling greet, (7)


Rising population rising, youth hit,

Youth skilled, innovative, enlist,

Industrious women educated well,

Female fantasy freedom right fuel, (viii)


Tentacles of feminine power mingle,

Stronger country girl child simple,

Crippled divisive elements shrink,

Reformation of old rules tight link, (9)


Removed the indecisiveness total,

Nationhood is aware of delays, fatal,

An unbelievable energy conviction,

Development got speed let motion, (10)


Amazes splendid democratic rights,

The weaker minority caste delight,

Equality, liberty, growth superlative,

Unseen past history dark life strive, (11)


Break the barrier to illiteracy poverty,

Peasants spine of the nation pretty,

Born after the country was independent,

Seven decades passed resplendent, (12)


New age great country wings afire,

Among the nation's precious sapphire,

Immense respect and acclaim for success,

Alienated citizens united impress, (13)


The hours of glorious moments lit,

Never seen people so happy greet,

Tricolor flutters, pride enormous,

A wave of emotion future hilarious, (14)


The jubilant mass roaring wave soon,

Land eternal wave sun and moon,

Brimming happy tears look smile,

Motherland, we wave, tears beguile. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Wave

Themes: Waving at Independence Day

Written: 15th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite