Saturday, February 6, 2021





Paradise my Orissa all elegance,

Pristine beauty hill in resonance,

Affluence with animal birds flower,

Mountain rage waterfalls shower,

Rich, brook ravines crystal clear,

Tropical forest fragrances allure,

Forrest green colorful transform,

Summer ecstatic, spring inform,

Dark cool shadows of tree attract,

Percolate sunbeam yield elegant, (1)


Valley is hewn out of mountain plain,

Meadows gentle curvatures regain,

Spring of tiny flowers migrant bird,

Marshy groove tranquil lake toward,

Placed blue waters steal heart exotic,

Dazzle gentle ripple sunlight chaotic,

Deer grazes in valley elephant track,

Small village tribal life yields elegant (2)


Orissa enrich by tribal culture well,

Decorative necklace bangle life dwell,

Forest land cornfield cultivation run,

Nightlong festivals celebration drum,

An ecstasy of dances tribal men women,

Young hearts wild steps drum woven,

Songs chorus attract yields elegance,

Valley of silence vibrate in resonance,

Tribal food vegetable corn forest fruit,

Honey animal on prey occasional root,

Tribal language ancient life in nature,

Simple human innocence habits pure,

Complex modern life mingle tribe once,

Tribal dancer’s rhythm yields elegance, (3)  


Golden beach coast casuarinas dense,

Cocoanut tree blue sea invites intense,

Biggest salty lake lagoon bird paradise,

Asiatic migration annual attract, precise,

Aura of tropical sun kisses water placid,

Emerald of nature boasts elegance yield,

Mighty Mahanadi accompany rivers end,

Fertile land harvest crop lives transcend,

The golden triangle temples, Puri Konark,

Bhubaneswar capital architectures mark,

Executive rock art unparallel endurance,

Steals traveler mind soon yields elegance, (4)


Ancient Kalinga of Ganga Godavari East,

Dhauli hill witness Asoka turn Buddhist,

Language Oriya rich culture immanence,

Devi Samaleswari cloth cotton print silk,

Pattachitra filigree silver mix water milk,

Son of soil Biju Subash, freedom dance,

Land of valor craft lives yield elegance. (5)  

Friday, February 5, 2021




 Compassion a gift of divine care,

Adoring pet animals relish bare,

Open heart love all time faithful,

Bark in joy enjoy arrival lick cool,

Hunger of caress play fun always,

Sad a look school office time says,

Animal by birth immense feel love,

A name for family know call above,

Morning walk bathing or feed time,

A personal matter, one member fine,

Simple gesture understand superb,

Human behavior resemble absorbs,

Trust master by life faithful spirit,

Sorrows sadden pet in joy to greet,

Bark indicate indignant invocation,  

Constant attention no provocation, (1)

In chain freedom within home lose,

The arrival of guest bark angry confused,

Rove free in-home watch intrusion,

Bark angry aloud calms commotion,

Knows silent hour leisure bedtimes,

Stay quiet watchful drowsy at times,

Invaluable pet lacks human speech,

Understand well jumps to act each,

Invaluable life enamor her presence,

Breed occasion baby steal immense,

Motherly care playful cubs, a world,

Mimics human realm, a ring of gold,

Occasion displeasure anger n bark,

Indignant invocation tender a hark, (3)


Human life tension stressful riddle,

Fatigue emotions deep fears needle,

Wife runs home front office middle,

Study homework of kid tests fiddle,

Erases everything a moment of fun,

Her smile, infectious eyes glint won,

Her presence amidst family a grace,

Heart of kid wife loves to dilute distress,

Picnic travel accompany happy well,

Restrict to home in chain anger dwell,

Back home fade indignant invocation,

Her silence quiet demeanor indication,

Need pampering to forget hurt to look,

Starts licking profuse intense to hook, (4)


Look her eyes ocean’s depth of love,

Never an animal divine lives resolve,

The divine self exists within souls equal,

Her quiescence looks pure enthrall,

Often meet the stray dog in rain or cold,

Hungry look askance food lack bold,

Immerse within tearful heart sinks,

Capture face domestic pet let winks,

Shy away utterly in shame cruel life,

Cruel human faithful dog faces knife,

Corona comes road lonely food scarce,

Hungry dog bark listens none harsh,

Society distributes food in compassion,

Indignant invocation faithful emotion,

Watched from balcony touches silent,

Hugs pet dog indignant heart decent. (5)






Thursday, February 4, 2021





Essence of travel in the elusive realm,

Enjoy pleasure luxury overwhelm,

Enjoy power supreme lordship lure,

Enjoy manipulate truth lies secure,

Enjoy plot against rightful plunder,

Enjoy guise of a savior donate poor,

Enjoy trust of ignoramus clarion call,

Enjoy ego silver-spoon race, heart tall,

Enjoy endure ignominy, virtual twin,

Enjoy time witness ruination will win, (1)


Landlord wealth, power own over the soil,

Centuries suffer peasant laborer toil,

Oppression inhuman ignominy rule,

The spine of nation feed, neglect cool,

Landlord machination to power lead,

Freedom fancy rightful partial indeed,

Industry business political dominant,

Peasant rarely finds able descendant,

Peasant community biggest joke hurt,

Thousand acres fertile land few escorts,

Shrewd tactics benefits tap well most,

Enjoy luxurious life corruption worst,

Laborers landless meager plot holder,

Deprived of independence prosper,

Life curses to endure ignominy cower,

Hopes home health education shower, (2)


A nation of billion ancient wealthy past,

Plunderer came n have vanished at last,

Under alien rule endure ignominy lot,

Bondage in chain fracture cripple slot,

Dawn of freedom never realized intact,

Freedom to leader wealthy neo rich act,

Enjoy freedom fabulous gift of weaker,

Enjoy ruling birthright famous secure,

Alien is a past horror alienation shelter,

Endurance painful ignominy, yet cover,

A nation under brutal traitor guise a lover,

Terror treason disloyal within yet clamor,

Constitution bends might rich powerful,

Constitution endure ignominy frightful,

Question constitution pillar corrupt lot,

Leader of nation law defense police rot,

Houses of people, sacred oath respect,

Ashamed people ignominy n contempt,

Citizen endure ignominy capital burns,

Anarchist squat block procession runs,

Freedom to destroy nation torch,, a proud,

Myopic politics avoid condemn a crowd,

Republic day endure humiliated nation,

Endure ignominy my nation riot fashion, (3)



Election mega exercise for billion, vote,

Endure ignominy biggest digital ballot,

Poison people’s mind betrayal system,

Electoral process identity cards listen,

Incredible achievement peerless process,

Condemnation at world forum disgrace,

Mute spectator mute public brute alone,

Divide caste national map citizen own,

Endurance ignominy confluence aflame,

Rise O’ innocent save nation erase shame. (4)


Wednesday, February 3, 2021





Goddess prosperity bestows patience,

Poorer spirit patient famous, essence,

Science study research patience need,

Adventure wild turn of fate win indeed,

Music art literature song dance lifelong,

Learn extraordinary class habits belong,

Class of people strives hard troubles test,

Roadblocks extreme surprises manifest,

Patience personified perseverance boon,

Success brings goal nearest achieve soon, (1)


Poor soul labor, toil transforms to gold,

Patience wisdom brave, affluent n bold,

Research lifelong quest add companion,

Persevere patience inflate determination,

Art, music, literature, song maestro well,

Lifelong practice persevere patience dwell,

Obstacle impossible problem to progress,

Manifest success all fade nature impress,

Patience deflect disappoint mind, focus,

Long way rope learning conviction bonus,

Adventure cliff ocean forest desert lure,

Danger to life block path strength sure,

Courage patience confluence to proceed,

Legendary trails depict patience intrepid, (2)


Human life lifetime struggle raise n fade,

Anger depression will frustrations invade,

Tension stress anxiety nightmare insight,

Test of life occur, repeat patience delight,

Life progress misses friend kin company,

No more pleasant time silent symphony,

Memories of milestone ecstasy predate,

Sorrows overwhelm heart, age narrates,

Life a cauldron boils, past lose patience,

Awakens as patient persevere, immense,

Awake time never rewind on transience,

Patience leads sober mind tranquil heart,

Solitude silent realm new life patience art, (3)


Age wiser insightful mature time decide,

Seed wait decade for tree big clever hide,

In time leaf germinate stem fruit flower,

In time flower give fruit patience shower,

Baby born in time patient in womb wait,

Patience teaches walking kid talks bit late,

School college service family, all in time,

Wait persevere patience help self define,

Quest of life mission search ever within,

Years of practice patience persevere fine,

Birth marriage demise only time-bound,

Milestone fill persevere patience abound,

Impatience destroy serenity life a failure,

Inborn qualities win patience perseveres. (4)



Tuesday, February 2, 2021





Humorous looks facts of life turn,

Humanitarian sympathies mourn,

Heart-rending wretched fate break,

Hilarious life dream sabotage fake,

Hangover of struggle a permanent,

Heals wound not heart equivalent,

Sorrows Ocean’s shore irreverence,

Memories scary renege quiescence, (1)


Promise promotes prime faith love,

Precarious porous life pain, dissolve,

Permeate hope assuage heart to heal,

Pasture of marital life whisper deal,

Pour pseudo affection gift affection,

Precaution fail lover reneges union,

Predicts disaster life afloat random,

Permanent renege quiescence morn, (2)


Miracle pregnancy let adolescence,

Marriage reneges weep quiescence,

Mock cruel world condemn muscle,

Meek feminine tolerance hurt riddle,

Maleficent love blind crumples life,

Melancholy life of orphan on a knife,

Mysterious parent misses baby cry,

Malevolent destiny born, on soil fry,

Marvel merciful Mother benevolence,

Mitigate ill fate n renege quiescence, (3)


Angelic effulgence Mother adopt kind,

Adopt orphan offer future rosy rewind,

Accrue tear helplessness lost mother,

Accept hunger of mother’s love, pure,

Affluence with care renders education,

Annul, destiny’s child misfortune often,

Accompany compassion stay, innocence,

Accomplished forget renege quiescence,

Awe monkhood Mother in Lord’s abode,

Abandon soul near bosom family erodes, (4)


Cruel lust lost mercy love renege greed,

Copious pain desertion female life weed,

Curios near n dear hate fateful a future,

Careless realm female wonderer insecure,

Cauldron, unwanted child boil, orphan,

Crumble a life born nascent, inhuman,

Crumple promise of sweet conjugal life,

Cover-up renege quiescence motive knife,

Condoles criminal attitude immoral most,

Credible female freedom self-support host,

Caring motherhood bold grow love child,

Carefree mother’s lap father orphan wild,

Conveys new age female renege pretense,

Color hope future pink renege quiescence (5)


Monday, February 1, 2021





Earth rotates east to west never meet,

Western, Eastern culture mingle neat,

Culture resembles a mighty river well,

A confluence of rivers carry longer swell,

A sacred place of trust faith confluence,

Eon pilgrim dip in water life influence,

Sacred the soil, a Himalayan splendor,

A confluence of culture unite mind sure, (1)


Hinduism most ancient art music won,

Rock carving music instrument vision,

Dance, festival, pilgrimage celebrations,

Language thousand n communications,

Story poem classic myth in millennium,

Lifestyle dress food yoga and meditation,

River of culture length, enormous time,

Fences Humanity Ocean, etch sublime, (2)


Islamic culture mingle thousand years,

Persian Mogul Arabian Orient features,

O’ my nation incredible absorbs dwell,

Melting pot golden soil jewel gem well,

Architecture stands amaze wonderful,

Konark Temple Taj Mahal looks awful,

The enchanting minaret, fortress, palaces,

A confluence of architecture arts traces,

Urdu language confluence of cultures,

Most beautiful human creation allures,

Dancers Mughal time style shine now,

Mesmerizes dances of a nation, art show, (3)


Spread Christian faith western candor,

Arrive, Fareast across sea kiss ashore,

Crumble caste creed break barrier lot,

Western culture colorful lifestyle alert,

Temple bell, church bell near mingle,

Temple wheel flag church cross single,

Faith serves mankind pray, care love,

Past deed corrupt sinful lives absolve,

A confluence of rivers white orange mix,

Centuries move western influences fix,

School college education dress change,

Native festival celebration mold ways,

Fortunate born on a sacred soil allure,

A confluence of faith brotherhood flavor, (4)


Motherland ancient humanity ethical,

Flows blood of tolerance love enthrall,

God’s paradise confluence transforms,

Peace prosperity modulate well reform,

Alien invasion colony perish fade total,

Born cruel heart loot kill death mortal,

A clean pure confluence of river serene,

Clean nation’s freedom equal supreme,

Bonhomie erases blemish, future pink,

A confluence of culture, rich prosper blink. (5)