Showing posts with label RENEGE QUIESCENCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RENEGE QUIESCENCE. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 2, 2021





Humorous looks facts of life turn,

Humanitarian sympathies mourn,

Heart-rending wretched fate break,

Hilarious life dream sabotage fake,

Hangover of struggle a permanent,

Heals wound not heart equivalent,

Sorrows Ocean’s shore irreverence,

Memories scary renege quiescence, (1)


Promise promotes prime faith love,

Precarious porous life pain, dissolve,

Permeate hope assuage heart to heal,

Pasture of marital life whisper deal,

Pour pseudo affection gift affection,

Precaution fail lover reneges union,

Predicts disaster life afloat random,

Permanent renege quiescence morn, (2)


Miracle pregnancy let adolescence,

Marriage reneges weep quiescence,

Mock cruel world condemn muscle,

Meek feminine tolerance hurt riddle,

Maleficent love blind crumples life,

Melancholy life of orphan on a knife,

Mysterious parent misses baby cry,

Malevolent destiny born, on soil fry,

Marvel merciful Mother benevolence,

Mitigate ill fate n renege quiescence, (3)


Angelic effulgence Mother adopt kind,

Adopt orphan offer future rosy rewind,

Accrue tear helplessness lost mother,

Accept hunger of mother’s love, pure,

Affluence with care renders education,

Annul, destiny’s child misfortune often,

Accompany compassion stay, innocence,

Accomplished forget renege quiescence,

Awe monkhood Mother in Lord’s abode,

Abandon soul near bosom family erodes, (4)


Cruel lust lost mercy love renege greed,

Copious pain desertion female life weed,

Curios near n dear hate fateful a future,

Careless realm female wonderer insecure,

Cauldron, unwanted child boil, orphan,

Crumble a life born nascent, inhuman,

Crumple promise of sweet conjugal life,

Cover-up renege quiescence motive knife,

Condoles criminal attitude immoral most,

Credible female freedom self-support host,

Caring motherhood bold grow love child,

Carefree mother’s lap father orphan wild,

Conveys new age female renege pretense,

Color hope future pink renege quiescence (5)