Wednesday, January 10, 2024





Freezing cold night, it was late,

Decided to walk the street desolate,

No one visible, not even dogs,

Doors closed, windows closed,

The surreal sense of lost identity,

Felt my existence like a spirit,

Enjoyed the name Fame Family,

Now evaporated from me exist,

Not abnormal ignoble evil spirit,

Not distinguished personality,

Not linked to people my generation,

Not respected by neighbors person,

A dense condensing cover,

Walked silently on the street,

The quietude unearthly touched,

Why do humans fight arguments,

Why the noise busy life bruised,

Mind plays a life acts like a slave,

Fulfill dream endless encounter,

Looked at the tall buildings tower,

Monuments of human desire,

Now silent and resilient to luxury,

Let the night darkness pass soon,

Tomorrow, opportunity lurks, boon,

Laughed, walked further, stood,

Siren an ambulance passing,

The night some on fighting for life,

Prayed Lord for the unknown,

A pet dog hungry thrown out,

Sitting on the pavement hungry,

Lacks human voice tell agonies,

Felt sad no way can change the fate,

Next lane, then to the left, I moved,

The first home I knocked on the bell,

My daughter was surprised to call,

Papa, at this odd hour? What happened?

Hugged me tightly, she observed,

You are cold, but...

Quietly, I replied to meet her,

A month passed not seeing her,

Wanted a cup of tea it was eleven,

She drove me back home silently,

The hour quietude was memorable,

A link to the past and my daughter.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Quietude

Themes: An event memorable

Written: 10th January 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite







Tuesday, January 9, 2024





That day, there was no sunshine,

Cloudy, moist, dampness sadness,

Failed to explain my heart rebelled,

Searched the gloominess visible, 


A person I loved and respected deeply,

She accepted her fate aloof and meekly,

Found the radiance her look bright,

The day as if matched her life pale,


Children left her husband no more,

The big house was discolored and cracked,

Long courtyard trees uprooted,

Wild grass, an earthen pave way,


The front door wooden cracked,

Visited her and felt concerned, knocked,

She opened the door, surprised,

Smiled, she loved me like her son,


The marked house was empty and lonely,

She is using a room out of many,

Only a bed cooking stove boxes,

The floor is mosaic, clean a mattress,


The roof plaster fallen spider web,

She gave me a cup of tea and asked,

Failed to gain the courage to reply,

Lied replied to know her condition,


Lines her face white saree rendition,

I cried before her quiet was she,

All children abroad debate,

Lost her husband observe life,


Widowhood non-attached sacred,

Constant chanting of divine name,

Consult a doctor when ill, time the same,

Seven colors of rainbows she lost,


In the twilight years, her serenity lit,

Aunty defeated human sorrows,

Discolored sky, her horizon pale,

Prostrated at her feet, not devastated.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Discolored Sky

Themes: Detached lost the colors

Written: 9th January 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite 




Monday, January 8, 2024





Sprouted wisdom awakened soul,

Perceived the path in front of a goal,

Human life study education light,

Conflicts doubt many, clear sight, (1)


Have intelligence intuitive nature,

Darkness covers the path, future,

With all meticulous planning acts,

Surprisingly meets failure in fact, (2)


Devastate life destroys dream hit,

Surrender broken-hearted defeat,

Defeated surging waves at the beach,

Mighty rivers merge with the sea each, (3)


Earth and sky merge at the horizon,

Infinite to expansive defy unison,

Mountain rock to sand bed write,

Timeless glory surrender delight, (4)


Why eclipses occur for the sun, moon,

Regain their brightness so soon,

Surrender to celestial event stay,

It was an evening at the sea beach, way, (5)


The breeze was moist, sultry, ecstatic,

Whispering sense limb romantic,

Intuitive realized short pleasure,

Forgetting the creator at leisure, (6)


The sea will be silent and less noisy,

Vanish a breeze, I am no more cozy,

Change everything time display,

It was dark white surf dismay, (7)


The minion birds, white clouds,

Disappeared, thought shrouds,

Human life, not coincidence play,

Intelligent educated no display, (viii)


Surrender to the invisible order,

Time obeys life obeys if in order,

The command is distinct and clear,

Last breath automatic surrender. (9)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Surrender

Themes: The Lord is supreme

Written: 8th January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Saturday, January 6, 2024




Mind honey bee happy and wild,

Soul impassioned a heat shield,

Youth, every fiber inflamed enjoy,

Romantic likes sensation deploy, (1)


The weeds leave touch-me-not,

Knows touched sensation escort,

Human life young life replicates,

How the mind behaves and reacts debates, (2)


A kiss misses life, a dream persists,

Extravagant mind peruse resist,

Sad today lament forgot my duty,

Became a wanderer, find beauty, (3)


Surprised madness cities agog,

Goldmines crazy towers lives log,

Heavy traffic early morning,

Run civilian life extravagant cozy, (4)


What not in mind watch pen tilt,

Belt tiepin boot dress coin drift,

Pay more to get tenfold endless lit,

Wanderer now city lighted greet, (5)


Pay more, get enough dream sad,

Back to the nature serenity glad,

No worries, old age sensation lit,

The fresh air and clean water delight, (6)


Sit alone in the meadow flower,

Mind I see like honey bee cower,

Not to lose heart extravagant fit,

Hill station nature recluse meet, (7)


Unreasonable to humans learn,

Not gold luxury fame value earn,

Extravagant wasted my life stay,

To family friends but soul sway. (viii)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Extravagant

Themes: Highlights objective of human life

Written: 6th January 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Friday, January 5, 2024






Bustling cities, remote villages,

Human life intrigue privileges,

Stories fascinate emotions lit,

Entwine, sorrow, hope, delight, (1)


A book written about human mystery,

Link sequence, sequel history,

Far from the bustling population,

Aloof select recluse a location, (2)


Passed life mingled merrily fit,

Friends their lives time defeat,

Meritorious gold medal degree,

Succumbed to mafia, pedigree, (3)


Caught and in prison defamed,

Children innocent let inflamed,

Born left in the dustbin crying,

Survived famous a life defying, (4)


Distant land a continent apart,

Traveled across the ocean, impact,

Searching among billion people,

Forefather traveled with a few couples, (5)


Left their homeland to seek the future,

Lost children a root get mature,

Roaming the town village check,

Replies frustrating or no break, (6)


It is sudden delight discovered,

The story linked a plight recovered,

Slavery to freedom, knowledge,

A century ago, left home, voyage, (7)


Changed the village town total,

Paradise on Earth is phenomenal,

Industry education democracy,

Equality, liberty, peace, normalcy, (viii)


Brain drain, back home, visible,

Land regain past cried feasible.

Million home equal hopes light,

Lord graces destabilize insight. (9)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Million Homes

Themes: Life changes miraculously baffle the mind

Written: 5th January 2023

@ Copywrite



Thursday, January 4, 2024





Once a caterpillar on leaves,

Hibernate the future weaves,

Got colorful wings, freedom,

Attractive happy fear seldom, (1)


Fragrant flower, pollen share,

Nectar's short life is superb, hire,

Lo settle dusk darkness sad,

Attract fire from distant mad, (2)


Lost the life burned yet glow,

What life gains or loses shows,

Bow to the almighty his play,

He traps beautifully, let slay, (3)


The death itself is a cleanser,

Rebirth, you believe dreamer,

What material do humans want,

Pyre forgotten life seed plants, (4)


Wanted food get good food fit,

Wanted gold, get jewelry light,

Wanted, luxury, comfort, a lot,

Realized next life great effort, (5)


Evil, mind was cruel savage,

Seed fructified, sadly salvaged,

You like a life in hell smitten,

Your fate, not heaven written, (6)


Served loved all kindness lit,

Butterfly heavenly garden fit,

Life here lasts till the candle burns,

Wax melts wick to ash learn, (7)


Wildflower fragrant, at dawn,

Smiles under the sun yearn,

Never know what will happen,

After the dusk fell, let awaken. (viii)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Never Know

Themes: As you sow, so you reap

Written: 4th January 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite