Thursday, November 17, 2022





Ignored my faith, my God,

Forgot my Gurudev,

But worshiped my mother

As the essence of my life and her love,

Her blessings are all for me,

Believes I shall take this the day I depart,

But amazed and quite amazed,

 Alas, a few generations lost this  aspect,

An aspect and subtle,

A mother carries in her womb baby,

Her flesh and blood over months nourishes,

She feeds her milk, becomes the first teacher,

Takes care right through her life,

Lo, forgotten by most inhuman, ungrateful,

Selfish generation after generation,

Only except grateful heart deep emotions,

Devotions and care right up to the end,

As payback of gratitude for a child,

 Much beyond this mundane world.

My grandmother was very passionate

 About the divine, seen all the day reciting,

 Lord's sacred names hour after hour,

 Till she used to sleep, bead on chest,

 But often remember in her loving memories,

Her last word was the name of my father,

Today my mother is when near me,

I just survived an accident two years ago,

And still struggling to survive fit and healthy,

Her care and mere presence rare feelings,

And  amazingly healing touch,

And peace in my life with contentment,

And blissful times of serenity the entire day,

Those who lose it in mental perceptions,

Have lost all these soft emotions,

If they are mere poor losers in their existence,

In this mortal world,

They will go empty-handed,

But never could know the meaning of love,

What they know of love is their illusive mind,

That melts to ether and void,

The moment they cease to exist,

With the love of my grandmother,

whose shadow is still in me,

Inspiration to love my own mother,

As her contribution when I was a kid,

With her immense love till the day she passed,

I just dropped a little Gangajal,

 In her open mouth, sleeping still,

Never could I know the significance,

Of departure of her for good,

I used to call her Maa,

she still lives in my heart in infinite love,

And thanks, Ma,

you taught me to take care of my own mother,

when she needs the most,

And with me, ever laughing,

A molten fluid of deep emotions solidified in time


Title of Poem: Molten Fluid

Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Theme: Frozen love for grandmother

Date 16th November 2022, Cuttack


Tuesday, November 15, 2022






Turns and twisted life is complex,

Surprised today myself speechless,

Could never understand my life,

Sizzled enough is simmering within,

Every thought memory impressions,

Changes instantly unfold anew,

Little could understand the meaning,

Embedded goodwill graces the unknown,

Arranged only protection survival hidden,

Devastates the dawn desires crumpled,

Shatter lingering hopes calms the mind,

Wait, wait, my dear soul, wait patiently,

Your urge within eliminates you,

Changing a path dawn hint elaborately,

Entwined mysterious paradigm changes,

Your heart cherishes different ways,

Discovers the most beautiful things,

A subtle devotional soul gets smitten,

Smite the past indistinct and forgotten,

Project divinity is never personified,

Stays like ordinary known to the life,

Linked so intimately close to the soul,

Fails culprit mind waylaid, thrilled,

Move far crosses continents decently,

Fly over the ocean future waits,

Waiting for a name famous due to prosperity,

Luxury and glamour are unachievable here,

Obscure town, dark lanes offer nil,

Elderly was  women under the veil liked,

Agreed infinite love and care unreal,

Mind told once me to warn sternly,

A morsel of rice bread keeps you alive,

You fail to understand hunger,

More painful than death drags,

Won't kill you quickly sutures pain,

You cry here loudly none can help,

Go to big cities continent apart soon,

You can mint gold enough to live,

Have your beautiful home gadgets,

Well clothed life will be secured,

More than past your dream to reality,

This occurred decades ago,

High-rise tower affluent apartment,

Every that is needed stuffed happy,

Alone watching my past fading,

There was aunty most beautiful woman,

Our neighbor loved me and had compassion,

Her caress and feathery touches were graceful,

Loving me so closely fond of my visits,

During my school days and college periods,

Her cakes and sweet dishes were delicious,

Bright dark eyes, long nose, smiles,

Under the veil kissing me blessed,

Aunty was childless, our neighbor,

I felt like her son and grew up,

Her lap, her loving eyes, stories,

Addicted to her companionships,

During my sickness, she used to sit,

Near to me remain awake all night,

Today I have got everything and more,

Single life far from family, my aunty,

Time distanced me farthest pain,

I  watch her photograph her age,

Wrinkled face etched age advancing,

Lonely childless mother, I probed,

Suffering these days tortured soul,

Bedridden for a few days, have a fever,

Felt so lonely my heart is smitten,

Decided that final to quit, go home,

Smitten for her love, childish closeness,

Can fulfill a divine duty to assist her.


Title of Poem: Smitten

Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Theme: Smitten with a childhood love

Date: 14th November 2022, Cuttack

Courtesy: Google picture

@ Copywrite


Friday, November 11, 2022






I watch you from the closest angle,

We were friends for a long time,

Our intimacy was deep lovely,

Understood mutual likings, dislikes,

Opened up before me, she disclosed,

Lingering acute desires unfolded,

Female shyness you shed trustingly,

Confide hoped tortured heart lighted,

Empties up bottled sorrows feminine,

Feared society, mates, family a much,

Wanted your heart to be a butterfly,

Taste freedom, savor the world so beautiful,

The soul rebellious to be conservative,

Cried your heart aloud to sing ecstatic,

Never your heart wanted the sweetheart,

Accept in due course, not family life,

Seldom she wanted to have children,

Willing not to take responsibility,

To be a mother,  employed, burdened,

Looked at your face, lost somewhere,

Unreal future scenes, you were lost,

Silent for a few minutes, murmuring,

I pricked you, called softly, hello,

I could see a trickle of tears in her eyes,

Why dear friend, you felt sobbing,

Mysterious, we are only two friends,

Never mean to exploit your heart,

To remain as friends, a railway track,

Our lives will run parallel, never to meet,

Be one a spirit the way you aspire,

Plunder your life as belongs to you,

I want to be single lifelong living,

My profession, nature, philanthropy,

I want to take up a job for stability,

My aspirations for trotting the globe,

Meet people record their customs,

Watch earth is panoramic unbelievable,

Freeze those visuals in glorious scenes,

I love my life as wondering free bird,

Family dreams for my marriage,

Feeling discomfort with my attitude,

Pressing me for the confined life,

Understand family customs, rituals,

Practice cooking, delicious dishes,

Know a book of rules, housewife reads,

Mom threatens very often scornful,

Comments, never bring shame to me,

Don't disrespect your papa, elders,

Obey their wishes docile silently,

Concerned now, I pressed her hand,

She rested her head on my shoulder,

Continued I am educated, confident,

I can lead my life and an independent,

I listened to her story, ambition,

Conveyed her firmly, follow your inclination,

The dark tunnel will family, parents,

Verily long for the lifespan to end,

You shall come out of the tunnel,

A lantern is the light of knowledge,

I shall be there to greet you eagerly,

Spread your wings alighted afire.


Title of Poem: Dark Tunnel

Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Theme: Life encounters a tunnel

Date: 11th November 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Thursday, November 10, 2022





The marvelous creation of the unseen God,

I exist on the earth plane in myriad forms,

Exhibits functions fabulous wish of the Lord,

From savagery to salvation, a song is endless,

I dance in ecstasy, sing soulfully pervade,

Endure suffering, and sickness faces death,

Sprout elsewhere shape name differ a play,

Ever seek the lamp as oil to burn happily,

Spread light, merge with flame, move,

My destination is to be transformed into light,

I burn till extinguished.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Life

Date: 10th November 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Wednesday, November 9, 2022




 Amaze swaging tongue of a human,

Traps easily by sweetest words in cheeks,

Deceives every soul, tongue modulates,

Voice much-believing pour gifts ceaselessly,

A human can stomach to a limit more fatal,

Hungry is tongue is an insatiable appetite,

House, properties, gold, diamond to lick,

Angelic voice tongues wear till a point,

Desires if unfulfilled  lust coins words,

Sharper than a sword can kill instantly,

Wound by a sword healed by word stays,

The deep-cut tongue slashes a heart,

The scar stays still last breath hurts.

Divides sweet home gets fractured,

Ignites people to quarrel, induces a fight,

Portray saintly avatar sugar-coated unite,

Decides tongue to transfix silence pervades,

Lust lives in tongue dishes indefinitely,

Alas, find con lo tongue-in-cheek shows.



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Tongue

Date: 9th November 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Tuesday, November 8, 2022





Telling the truth of life honestly,

When life gets extinguished,

The shadow that follows always,

Loses its existence in the world,

Surprising it is called a ghost,

The signature for existence is sacred,

I find the shadows of a big tree,

Sit often under the tree in the shade,

Not only cool in hot summer,

The peace and subtle happiness flow,

Fiery hot winds get discipline,

The breeze induces sleep restfulness,

Forget myself, watched the open field,

Find cattle taking rest at midday,

In life, surprisingly found the shadow,

Not physically, but on my mental plane,

Here is a woman, my life partner,

Why she named the better half,

Felt her existence me her shadows,

Looked at her love promised me,

To walk hand in hand life long,

It happened to my parents,

Generations scripted eloquently,

The service is  priceless and invaluable,

The cement that holds family stronger,

Procreation God defined duty,

The mother is brick for the motherland,

The first teacher for every citizen,

Undeniable instill human character,

A pure, virtuous, loving heart acquires,

Human knows to tolerate or struggle,

Watch her from close her watchful eyes,

Watching always alert for her children,

Countless services for children,

Human society fails to pay back,

She feeds the nation with a leader,

In every sector of work, a mother inspires,

I find her presence in my life,

Felt like her shadow basking in love,

Never seen love any substance,

Only experienced love reason for life,

Life survives, grows, and prospers,

The shadows on someone's head,

Never felt its existence enriching,

Amazed, the established famous spirit,

The spine of the stout man is his wife,

Inconspicuous behind the  limelight,

Her support, same as the shade of trees,

Any leader can well recline breaths,

The place is her bosom stubborn,

Happily drinks her husband's worries,

Share has a meaning I found,

Behind her, my wife steals pain,

I saw her pale face fight to hide,

If there is any worry, her husband,

Minute observation, rest, medicines,

Ever tries to intrude into mind-space,

Comforts  her husband, forces him to sleep,

The first person to take pride in victory,

An accident that became a disaster,

I survived near death fought only,

In a state of delirium, unaware of the state,

My life was on the knife edge of life and death,

Not for a day or weeks, but a whole year,

A damaged brain and age troublesome,

Six years passed, and I recovered knew,

All the time I was under her shadow,

She brought back my life, defeated fate,

Ink fails to elaborate on her service, care,

Entangled my diminishing hope,

Her shadow was the rope,

Snatched me out of teeth of death.


Title of Poem:  Shadow

Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Theme: Wife's presence in life

Date: 7th November 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Monday, November 7, 2022






Believed in me principle followed,

Life provided opportunities enough,

Friend's envy witnessed my success,

Knew hard labor pays ultimately,

Poor background, merit helped a lot,

Got immense help from society,

Provided me necessary funds to study,

Never asked anything in return,

These Godly faces disappeared slowly,

Gradual my aspiring heart asked more,

Surprised God willing obtained timely,

The education gave titles suffixes,

Career noteworthy skewed sharply,

Looking back on my upbringing in a slum,

Poor parents laborers very rare,

Wish their child to get educated,

Provided due care and love shelter,

Never felt hunger and trouble,

Success in school and scholarship,

Brought immense relief to parents,

I found a philanthropic source on merit,

By whom I could see life established,

The long story each day I bemused,

But fortunate, fate decided,

High profile careerist contemplates,

In silence, watched costly gadgets,

Never believed I could possess,

Today I have bungalow shiny costly,

Disbelief friends, visible aloofness,

Doubt in their mind If be recognized,

I love my root, old friends are gold,

Simple heart, innocently willing to help,

Telling my story, I find help friend,

The greatest solace, peace of my mind,

Faithful to the people I grew up with,

There was the girlfriend from my school,

I helped her with higher studies,

Unmarried research-scholar felt obliged,

We keep our friendship intact,

I find in life my life partner rich,

From a wealthy family established,

She was beautiful, educated too,

Loved my merit, less background,

We get married, family life is sweet,

Here we find our lacking childless,

My wife was desperate for a child,

For years medical science tried,

She conceived a child, fruitful,

On the day of delivery, the sad news,

The child and mother could not survive,

Long was operation only the failure,

I disbelieved this incident for a few days,

A gradual change I could not detect,

Border of madness felt life is ending,

Gave everything I had to relatives,

Left my home the time was so depressing,

I roamed the streets alone, cried out for her,

Hoped against hope, she will return,

Searched the dead-of-night corner of streets,

Madly sleeping in the street.

One day my girlfriend collected me,

Sheltered me with food, clothes,

Entangled to her sympathy passing time,

Years passed looked at the  calendar,

Entangle sad life miraculously survived.


Title of Poem:  Entangled

Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Theme: Friend a rope life is entangled

Date: 6th November 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite