Wednesday, August 16, 2023




Profess love is pure, uniting heart,

Profess life should be selfless art,

Claim friend in need friend indeed,

Claim parents' debt can't be paid,

Claim teacher is like God, obeyed,

Profess service to needy divine,

And service to God equivalent,

Quieter moments introspect well,

Uttered frequently vehemently,

Tried best to impress listeners,

Some inner dark corner of my heart,

Suspicious of believing myself, (1)


Relished applause clapping love,

The relished trust of friend helpful,

Seen grateful eyes hoped sympathy,

Life passed acting intelligent,

Acting decent benevolent life,

Oozed enough soothing words,

Melodramatic healing touch, lies,

Brought smiles erased tears believing,

How much I prayed for others,

How much suffered at others' plight,

How many nights awake concerned,

Thought intensely for their solution,

How much earnings are shared, (2)


To assist poor children, females, old,

To donate orphanage shelter homes,

To contribute funds for social service,

Blatant lies nevertheless acted sincere,

Believed neighbor, citizen, netizen,

Accepted the leaders and officers a lot,

Little anyone challenged probed,

Little media doubted questioned,

Honored in the society live happily, (3)


Accumulated assets, let's not mind,

How performed amassed private,

Dare not to ask for, labored hard results,

Three-storied mansion attendants,

Maintain several bungalows in cities,

Well-maintained provides luxury,

Lead a comfortable life, family respect,

Children believe me and my better half,

Trust in the capability of father or love, (4)


Smiled rarely leading my life stable,

Stability due to mind, a little confused,

Astonished children distanced,

Better half battered less confess,

Choosing children to stay with them,

Trusted servants left unnoticed,

Quitting people on whom I depended,

Alibis failed to detect trapped,

Believed allowed them to move soon, (5)


Lonely silent nights Often examine,

Pros and cons benefit loss summarize,

Where I stand in the twilight years,

The silence is torturing acutely,

Start listening to whispers heart says,

Vitriolic, your conscience stays,

How much you gained, O soul,

Cheating innocent hearts betrayed,

The reality only betrayed yourself, (6)


Love that was visible only fear,

Praise admiration flatter you got,

Terrified life knew vengeful attack,

Preferred to ignore convinced you,

Very well knew your crimes sinful life,

Inkling idea failed your mind,

Only believed you fooled everybody,

Life cried out hoarse you fooled me,

Deprived you of purity of love,

Deprived you of the serenity of peace,

Deprived you of pure happiness,

Vitriolic the soul and heart chained,

A mind, blind that ruled your life! (7)


 Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Vitriolic

Themes: Contemptuous heart, exposed lies

Written: 16th August 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 

Tuesday, August 15, 2023





The sacred moment rings enthralling,

Celebrates independence spectral,

Hues splashed across the country,

Stupendous roadmap momentary, (1)


The highway-rail link is extensively visible,

Astonishing speed, time invincible,

A billion people united, bold effort,

Nation building enormous lo hurt, (2)


Fifth columnist rampart, growing,

Wild fabrications, hatred showing,

Predicting doomsday division vow,

Democracy in danger, unity grows, (3)


New year a few months far target,

Election to elect, past deed forget,

The country felt weak, ashamed, lost,

Opportunity arrives mistake cost, (4)


Repudiates nepotism, corruption,

Resolves public enforcement motion,

The landscape is changing fast, warn,

Peace, prosperity, progress disarm, (5)


Disarms predicting horrors swell,

Waving black coated divides fuel,

Cowed down to frontal attack, flee,

The House of Law was stunned, and glee, (6)


Won hearts of people clean life luck,

Patriotic flavors selfless hard work,

Miraculous changing scenarios lit,

Growing megapolis traveling greet, (7)


Rising population rising, youth hit,

Youth skilled, innovative, enlist,

Industrious women educated well,

Female fantasy freedom right fuel, (viii)


Tentacles of feminine power mingle,

Stronger country girl child simple,

Crippled divisive elements shrink,

Reformation of old rules tight link, (9)


Removed the indecisiveness total,

Nationhood is aware of delays, fatal,

An unbelievable energy conviction,

Development got speed let motion, (10)


Amazes splendid democratic rights,

The weaker minority caste delight,

Equality, liberty, growth superlative,

Unseen past history dark life strive, (11)


Break the barrier to illiteracy poverty,

Peasants spine of the nation pretty,

Born after the country was independent,

Seven decades passed resplendent, (12)


New age great country wings afire,

Among the nation's precious sapphire,

Immense respect and acclaim for success,

Alienated citizens united impress, (13)


The hours of glorious moments lit,

Never seen people so happy greet,

Tricolor flutters, pride enormous,

A wave of emotion future hilarious, (14)


The jubilant mass roaring wave soon,

Land eternal wave sun and moon,

Brimming happy tears look smile,

Motherland, we wave, tears beguile. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Wave

Themes: Waving at Independence Day

Written: 15th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Monday, August 14, 2023





Freedom was a reality unbelievable,

Sucked to the bone, people were weak,

The colonial rule for centuries corroded,

The strength of people lost eroded,

No remorse millions perished in famine,

Looted granaries shipped to the island,

The ruler was taking with gun arms,

Laws were a mockery hanging frequently,

Who loved the land languished in jail,

A time came colonial rulers left, sailed,

Fluttering tricolor united people holy,

Freedom fighters were betrayed by folly,

Whom electorate trusted, deceived,

Dreamed the powerful families peeved,

Liberty freedom corroded nepotism,

Broke the back of people's loud criticism,

Erected wall among citizens nefarious,

Inflamed ignorance, illiteracy furious,

Captured the mantle from rulers united,

So-called upper-class, intellectual, wicked,

Ensured their families, ruled the country,

Devious of their ingenuity to perpetuate clan,

Knew well to keep people, poor, illiterate,

Poisoned their mind, inflamed their heart,

Independence at dawn partitioned,

thousand years invaders ruled converted,

A ruling class divided the motherland,

Still not satisfied with cultivated classes,

Instilled into fiery mind caste and creed,

Fed's devilish idea of regionalism,

Language became the barrier barricade,

Majority minority words coined to feed,

Burning my country for seven decades,

Blind people boiled with dogmas biased,

Blind to reality, fascism, militancy hooked,

Killing spree sacred land turned red,

Burned homes of fraternity fratricidal war,

Watched comfortable ruling class in no hurry,

Fueled frictions, pseudo-fundamental rules,

Thousands of meaningless rules overrule,

Overrule brotherhood tolerance literacy,

Siphoned revenues development proxy,

Blind got leftovers saved from hunger,

Coteries built castles, cronies forts,

Helpless, mass confused, clueless suffered,

Six decades of darkness independence a joke,

Occupied gifted sacred land neighbors,

Still murkier, their lust to grab land,

People's verdict acted like a magic wand,

Voters demolished corrupt ruling families,

Bite the dust disbelieved poor class fought,

Feared perhaps first-time start drama,

Professed vehemently democratic rights,

Helluva of gift undue placate middle class,

Trying to grab power by hook or crook,

Spotless clean, click Father of Nation,

Laughter mildly spread electorate disown,

Knew well ruling class forgot principles,

Choosy to perpetuate rule exposed,

Dismantle visible walls, crumbling,

Factionalism, minority concept fading,

Literacy, skill, infrastructure, minimum livelihood,

Phenomenal growth, unbelievable sight,

Independence Day outcry, dismantle past,

Freedom, equality, liberty, means ever last... 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Dismantle

Themes: Dismantles the dark past,

Written: 14th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Sunday, August 13, 2023






Uninvited, entered house, was quiet,

Silent, empty room impacted direct,

No sign of life, glossy old furniture,

Shining marble floor reflects allure,(1)


Called loudly, resounded my voice,

Book rack old books a good choice,

Looked around, about to back out,

A whispering noise reacted shout, (2)


Spilling blood from the bed cower,

A female lifeless felt lost all power,

Touched her wrist and got a feeble pulse,

Finger under her nose fear repulse, (3)


She is living life alert and enormous,

Called an ambulance, still curious,

Stayed with her in the hospital yet,

She fought for her life the whole night bet, (4)


Sat motionless near her alert mind,

Dripping saline and blood bottles,

Looking nurse the electronic gadget,

I failed to understand graphs detect, (5)


Spikes and curves only intimating,

She is alive but still in critical stages,

My eyelids felt heavy, and I slept unaware,

Dawn breaks doctor checked share, (6)


She is out of danger and stays for a week,

Alarmed, worried about her, meek,

Knew I cannot afford the cost or time,

Only a telephone call curious fine, (7)


Inform them to visit the house, to save,

Someone is dying pleaded, did wave,

Strange house and telephone call,

Now found the female survived all, (viii)


A week after payments, she cleared,

Relieved, revealed her sad story, cried,

Her only son was an engineer but died,

His death was a fatal accident so bad, (9)


Her husband expired a year ago,

In the mansion, she was alone, lonely,

News, depression shattered only,

Decided to cut short her life acted, (10)


Showed her bandaged wrist and cried,

Listening to her owes disaster visit,

Time stole her husband and son,

Confessed her guilt and lost intention, (11)


Her niece discovered a pool of blood,

My staff, so horrified, called for help,

Understood, shattered, denied to live,

I told sister acts Lord never forgive, (12)


You have to live His wishes allowed,

Sorrows cloud mind acts shadowed,

A highly educated sister introduced,

I accepted her as sister and induced, (13)


A decade passed back to my city now,

Visited here now mansion is a school,

She runs a primary school famous,

Children erased her sad past onerous, (13)


Her time passed educating children,

Stillness I felt in my heart smitten,

She survived and rebuilt her life, on my advice,

My hot tears, she hugged me twice. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Stillness

Themes: Sharply life turns loved stillness

Written: 13th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite