Wednesday, August 16, 2023




Profess love is pure, uniting heart,

Profess life should be selfless art,

Claim friend in need friend indeed,

Claim parents' debt can't be paid,

Claim teacher is like God, obeyed,

Profess service to needy divine,

And service to God equivalent,

Quieter moments introspect well,

Uttered frequently vehemently,

Tried best to impress listeners,

Some inner dark corner of my heart,

Suspicious of believing myself, (1)


Relished applause clapping love,

The relished trust of friend helpful,

Seen grateful eyes hoped sympathy,

Life passed acting intelligent,

Acting decent benevolent life,

Oozed enough soothing words,

Melodramatic healing touch, lies,

Brought smiles erased tears believing,

How much I prayed for others,

How much suffered at others' plight,

How many nights awake concerned,

Thought intensely for their solution,

How much earnings are shared, (2)


To assist poor children, females, old,

To donate orphanage shelter homes,

To contribute funds for social service,

Blatant lies nevertheless acted sincere,

Believed neighbor, citizen, netizen,

Accepted the leaders and officers a lot,

Little anyone challenged probed,

Little media doubted questioned,

Honored in the society live happily, (3)


Accumulated assets, let's not mind,

How performed amassed private,

Dare not to ask for, labored hard results,

Three-storied mansion attendants,

Maintain several bungalows in cities,

Well-maintained provides luxury,

Lead a comfortable life, family respect,

Children believe me and my better half,

Trust in the capability of father or love, (4)


Smiled rarely leading my life stable,

Stability due to mind, a little confused,

Astonished children distanced,

Better half battered less confess,

Choosing children to stay with them,

Trusted servants left unnoticed,

Quitting people on whom I depended,

Alibis failed to detect trapped,

Believed allowed them to move soon, (5)


Lonely silent nights Often examine,

Pros and cons benefit loss summarize,

Where I stand in the twilight years,

The silence is torturing acutely,

Start listening to whispers heart says,

Vitriolic, your conscience stays,

How much you gained, O soul,

Cheating innocent hearts betrayed,

The reality only betrayed yourself, (6)


Love that was visible only fear,

Praise admiration flatter you got,

Terrified life knew vengeful attack,

Preferred to ignore convinced you,

Very well knew your crimes sinful life,

Inkling idea failed your mind,

Only believed you fooled everybody,

Life cried out hoarse you fooled me,

Deprived you of purity of love,

Deprived you of the serenity of peace,

Deprived you of pure happiness,

Vitriolic the soul and heart chained,

A mind, blind that ruled your life! (7)


 Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Vitriolic

Themes: Contemptuous heart, exposed lies

Written: 16th August 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 

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