Monday, August 14, 2023





Freedom was a reality unbelievable,

Sucked to the bone, people were weak,

The colonial rule for centuries corroded,

The strength of people lost eroded,

No remorse millions perished in famine,

Looted granaries shipped to the island,

The ruler was taking with gun arms,

Laws were a mockery hanging frequently,

Who loved the land languished in jail,

A time came colonial rulers left, sailed,

Fluttering tricolor united people holy,

Freedom fighters were betrayed by folly,

Whom electorate trusted, deceived,

Dreamed the powerful families peeved,

Liberty freedom corroded nepotism,

Broke the back of people's loud criticism,

Erected wall among citizens nefarious,

Inflamed ignorance, illiteracy furious,

Captured the mantle from rulers united,

So-called upper-class, intellectual, wicked,

Ensured their families, ruled the country,

Devious of their ingenuity to perpetuate clan,

Knew well to keep people, poor, illiterate,

Poisoned their mind, inflamed their heart,

Independence at dawn partitioned,

thousand years invaders ruled converted,

A ruling class divided the motherland,

Still not satisfied with cultivated classes,

Instilled into fiery mind caste and creed,

Fed's devilish idea of regionalism,

Language became the barrier barricade,

Majority minority words coined to feed,

Burning my country for seven decades,

Blind people boiled with dogmas biased,

Blind to reality, fascism, militancy hooked,

Killing spree sacred land turned red,

Burned homes of fraternity fratricidal war,

Watched comfortable ruling class in no hurry,

Fueled frictions, pseudo-fundamental rules,

Thousands of meaningless rules overrule,

Overrule brotherhood tolerance literacy,

Siphoned revenues development proxy,

Blind got leftovers saved from hunger,

Coteries built castles, cronies forts,

Helpless, mass confused, clueless suffered,

Six decades of darkness independence a joke,

Occupied gifted sacred land neighbors,

Still murkier, their lust to grab land,

People's verdict acted like a magic wand,

Voters demolished corrupt ruling families,

Bite the dust disbelieved poor class fought,

Feared perhaps first-time start drama,

Professed vehemently democratic rights,

Helluva of gift undue placate middle class,

Trying to grab power by hook or crook,

Spotless clean, click Father of Nation,

Laughter mildly spread electorate disown,

Knew well ruling class forgot principles,

Choosy to perpetuate rule exposed,

Dismantle visible walls, crumbling,

Factionalism, minority concept fading,

Literacy, skill, infrastructure, minimum livelihood,

Phenomenal growth, unbelievable sight,

Independence Day outcry, dismantle past,

Freedom, equality, liberty, means ever last... 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Dismantle

Themes: Dismantles the dark past,

Written: 14th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


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