Thursday, December 31, 2020




An abundance of pleasure and comfort,

Humanity sought, intense, fate avert,

Desire insatiable dreams inflame fuel,

Sensuous mind excites thought cruel, (1)


Fascinates spirit in journey to nature,

Pristine a beauty cocoons cool nurture,

Mankind streamlines impatient travel,

Locked down abrupt New Year unravel,

Shadows of sorrow fade new hope alive,

Mind loosens aspiring the heart turns sieve,

Solitude wait times miss luxury enmity,

Pleasure comfort abundance, fire burn,

Insatiate a soul thirsty rapturous lorn,

Everything misses tranquil mind cool,

Erases fear pain peerless paucity rule, (2)


True pleasure never offer noise or light,

Mouthwatering lunch dinner or a sight,

Comfort never meant true woolen bed,

Cool home hotel colorful travel thread,

Pleasure comfort luxury love deceives,

The sensuous mind craves, thrill receives,

Spirit is far from true happiness love,

Purity to experience hunger dissolves,

Purity misses in solitaire urban glare,

Solitaire ring of life busy spirit share,

Paucity of understanding feeling pure,

Attached mind work wealth or future,

Tranquil nature add a paucity of desire,

New Year season attract nature’s care, (3)


A paucity of bright light, night sky noise,

A paucity of music, night club grandiose,

A paucity of opportunities, business work,

A paucity of tension stress anxiety shark,

A paucity of a rich life, celebrations, gossip,

A paucity of restless time mighty worship,

Paucity of relaxed comfort soft mattress,

A paucity of enticed serves smile waitress,

Plenty of peace, bliss, silence, beautiful,

Plenty of murmur of brook, birds awful,

Plenty of fragrant flowers sway, meadows,

Plenty of calm mind heart sings let owes,

Plenty of new hopes New Year scent time,

Plenty of lustrous frames gleam time prime, (4)


O mankind forget a year dread horror,

Sick was mind, sick time corona specter,

The world welcomed last year with desire,

Future will turn surprises life to share,

Tragedy lurk behind fate aspiring sight,

Sweep a pandemic paucity of joy blight, (5)


 Inspire human heart awesome brave,

Happy New Year call wilderness wave,

A plentitude of greed ego anger vice miss,

Peerless paucity of hunger desires wish,

A plentitude of silent field hill silhouette,

A paucity of twilight haze paradise scout,

A peerless paucity of sensuous limb ignite,

Peerless paucity time resurrect lo invite! (6)


Wednesday, December 30, 2020




A thorn inherits indignity,

Prick hurts, rose is dignity,

Thorn secures plant safety,

Rose fragrant and, a beauty,

Fascinates a beauty n beast,

Indignity to beast loved least,

Beauty charms mind to alert,

Wishes scenes together avert,

Inheritance of indignity stalks,

The darkness beneath lamp socks,

The lamp symbolizes dignity well,

Indignity mean darkness swell,

Darkness filters to human life,

Life simmers in butter n knife,

Butter replicates dignity allure,

Knife loses dignity creates fear,

Lamp burns in butter bright,

Darkness knife decipher fright, (1)


Inherit bonded labor life cruel test,

Brick kiln, the concrete site is a nest,

Dart road, hut disheartens look,

Summer sun, rain, cold all hook,

Meager wage mercuric fate wait,

Indignity features future a mate,

Indignity shadows for medicine,

Sickness fever moneyless clean,

Darkness a mind, life is a blade,

Inheritance cruel indignity trade, (2)


Middle-class youth study higher,

Education complete fade career,

Resources poor, the loan gets bigger,

Postgraduate for peon get savior,

Indignity a minor moron tag least,

Small family eat well, accept beast,

Meet hunger a beauty, beast dwell.

Beast life, peon, waiter, porter swell,

Indignity erased with salary meager,

Dreams of a youth fade not beggar, (3)



Inherit indignity rural poorest kid,

Only means to survive labor child,

Domestic service, indignity cloths,

Abuse of innocence shelters worth,

Untimed sickness curses children,

Means of life to grow future widen,

Indignity in boarding schools aid,

Poor student scholarship unpaid,

Dropout darkness school is a lamp,

Street kid’s life jobless fate swamp, (4)



Rose is dignity affluence influence,

Reverence, eminence incandescence,

Thorn is indignity jobless relevance,

Dark is street kid bonded existence. (5)

Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Impress Mother Nature beautiful,

Infinite care n love feed bountiful,

Witness harsh summer blister hot,

Behold stormy night lightning worst,

Winter arrives dry greens cold brook,

Forest fires ablaze smoke thick loop,

Seasons wrath torment whether rare,

Enchanting nature nourish life to share,

Her charms steal mind miss stoic soul,

Sustain life flush scars her divine goal,

Breeze sings her glories, brook murmur,

Waterfall roars her pain rainbow cover,

Forbearance unreal tolerance splendid,

Transcend womanhood exhibit indeed, (1)


Memories recall childhood mother’s lap,

Warm her care love alert mind look wrap,

Her songs in the night, pleasant whispers,

Affectionate her feed dresses crisper,

Watchful on kids studies silent evening,

Her smiles at school time wish for parting,

Childhood fade wiser mind adult alert,

Warm tears well up admire her effort,

Never witness mother in pain sober,

Her miseries sadness wanting cover,

Ah... her stoic heart absorb all trouble,

Tears her own secret vanish let bubble,

Immature the teenage missed sorrow,

Mother’s smiles intoxicate can’t borrow,

Her heart mind soul stoic enables kid,

Glamour, name fame dreams exceed!

Immortal her sacrifice, stoic enchants,

A thousand miles away childish wants, (2)


Sighs deep, O’ wonderful woman near,

Walk together in life elegant life partner,

Sweet home in dream sweetest fizzles,

Night fades in dawn life at test sizzles,

Marriage ever a path of roses bit thorn,

Surprises of troubles wish amiss mourn,

Wishes for couple rainbows color gleam,

Trouble failures hopeless, desires slim,

Man bold enough express feeling open,

Woman surpass loving stoic heart won,

Fail to catch her tears, throb underneath,

Smile steals heart deep sorrow beneath,

Comforts wife claims family bondage,

Stoic heart at own expense envisage,

Decades of anniversary both celebrate,

Gratitude to stoic heart wife’s obligate,(3)


 Brother Sister Buds in a branch foliate,

Brother loves stoic heart ties intoxicate,


Father Daughter blood sings eternal love,

Father fortunate stoic heart pain dissolves,


Stoic heart divine feminine confluence,

Swallows tear, smiles of love effluence. (4)











Creator manifested human incredible,

Offer everything to species invaluable,

Gift of divine eyes to behold world ever,

Ears to listen to nose to inhale, smell clear,

Mouth to feed, skin secure mortal frame,

Sense of touch excites, heart-mind train,

O’ human eat sleep conjugate fear gifts,

Hunger, sleepless, impotence, ego rifts,

Tortured wild beast lacking one aspect,

Perishes soon, cruel death fear inquest,

Unique grace of creator golden gift rare,

Intelligence, Intuition, thought solitaire,

Memory wisdom gifts savior mankind,

Nectar of divine love eon glory rekindles, (1)


Universe witness human supreme role,

Rules the realm innovative devise goal,

Never witness human selfish oriented,

The gratitude of human oblation dedicated,

The sacrifice of self, identity, world, family,

Enlighten, prophet surrendered simply,

Monk, Sadhu, priest, divine spirit loner,

Passionate for oblation divine life pure,

Detachment to enjoy senses aspiration,

Luxury, comfort, asset nil an inspiration,

Oblation ultimate attitude human excel,

Peace, bliss inner happiness realize well, (2)


Family bondage never prison divine wish,

Marriage, kid, life graceful oblation bliss,

Never ungrateful human prayer constant,

Unearthly love pleasure devotion test blunt,

Sweetness explicit when sour time let taunt,

Troubles in life human offer oblation pure,

Divine mercy in worship, sweet, food clear,

Wishes to fast, pilgrimage, temple visit toil,

Amazed perforate limb, save head burn oil,

Walk miles with water from river pour idol,

Adopt vegetarian life ambition prostrate roll,

Female offer celibacy lifelong serve or dance,

Oblation is lifetime offer voluntary endurance,  (3)


God drinks poison sin of the world in churn,

Save sinful world ascetic life snakes worn,

Live near cremation ground travel with an ox,

Hindu details metaphor oblation never hoax,

Yogi flows divine path meditates and realize,

Oblation passage of divine quest mesmerize,

Christian trust son of God bleed, cleanse sin,

Oblation from pure heart, Jesus eternal win,

Dussehra, Ganesh puja, Car festival holy dip,

Jesuit, Islam celebrate obligation gratify deep,

Faith, the trust of the divine never only covers heart,

Oblation in gratitude humanity awakens n apt. (4)

Saturday, December 26, 2020




Teenage search friends school nice,

Gossip fun vanishes breaks entice,

Curious silent, few hesitate to mix,

Curt smiles fake fun amid clasp fix,

Sullen, alone, dirty avoids groups,

Surprises many taunt tearful loops,

Scarcely visit temples meet friends,

Rarely finds in functions, look ends,

Amazes heart few brilliant in class,

Teachers never praise; gold in the glass,

Never seek admirations, aloof corner,

Idol festivals in school, miss ever, (1)


School life swept cool, college throbs,

Wiser now puzzles classmate few robs,

Comments are sharp, invisible is a wall,

Appearance looks mingle only verbal,

Curious for years persist a question,

Avoids parent, teachers let never listen,

Got a close friend among luck clear,

Paranoia, a fear, a caste base sheer,

Sat we both alone under a tree cool,

Afternoons were tears deep hurtful,

Childhood was his curse segregate,

The community was inborn aggravate,

Saw deprivation of love care often,

Dart roads shanties drain motion,

Poverty hunger lack of everything,

Speechless with my friend, sobbing, (2)


That day knew this world of walls,

Differs luxury life or faces squalls,

Innocent smiles were lost, so cruel,

Hart rending paranoia a class sequel,

Witness bright bungalows affluence,

A world exists superb easy influence,

Resembles bright lamp dazzles nice,

Darkness under paranoia persists,

Dark lanes serpentine stark realm,

Ignorance in limelight overwhelms,

Got familiar in time with friend lot,

Deprivation is nightmare fear worst, (3)


Generation’s class divides caste pain,

Discriminations vivid impacts claim,

When behold, a temple gate open wide,

Restricts a people on faith door divide,

Knew conception of a faith ignorance,

Views caste-based worship reluctance,

Community caste-based fix marriages,

Impossible inter-caste relation crazes,

Sad a nation, saddest intelligentsia,

Clueless curing paranoia love utopia,

Freedom impresses the heart of a people, (4)

Pens paranoia pain bars; glass simple,

Seven decades of life saw humanity,

Paranoia hunts merciless lacks amity,

Class-based politics, community exist,

Upper-class upper caste, trend persist, (5)


Logic pricks conscience simple

Idols of marble granite beautiful,

On soil earthen idol prepare nice,

Dress ornament for an idol in service,

Garlands of flower offer for an idol,

The community serves, bars protocol,

Idol worshipped as divine in the temple,

The door is wide open restricts mingle,

Paranoia pain hunts words trickle. (6)