Wednesday, December 16, 2020




Golden age, untraceable detail,

Sparkle antique stones unravel,

Thousands of years, cruel time,

Erased legacy of brightest mind,

Incredible imaginative fascination,

Executive artwork in rock glisten,

Antique city ancient ruins remake,

At, bank of sea mimic surging wave,

Devastated in invasion traces lost,

Sand dunes immortal taunts most,

Coastal storms, winds salty mingle,

Priceless antiques amiss as brittle,

Pristine a river dissecting the city,

Indistinct sand bed, dirt drain pity,

Stone-wall embanks round ponds,

Freshwater clean for a sacred bond,

Antique prehistoric saline underneath,

Wonderful ponds hundred feet beneath,

Narrow lanes brick houses close,

A dozen feet higher than roads owes,

Lanes were century-old brick path fine,

Time changed as concrete serpentine,

Antique kerosene lamp posts vanish,

Time swept development electric kiss,

Ancient temples antique idols sizzle,

Ancient faith allure pilgrims mingle,

Morning n evening crowd prayer,

Bare feet dancing ecstatic admire,

Festivals antique traditions exist,

Generations converge trust persist,

Ancient warrior fight enacted a year,

The procession moves slowly in lanes clear,

Sword, costumes drums firecrackers,

Reminds a race of brave mighty fighters,

Symbol of antique kingdom reminisce,

Bank of the Ganga to the Godavari remains,

Celebration of Dussehra idols earthen,

Divine mother decorated antique tradition,

A couple of week ancient worship recreates,

Immersion in the river, holy moth initiates,

Sacred the beach, ponds, antique faith,

Early morning bath, temple visit wealth,

Detached from family life widows in vows,

An ancient practice in the city, austerity glows,

Vegetarian month, purity in practice,

Concludes with boating in the morning,

Bright race voyages symbolize missing,

Neither valor nor voyages in a stormy sea,

Nor executives rock carvings, kings’ glee,

Antique exist in festivals in celebration,

Car festival in city catches admiration,

Deities in a chariot pulled with rope in the crowd,

Antique ancient faith absolves mix in pride.



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