Tuesday, August 31, 2021





Amazes earth spins time rotate,

Year advances fragile life relate,

Life synchronizes linking world,

Erases suddenly golden herald, (1)


August brings tsunami-of-pain,

World speechless tyranny gain,

Submerges freedom peace well,

Dark-face of horror spread wail, (2)


Millions motherhood in prisons,

Segregated nit, chain invasions,

Sink tender hearts fragile spirit,

Under veil hides, smiles explicit, (3)


People witnesses, defeat certain,

Insanity overlord reject modern,

Push millions, women cry aloud,

Heart-rending scene blend cloud, (4)


Great-nation of valiant tribe tall,

Never saw slavery invader prowl,

Lose all freedoms, independence,

Anarchy subjects bow, pretense, (5)


Fear of prosecution death exists,

Harsh punishment invite resists,

Mass population bid farewell nit,

Goodbye motherland corpses fit, (6)


Shy babies, women, children left,

Foreign soil, uncertain time cleft,

Future dooms, families split well,

Ocean of sorrows bottomless tell, (7)


Tragedy terminate nation august,

Empathy floods tear, bye August,

Great Hindukush sad lament nit,

Revolt subjugation reject explicit, (viii)


None residents worried feels sad,

Lack information of families bad,

Dread August departure images,

Cruel fate watches people edges, (9)


Sink hope neat sunset night foil,

Never dawn will grace sacred soil,

Scarce bird fly, free gay abandon,

No free opinion suicidal objection, (10)


Live decently like caged birds nit,

Obey commands blindly, explicit,

Faith on dictator supreme safety,

Ban practices of faith crime hefty, (11)


Trustworthy to soil meaningless,

Surrenders behind wall defenses,

Sacred motherland farewell neat,

Ancient time surfaces will defeat, (12)


Welcome, September new chapter,

Human agonies rule rules captor,

Tests moral turpitude relentless,

Service Almighty slaughter grace, (13)


Immaterial world opinion gesture,

Ancient orthodox practice lecture,

Abode of happiness, joy, divinity,

Aloof from humanity tests sanity, (14)


Goodbye August tearful farewell,

Bitter test of Almighty let unravel?

May, peace prosperity return best,

Happiness love family finds quest. (15)










Thousand cactus August bloom,

Desperate soul n darkest moon,

Empty womb of fertile soil cry,

Child withers sooner cruel fry, (1)


Dark smoke spreads, suffocate,

Breathless spirit dying dictate,

Flee hasty soul soil burns fail,

Barren mountain cavern trail, (2)


Horror points death savor tall,

Black raven top meet hit skull,

Flutter devils message threats,

Surrender survive it recreates, (3)


Subjugate people chains tight,

Force kidnap youth knife fight,

Booms gunpowder all thunder,

Country-men remind blunder, (4)


Forget to kill snake ignore feel,

Fangs spread countrywide kill,

Lack monster love heart softer,

Search for blood kingdom lure, (5)


Kingdom of evil promulgate fly,

Condemn own soil clam, purify,

Ocean of life, split wide in tides,

Swirling river of life wish hides, (6)


Tsunami, of macabre sights, tell,

Search over the globe exist hell,

Mute deaf wise learned faithful,

Consoles world over reasonable, (7)


Portray colors of liberation bold,

Support wash sins purify, blood,

Calm witness amuse holocaust,

Neighborhood burns evils boast, (viii)


Globe runaway skies sketch nit,

Flights happen never before hit,

Escape from death-valley faster,

Take freedom-loving nit secure, (9)


Hectic actions war-footing etch,

Relief security future all sketch,

August nation die cactus grows,

Bloom melancholy, scents owes, (10)


Terror won homeland establish,

Happy neighbor boasts feverish,

Age of salvations cactus brings,

Desert blooms skull head sings, (11)


Unseen almighty ashamed hide,

Ocean of tear submerges, deride,

Perplex cold heart globe portray,

Cower at black menaces dismay, (12)


Mass exodus changes nameless,

Lost sacred soil alien if distress,

Bottle up loud sobs smile mask,

Little favor from Lord, bend ask, (13)


Sacred-land of almighty betrays,

Repentance kill-serpents delays,

Burn bamboos flute never sings,

Ignorance let, devil, grows stings, (14)


Devil, reside in heart seek mercy,

Kindness love turns poison fishy.

Cactus bloom n turn time wheel,

Repent most, evil-notion fate- seal. (15)











Sunday, August 29, 2021





Intoxicates world, people show love,

Peril visit most dissipate help solve,

Lend healing hands n wounds heal,

Feel, gratitude heart humanity seal, (1)


Invite crestfallen spirit, assuage well,

Grief strikes-often console, life quell,

Troubles resurface, miss happiness,

Friend stand affirms support, press, (2)


Threat looms large rarely protect nit,

Rich, famous person find friend greet,

Goodwill best wishes chase frequent,

Affluent-person found festive decent, (3)


Friend relative surprise visit present,

Golden-time fascinates, feels nascent,

Innumerable gifts fascinate life neat,

Simple interactions neighbors greet, (4)


Meet, neighborhood applaud decent,

Flattery willful to please n sufficient,

Happiness states life most seek like,

Acknowledge peace, prosperous hike, (5)


Time rarely make friendship change,

Affluent person face fate alters haze,

Misfortune magic wand wipes clean,

Wealth disappear prosperity decline, (6)


Failure visible stare ruin confidence,

People feel mistrust behave, intense,

Keep aloof from life reciprocate least,

Look away from celebrations-or-feast, (6)


No one welcomes shies away silently,

Demand retribution error indecently,

Amazes period hostile n feel isolation,

Rarely find visitor at peril nit caution, (7)


Sympathy dry-up quicksand capture,

Distress make aware person insecure,

Solitude bitter silence around punish,

Sorrows overwhelm, memory rubbish, (viii)


Astonish life different changes status

Dilapidated mansion thinks ruckus,

Electric moments arrives true-friend,

Ignore worst day’s sufferings defend, (9)


Embraces friend, tight empathy feels,

Immense help bring stability, at wills,

Wonderful-world encompass, trustful,

Friend-in-need, friend-indeed, careful, (10)


Unity makes strong, mind alleviate all,

Peace happiness creeps into life recall,

Fate oscillates swing up again happen,

Glorious life return, peril less-threaten, (11)


Person nation resemble alike, question,

Nation, in ruins friendless tears glisten,

Huge crowd begs mercy none to listen,

Terror living peril prowl past christen, (12)


Remember sadly brave nation freedom,

Enormous friendship, help visible won,

Disaster descends friend quit, sudden,

Life of nation changed so fast rotten, (13)


Pray Lord true-friend empathy dwell,

Overwhelming sorrows definite quell,

Vast faithful nation begs no askance,

Preoccupy horrible life remembrance…  (14)









 Try concretizes thoughts often,

Add adulation nit share fiction,

Pours courage adventure clear,

Portray character, heroic sheer, (1)


Details situation sequences all,

Progresses story n up downfall,

Surprises turn of event climax,

Reveal secrets, fade veils relax, (2)


Upheavals, usher pleasant feel,

New characters, story find evil,

Bad-character fuel, piracy hell,

Cruel spirit wound at will trail, (3)


Crime sconces thrill, detection,

Heartthrobs rhythmic, motion,

Expands story page after page,

Adventure challenging n craze, (4)


Sufferer destroyed family exist,

Revenge seeks avenger persist,

Engross readers mind proceed,

Excites modes progress decide, (5)


Voluminous pages still ecstatic,

Poses harsh world cataclysmic,

End nerve-shattering awesome,

Victim, victor both perish gone, (6)


Leave bitter war isolates, travel,

Vanquish illusive dreams ravel

Quiet desolation frighten least,

Serenity, prevail lifeless n greet, (7)


Curious reader confuse almost,

Inquiries arise, what left boast,

Capture story human life find,

Exist at remote corner remind, (viii)


Forest burns n inferno remove,

Great tree microscopic n prove,

Shelters seed marvel realm nit,

Rain, come sprout root leaf bit, (9)


Spread branch gets tall foliage,

Flower fruit seed mature stays,

Story details humanity spread,

Desolation turn fertile soil red, (10)


Red sunlight sunrise story tell,

New-generation discover detail,

Past horror uncover cities soil,

Practice, culture prejudice toil, (11)


Evil attitudes, nobility co-exist,

Amazes world old-story persist,

Warns population little forgive,

Wrongdoings ignite war thrive, (12)


Amazes whole world translate,

Public surmises author dictate,

Story poems picture customize,

Hit countries oeuvre epitomize, (13)


Hypnotize book old pages wail,

Savagery, of human-mind fail,

Cruel war results, victor none,

Victor vanquished hit oblivion, (14)


Life resurrects equal establish,

Freedom nature promote wish,

Offshoots realized human soul,

Predict human race story goal. (15)









Thursday, August 26, 2021





Transcendental creation burn bright,

Accept surrender pours in faith light,

Surrender soak meant for creator nit,

Creator unseen wrought all beautiful, (1)


Breathe living beings grow wonderful,

Spread over the world nature, protect,

Harness lives immensely care, detect,

Mysterious world manifest myriad lit, (2)


Loves sunshine moonlit night delight,

Perception paradise at heaven wrong,

Paradises here earth hypnotizes long,

Snowcap mountains n green valleys, (3)


Blue river, stream fountain all tallies,

Emerald forest, pristine nature steals,

Harsh weather illness weak life heals,

A fertile soil bountiful grain feeds, soil, (4)


Infinite living forms creator design nit,

Hypnotize color, odor, sound discreet,

Obey time mysterious invisible perfect,

Birth death interval sequences detect, (5)


Perform in time, shrouded in mystery,

Meet oblivion n resurrects all history,

River of life flows for eternity in cycles,

Reflect creator’s presence all sparkles, (6)


Ignorance brings disaster quarrel rule,

Fierce fight annihilations nit overrule,

Destiny, fate, fortune mean falsehood,

Actions seed fruit appear in time good, (7)


Nobleness brings sweet fruit life, enjoy,

Evil action poison fruit, disappear joy,

Creator, reside within watchful decide,

Virtue n vices evaluate born die divide, (viii)


Knowledge wisdom perceive presence,

Gratitude infinite surrender credence,

Morning evening equally solemn pray,

Pays oblation, love trust respects play, (9)


Precious rare birth human wise reacts,

Devotion, fuel heart write song interact,

Believe prayer, little miss in vain, reach,

Sincere request responsive all bewitch, (10)


Enlighten lamp n wick burns complete,

Soak oil of pure love transports delight,

Burn surrender love purify heart calm,

Morning evening lamp burn hurt balm, (11)


Radiate light-of-awareness realization,

Glimmer inner mind close eyes, potion,

Prayer my song, my life oil, I pour well,

Fragile limbs, sacred wick burns swell, (12)


Promise to Lord, my actions enlighten,

Departure, humanity, obliges moisten,

Benevolence remain like smoke spread,

Live for eternity in-memory time invade, (13)


Mortal limbs, flesh, bone, blood, water,

Abode invisible soul Lord, stay together,

Know very well eloquent wick intrinsic,

Sing, creator greatness breathe unique.  (14)