Showing posts with label ELOQUENT WICK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ELOQUENT WICK. Show all posts

Thursday, August 26, 2021





Transcendental creation burn bright,

Accept surrender pours in faith light,

Surrender soak meant for creator nit,

Creator unseen wrought all beautiful, (1)


Breathe living beings grow wonderful,

Spread over the world nature, protect,

Harness lives immensely care, detect,

Mysterious world manifest myriad lit, (2)


Loves sunshine moonlit night delight,

Perception paradise at heaven wrong,

Paradises here earth hypnotizes long,

Snowcap mountains n green valleys, (3)


Blue river, stream fountain all tallies,

Emerald forest, pristine nature steals,

Harsh weather illness weak life heals,

A fertile soil bountiful grain feeds, soil, (4)


Infinite living forms creator design nit,

Hypnotize color, odor, sound discreet,

Obey time mysterious invisible perfect,

Birth death interval sequences detect, (5)


Perform in time, shrouded in mystery,

Meet oblivion n resurrects all history,

River of life flows for eternity in cycles,

Reflect creator’s presence all sparkles, (6)


Ignorance brings disaster quarrel rule,

Fierce fight annihilations nit overrule,

Destiny, fate, fortune mean falsehood,

Actions seed fruit appear in time good, (7)


Nobleness brings sweet fruit life, enjoy,

Evil action poison fruit, disappear joy,

Creator, reside within watchful decide,

Virtue n vices evaluate born die divide, (viii)


Knowledge wisdom perceive presence,

Gratitude infinite surrender credence,

Morning evening equally solemn pray,

Pays oblation, love trust respects play, (9)


Precious rare birth human wise reacts,

Devotion, fuel heart write song interact,

Believe prayer, little miss in vain, reach,

Sincere request responsive all bewitch, (10)


Enlighten lamp n wick burns complete,

Soak oil of pure love transports delight,

Burn surrender love purify heart calm,

Morning evening lamp burn hurt balm, (11)


Radiate light-of-awareness realization,

Glimmer inner mind close eyes, potion,

Prayer my song, my life oil, I pour well,

Fragile limbs, sacred wick burns swell, (12)


Promise to Lord, my actions enlighten,

Departure, humanity, obliges moisten,

Benevolence remain like smoke spread,

Live for eternity in-memory time invade, (13)


Mortal limbs, flesh, bone, blood, water,

Abode invisible soul Lord, stay together,

Know very well eloquent wick intrinsic,

Sing, creator greatness breathe unique.  (14)