Thursday, January 27, 2022





Eon living defeats reality revive,

Inferno turns greens ash thrive,

Miracle lives manifest, puzzling,

Spout, green leaves ash signing, (1)


Wordless fallen trees less fallen,

Dawn break sunray life awaken,

Leaves, then branch and flower,

Time heals batter nature power, (2)


Tree stands well wood-decaying,

Crumbling revive life, regaining,

Regain life, light air-water plays,

Secrecy living maintain dismays, (3)


Divine planning, nature prosper,

Barren field rain gracefully cure,

Green valley extend eyesight far,

Whose magic touch erasing scar, (4)


Rotten fruits, pale flower, fallen,

Warm moist dawn rays brighten,

Life sprang out glisten dews nit,

Fallen life resurrect how, defeat, (5)


Whose touch wet if, nectar drop,

Sunlight, distant reach life-cope,

Lost thought immersed warmth,

Decay, life dying nature’s wrath, (6)


Cold frigid freezing, life awaken,

Felt His touch love duly shaken,

Ensues warmth divine touch lit,

Breathing dead plants life greet, (7)


Trickle tear heart encompasses,

Grace, crumbling life possesses,

His grace, lotus wait night long,

Touch divine rays at dawn song, (viii)


Sense, the lotus awakens bloom,

Warmth vibration dispels gloom,

Thought breaks, feeling human,

Unfortunate deprived never can, (9)


Human limbs less grow, perish,

Living immortal if, human wish,

Creation deprives, revival dying,

Rotten flesh bones, ever-growing, (10)


Stinking smell n worm-infested,

Disintegrate to soil water, fated,

Soil, water, light, air acts miracle,

Crumbles human life dissemble, (11)


Differs simple tree, century-old,

Realize heart its existence, gold,

Spread through birth over, globe,

Cross ocean, remote island hub, (12)


Defeat, mountain top desert ice,

Pierce cleaves rock roots if, vice,

Wither nature climate, survives,

Less water soil, fight life thrives, (13)


Felt human existences, hungry,

Witnessing thirsty spirits angry,

Food water critical tree, require,

Amid scarcity withstand inspire, (14)


Human life n crumbling quickly,

Food water lack human life silly,

Socked-to-bone halt pen inking,

Rob human ruined, life sinking.  (15)






Cavernous human thought lost,

Infinite path dark tunnel escort,

Life, intensely peruse, seek light,

Extinguishes quickly, feel fright, (1)


Flickering flame brings up faces,

Looses instantly, without traces,

Rock cracks, light percolate fine,

World surreal get alive it, define, (2)


Realms under veil deceive cavern,

Stark, reality, open-world mourn,

Moves life desperate feels thirsty,

Thirst for gold hunger lust, dirty, (3)


Search resembles cavern torture,

Life begins till ends less discover,

Less finds paradise on earth life,

Bitter quarrel fight unseen strife, (4)


Silence weird cry sudden louder,

Dark tunnel, human sees under,

Heart perceives n reality absurd,

Elude, liberty freedom life afford, (5)


Tunnel yet dungeon inescapable,

Poverty, hunger, destitute treble,

Lives in tunnel see light in-crack,

Light mirror hope dreams shark, (6)


Illusion tunnel leads to big-cave,

Luxury comfort deal safety wave,

Fear illness hunger absent best,

Quenches thirsty heart, life test, (7)


Fountains, love care n company,

Cave captures plays symphony,

Less life detects captivity happy,

Seeks if, freedom feeling creepy, (viii)


No escape wait death end story,

Cavern allows life slip feel sorry,

Wait, horror, in tunnels n snake,

Snake treacherous human fake, (9)


Fake, love, care, sympathy steal,

Turn life destitute deceive at will,

Wished once to escape lost total,

Grief anger hatred rule immoral, 10)


Characters live once, possessed,

Lost everything, prowls savaged,

No mercy beast killing life craze,

Thought cavernous bleeds, haze, (11)


Thought once peaceful had bliss,

Immense help care love felt kiss,

Human conscience pure shining,

Character replica divine, singing, (12)


Thoughts reveal evil fluidity-real,

Mankind moving tunnels unreal,

Constantly fluid in motion move,

Instantly changes human, prove, (13)


Saintly life turn savage ignorant,

Life begins end frames remnant,

Frighten eyes, skeletal crumpled,

Dream castle in-air if, crumbled, (14)


Worlds thinking think-real sinks,

Cavern, thoughts trapping links,

Fluidity drama of life lust stinks,

Lost, in tunnel lives entwine inks.  (15)





 Vast nation hold billion jubilant,

Impeccable existence, if vibrant,

Once submerged under rule test,

Centuries under dark water best, (1)


Land of God lacking grace, wane,

Ancient glories obliterated drain,

Pristine culture, custom n fabric,

Devastated suffer lives felt tragic, (2)


Divided nation fragmented piece,

Mother’s charisma tying practice,

Emotion thought-feeling binding,

Intrinsic national flavor grinding, (3)


Alluvial landscape were particles,

Simmering wish linger in articles,

Poet writer thinkers kept writing,

Inflamed population lit mingling, (4)


Turbulent waters, serfdoms link.

Protecting neck-deep, never sink,

Land alluding mother with baby,

Baby on top saving, walk happy, (5)


Baby, population, in slavery well,

Poverty, illiteracy, sickness dwell,

Fail to fight colonial might crony,

Exploited, helpless, lacked money, (6)


Mother rustic rural cloth, caring,

Flooded water oppressed moving,

Little allowed drop bucket clutch,

People thriving, survive life lurch, (7)


Secured life mother feed, harvest,

Rice corn wheat wealth manifest,

Survived through trouble waters,

Under colonial rule, past remorse, (viii)


Allusion, of woman, with baby tip,

Walking confident yet neck-deep,

Motherland once walked similar,

Revisit republic day, spectacular, (9)


No more mother underwater, fit,

Her children march parade greet,

Her clothes tricolor rainbows free,

Flutter mother’s hair breeze glee, (10)


Independence liberty blazes play,

Cheers her children, joys display,

Broken chains, poverty, illiteracy,

Mingle past, nightmares ecstasy, (11)


Subsides waters n Indian-ocean,

Washing mother’s feat, devotion,

Himalayas; her crown regaining,

Icy clad mountain sing, shining, (12)


Her necklace Ganges glisten, lit,

Bosoms, green Bindhyachal, nit,

Smile children, promise, protect,

Mighty army march tunes infect, (13)


Swear, save modesty and vanity,

Till last blood, fight for integrity,

No more baby, standing upright,

Standing tallest in word insight, (14)


Motherhood got liberty equality,

Education, skill wear versatility,

Allusion mother, flooding water,

Baby marching stronger assure. (15)




Wonder creator takes moth-nine,

Polishes create live human clean,

Ponder Lord took eon woman nit,

Desired, dreaming pleasure treat, (1)


Presume, happiness time extend,

Delicately dedicated wish to end,

Scrupulous care tenderly n mold,

Wonder, if smiling, touched gold, (2)


Flair bestowed to skin glaze fine,

Let, feather touch smoother skin,

Divine build human, in His image,

Wishing femininity female ablaze, (3)


Long black hair, down knee wave,

Replicate, river enchants, behave,

River serpentine attractive a look,

Curvy long hair n charming hook, (4)


Eyebrows bow nose arrow strike,

Eyes electric spark transmit hike,

Eyelash creates hypnosis quickly,

Invisible rope capture soul likely, (5)


Human-heart undone surrender,

Long tender arm slim if, creeper,

Surrounds male heart binds nit,

Robust fight human face defeat, (6)


Slender long leg rounded, alarm,

Transfixed male heart less harm,

Stem-of-creepers mimic female,

Tight embrace to tree likes male, (7)


Blossom jasmine fragrant sweet,

Male life face nets lovingly greet,

Tentacle her smiles teeth spark,

Lips reservoir of honey, embark, (viii)


Voyage God created mischief fit,

Tree-creeper stays tight grip nit,

Lord, created male to withstand,

Come trouble, stay strong hand, (9)


Fights strongest-soul flesh iron,

Accept challenge failure lesson,

Divine wisdom defeats woman,

Defeat strongest-male, only one, (10)


Bountiful beauty, His creations,

Captivate male heart, devotions,

Like creeper seek support, earn,

Husband act like tree lovelorn, (11)


Femininity naughty creation lit,

Dancing charming beauty greet,

Captures air, water-fire n space,

Lord mischief monger like grace, (12)


Nature femininity emulate grin,

Female n nature, at par decline,

Male life designed to protect fail,

Creator’s angel in treatment hell, (13)


Derecognize male heart, a story,

Divine creations delicate, worry,

Crumpled honor decline beauty,

Nature n female face, assiduity, (14)


Insult to female, Lord insulted,

Wrongly ascribe, males wicked,

Destroy nature, insults to Lord,

Femininity His smiles do accord. (15)






Seek heart fantasy disappoint,

Aspires moon desire if, anoint,

Feel urge intense n love acute,

Experiences life, real, destitute, (1)


Golden spoon fate less bestow,

Acceptance, true reality motto,

Cried my heart, felt rebellious,

Confides life turbulent serious, (2)


Wreck impulsive thought, pity,

Reject soul consoles, assiduity,

Imaginary status symbols hire,

Mind harbinger of future dare, (3)


Flow daydream flood enchant,

Crumble wishes find remnant,

Story tragic life, weaver defeat,

Hope white doves future greet, (4)


Fresh cool-wind of morn lurch,

Dries hot tears, feathery touch,

Somewhere whispering excites,

Less, cry young lad, day invites, (5)


Rome never built in a day, feel,

Fight failure definite learn seal,

Make experience, dear soul test,

Win itself a bitter test, life best, (6)


Challenge difficulty harass life,

Less bed of roses painful strife,

Disappoint expectations, falter,

Next dawn good news life alter, (7)


Predicament natural help pour,

Unexpected quarter, let assure,

Sympathy friend my life accept,

Harbinger of hope lust, feel left, (viii)


Inks life ripen with age reform,

Cool, calculative judicious form,

Never sighting heartbroken wit,

Consolidate broken bones fight, (9)


Essay of tragic life youth suffer,

Suffering harbinger, to prosper,

Memories of scar past carry nit,

Committing mistake alert treat, (10)


Success at ripe age feel, climax,

Luxury comfort fruits life, relax,

Bystander amazes, watch home,

All that glitters dear worrisome, (11)


Know zenith at, top distancing,

Jealousy enmity greed, fleecing,

Paying dearly, hard-earn money,

Lure harbinger, sense uncanny, (12)


Offers estate fortune share rate,

Overnight earn millions, dictate,

Harbinger of desire, lust fading,

Pen pains of my life misleading, (13)


Acute desire costing happiness,

Felt broken-hearted, in distress,

Harbinger, hope, desire vulture,

Learning even now gains, secure, (14)


Illusion casts realm, life collude,

links realization, alive interlude,

Do or die fight built castle in-air,

Harbinger heart-enact pain hire. (15)






Spectral colors splashing entice,

Nature’s bridal dress love notice,

Young heart-throbbing reflect it,

Nature entrap lives rainbows lit, (1)


Perennial phenomenon life care,

Colorful heart blooming n attire,

Experiences physical love allure,

Enchanting beauty nature pure, (2)


Panorama of nation ecstatic feel,

Arrives Republic Day joys reveal,

Growing generation happier seal,

Prosperity, health, education will, (3)


Achieve witness rainbows of life,

Serves confident land less strife,

Strife uncertainties melting fear,

Skill empowers, business power, (4)


Unemployment subsiding sheer,

Youth now dream rainbow pure,

Joins mighty army defend, land,

Arm strongest raises command, (5)


Peasants offering new-year crop,

Bumper harvest, rainbows hope,

Wheel of industry gaining speed,

Rainbows color markets, indeed, (6)


O’, Republic free nation prepare,

People, never before happy, care,

Winter mists sunlight refracting,

Rainbow color sun rays filtering, (7)


Incredible parade marching fast,

Tricolor inherit rainbow fly-past,

Wings of fire, fighter plane cloud,

Roaring above capital sing loud, (viii)


Left colonial ruler shore enamor,

Mughal garden in rainbow color,

Mughal emperors, under graves,

Time sings past liberty if, waves, (9)


O’ Republic Spirit of Netaji love,

Cheers, if, Bapu, Sardar, above,

Slavery baggage of past remind,

Unite O’ nation motherland find, (10)


Find caste color faith equal right,

Affirms constitution pillar sight,

Equally, women education heal,

Break prejudice evil custom seal, (11)


Healing touch pregnancies safe,

Children aspire pink health self,

Corona diminishing, jubilation,

Celebrate Netaji’s birthday run, (12)


Republic day matching remind,

Indian National Army if, find,

Spirit of freedom fighters shout,

Whisper Delhi wind little doubt, (13)


Delhi now less far break, chain,

Proclaim parade defend, regain,

Regains past golden era assure,

United Indian soil, glory secure, (14)


Spreads world bonhomie peace,

Rainbows of nation love, notice,

Future generation youth builds,

Innovate, rainbow colors yields, (15)