Friday, August 26, 2022





Remember my childhood often,

First time I encountered fright,

It shook my heart, felt uneasy,

Witnessed the lightening thunder,

Frights in my heart, I thought,

As if clouds are angry thundering,

Hiding bright sun shines singing bird,

Lightening frightens blinding soul,

Preferred closed room years passed,

Youth adulthood touched my life,

Witnessing fright known to me mostly,

Young life once visited a zoo, socked,

The roar of a lion, tigers so threatening,

Visited frights, I enjoyed, then,

The barricade, steel wires assuring,

Scène of bullfighting on road charging,

Ferociously coming forward frightened me,

Angry bull immense strength charges,

Fear of getting killed, I avoid in front,

O’ soul, listen to my owes, frightful,

Seen a few get angry, shouting, scorn,

The rage I compare to cloud thunder,

Eyes angry look, like lightening sparks,

Can kill a life without hesitation charge,

Charging like a bull, I see frequently,

Viewers experienced dark moments,

Fright sickens heart capture cowering,

Watch these days angry crowd violent,

Ferocious look, my mind reminds, roaring,

As a wild beast lion or tiger roar loudly,

Threateningly takes posture as if to jump,

How similar angry crowd look fearful,

Fright controls mind start running far,

Life frightful, getting wounded or killed,

Saving for life, run for home, close my room,

Watch neighborhoods, a person beating his wife,

Beating wildly, curses, brutally wounding,

Chocking to cry, bitterly praying for mercy,

The man his look of beast angrier,

Parents angry beat children mercilessly,

By a wooden stick hitting soft limbs,

The child cries loudly, pleads to stop,

Fright even I experience tears rolling,

Why, why human you get angry ever,

Ever got frightened at least once feared,

Feared for life, ran at break-neck speed,

You never become angry once,

The anger I have seen with elements frightful,

Burns entire forest turns everything to ash,

Dear soul, often cry, animals charred,

Human anger charred homes, cities, villages,

Frightful sight life got killed, anger swept,

I have seen blind rage like forest fires,

Angry river sweep villages marooned lives,

Kill people, children, women, cattle, drown,

Equal sight angry people invade torch,

Flooding midst of village torch cottages,

Fright in the eyes of resident, a scar of life,

Human anger only frights I break down.


@ Bijayananda Mishra



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