Saturday, August 19, 2023






Confess an inglorious past now,

Reluctant to open his heart vow,

Knows the world around bright,

Education gave him an insight, (1)


Underneath darkness existence, 

His cursed teenage hurt intense,

Poverty less self-chosen happens,

Sorrows behind hunger sharpen, (2)


Assume razor-sharp knife thirst,

Reject to drink water, hunt past,

Thirsts were lost parent street child,

Never could know his past wild, (3)


Alas, parents forgot him on the street,

Collected by city authority greet,

Feed him well-offered clothes, love,

His life had no identity less solve, (4)


Studied well free schooling dwell,

Merit the gift of a cruel fate hail,

Succeeded in career scholarship,

Charity from senior person leap, (5)


The gown gold medal university,

Called this person uncle sanity,

Prompting him to study higher,

Praised the performance assure, (6)


Money no concern uncle provide,

His top post, police officer pride,

Never asked for his gratitude money,

Uncle loved him, distance funny, (7)


Fewer uncles accept credits, assure,

He acted as an umbrella secure,

Pointedly advised for a marriage,

He remembered teenage mirage, (viii)


Sobbed not few tears, he smiled,

God stole his parent's lives mild,

The orphanage, then uncle restored,

Dreams he less dared procured, (9)


No relatives, father, mother, sis,

No brother lo uncle prefers to kiss,

Never told, like his son, openly,

His fatherly protection solemnly, (10)


Confess the inglorious past well,

Left on a street, today honor fuel,

The ambit of emotion ruptured duet,

His wife, children, and life promulgate, (11)


God is not fate merciless, beacon,

Time heals wounds, life reckon,

Discover humanity exists visible,

Cruelty, poverty, illiteracy simple, (12)


Guesses soul search, frequent,

Where are his parents, relevant,

Pray against his raw wound little,

May Lord help him trace belittle, (13)


Their blood flows in his vein raw,

Found his mother's embrace, saw,

Guess his mother, undone indeed,

Must be crying a lot curse deed, (14)


Father, if ashamed, less forgiven,

Whether he searched him given,

A police officer has seen a couple,

Poverty social restriction topple, (15)


Inter-caste, interfaith conflicts,

The child before a marriage inflicts,

Unemployment insolvency hunt,

Unwanted child shameful taunt, (16)


His police officer training, strong,

Forgave his parents, deeds wrong,

No more pittance askance love,

Search his venerable link resolve. (17)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Venerable

Themes: Precious parents

Written: 19th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



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