Friday, September 29, 2023






Spellbound alacrity grabs lives,

Glitter money anarchy thrives,

Speechless, tying wings tightly,

Rebellious, disciplined, polite, (1)


Wings are truly conservatively,

Controls ambitious spirit, pity,

Petty, desirous thoughts cloud,

Add assets enamored lo proud, (2)


Continued the saga sagacious,

Assets gold bank balance toss,

Jeopardize zestfulness impact,

Encountered thousands exact, (3)


Show the neck, borrow money,

Share market changes thorny,

Alas, educated intellectuals try,

Crashed market share to defy, (4)


Defy the ranges of rationality,

If collapsed deposits volatility,

Saw often youth unemployed,

Drug capture human alloyed, (5)


Annoyed parent friend people,

Life in perils destroyed, crippled,

Lost the education ladder steeply,

Lost hope, jobless desperately, (6)


Death escapade sadly instant,

Forget the cruel world tyrant,

Harsher punishment, lottery,

Share bond mutual fund sorry, (7)


The living death experienced,

Visibly shattered lives sensed,

Had everything in life, comfort,

Jobs, education status escort, (viii)


Ruined for drugged mind say,

No drug smuggling doomsday,

Decent family, stable, peaceful,

Unfortunate wanted dreamful, (9)


Money asset property waylaid,

Lost peace, calm mind life raid,

Notice a lot of affluent houses,

Far worse than drugs spouses, (10)


Female fantasy gold or jewelry,

Easily trapped curse monetary,

Wait, please wait, hallucination,

Dreamland pristine nature con, (11)


Allure great pleasure kingdom,

Save money on vacations, seldom,

Delirious, ecstasy fantasy mix,

Nature bridal dress autumn fix, (12)


Assured to provide satisfaction,

Far more than money, a motion,

Perpetual scenic sight transfixed,

Glues heart with paradise mixed, (13)


No death on drug crashed bond,

No cheating on fund spirits fond,

Lost in wilderness urbanized rat,

Unbelievable freshness to restart, (14)


The canvas of desirous emotion,

Addict discovers nature a union,

Delirium spirit spellbound stay,

Equally addict jubilant dismay! (15)  


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Addict

Themes: Focuses addiction to nature

Written: 29th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Monday, September 25, 2023






Dawn breaks opened window,

Monsoon recedes, let rainbow,

Orange sky littered with birds,

Night no more sleepy inwards, (1)


A new day begins, opportunity,

Lethargy pillows net insanity,

Wake up soul console earnest,

Autumnal glory nature invest, (2)


The lauder chirpings a lot,

Invites soul get up love escort,

Love the weather, the beach sultry,

Salty spray waves life mystery, (3)


Bath discover freshness waits,

Rising sun scintillating traits,

Throb your heart lusty surges,

Pristine forest greenery urges, (4)


Change rivulet flurry murmurs,

Rain tricked anger, disappears,

Purple colors refracted attract,

Bedrock crystal clean abstract, (5)


Quiet flows a stream, mission,

Merges with a river, then an ocean,

Get up, sleepy ghost, get up to life,

Lethargy, drowsy moods, strife, (6)


Autumn Kans grass influence,

White furs river bank, intense,

Intense scrutiny mesmerizing,

Spring after rains blossoming, (7)


Missing cloudburst thunders,

Night ablaze lightening, fears,

Blue skies, white clouds sail,

Gentle breeze river quiet hail, (viii)


Lost swirling water fang miss,

Hissing flood water calm kiss,

Green grass, wildflowers, bed,

Starry night full moon invade, (9)


Jasmine creeper, fragrant well,

Whispers someone, union veil,

the nesting time, nature fascinates,

Homecoming bird's nest waits, (10)


Cattle grazing lazily peaceful,

Near festival time, dreams rule,

Divine Mother clay idol ornate,

Pandals thousand music date, (11)


Her week's presence, tumults,

Erases pain, suffering, revolts,

Wipe tear automatic greet hell,

Mother blesses deprived dwell, (12)


Visiting a poor cottage, invisible,

Wipeout hunger, sickness, able,

Heart sings at dawn elaborate,

Lift your sluggish limb debate, (13)


Run amok amidst wilderness,

Watch the touch of divine wishes,

Fountain sprays spectral soak,

Freshly green luxurious invoke, (14)


Bridal dress nature whispering,

Morning dews sparkle inspiring,

Twilight foggy canopy dreamer,

Paragon of beauty, your Mother. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Paragon

Themes: Paragon of beauty, mother nature

Written: 25th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Sunday, September 24, 2023





Spontaneous applause crescendos,

Tall landmarks remarkable, shows,

How soon and when lives disbelieve,

Glued to minarets architecture live, (1)


Changing times miraculous period,

Progress prosperity, duet in accord,

Abashed thatched hut disappeared,

Awash with cash, darkness cleared, (2)


Generation, peasants poor sufferers,

Upliftment happy tear, live pictures,

The picturesque village shines well,

Industry crept stealthily skills dwell, (3)


Farming industrialized, phenomenal,

Technology touch inspiring, magical,

Illiteracy little past hunts, educated,

Girl child mass attendance detected, (4)


Octogenarians attending school hail,

Literacy, the touchstone, golds prevail,

Knowledge skill elixir mixture drink,

Millennium human life luxury wink, (5)


Rustic sights, clean roads, electricity,

Communication cooking match city,

Urban growth scientific fiction date,

Out of drawing paper diagrams met, (6)


Achievers, technocrats, engineers lot,

Tremendous energy effort life escort,

Mountains were bored tunnels long,

Metal roads to railways, lines belong, (7)


Mountain tops, thousand feet above,

Spectacular iron arch science solve,

Bridging mountains, gorge scary, yet,

Awe-inspiring construction, indicate, (viii)


Intimate the new age, human change,

Poverty, hunger, fever, bygone passage,

Nalanda once lived, attracted Asians,

Blasted by guns, invaders cruel, scans, (9)


The country stands protected, defensive,

Warheads war machine bit offensive,

Land air sea today, safe, secured, hire,

Sophistication frontline volume fare, (10)


Building mega universities calibrate,

Innovation invention discovery date,

Youth millions strong skilled varied,

Doctors, engineers, scientists, parried, (11)


They are building their country epic,

Democracy, freedom, equality, if historic,

Millennia looted, plundered, tortured,

Changes time octogenarian savored, (12)


Disbelieve lantern kerosene periods,

Bullock cart muddy cottage inroads,

Bare feet, an umbrella, a torch, beetles,

Pajama dhoti dare to visit city feels, (13)


Earthen pots, clay hearth firewood,

Hundreds of items, cake curry food,

Miss large family three generations,

Under the roof living together, wons, (14)


No more visible split fragmented yet,

A couple, a couple of kids, life debate,

Differs era, youth legion workaholic,

Legion builds the future, microscopic. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Legion

Themes: Younger population inspire

Written: 24th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Saturday, September 23, 2023






Docile spirit and polite behavior,

Grew up with parental guidance shear,

Faced from teenage to adolescence,

Bewilders life, struggled, stumbled,

Comparison, mild irritant, friction,

Look at defeated one taint action,

Ignites compared life jokes belittle,

Fume arrogant mind anger smoke,

Exam to result differ crow cuckoo,

Eggs the same color size nest a class,

Students read profess success,

Fabricate result reasons misses,

Laughter rumor spiraling scent,

Pins childhood brilliant miscreant,

Friendship fights jokingly to quarrel,

Bitter enmity united friends well,

A comparison that shatters the peace,

Companionship thicker than blood,

Look at past simplicity, innocence,

Heart vomits the hurt feelings,

Confess secret abuses, cursing a lot,

Opened up friends smile hug effort,

Forget and forgive the challenges ahead,

Exam after exam day arrives thread,

Result ups and down life tasted,

Hot discussions study contested,

Ended the voluminous chapter,

Batch leaving the college career,

Today, admit first acknowledge,

Far from a merit degree, a college,

Society bothers, not talent gold medal,

Career few minutes interview fatal,

Critical aspect leverage hand tight,

Meek and mild mute faces in fright,

Backbenchers rose in life coveted,

The flimsy reservation category promoted,

Write lines of immense sadness,

Knows very well society, madness,

Conscience justice capability smoke,

Power position money link provoke,

Narrate friendship for decades,

Student life, beaten by division,  

Accepted my merit scholar tag,

Serving my friend, my boss wag,

Carrying his files to vehicles, tables,

Carrying his bag water bottle,

Begs permission to leave office,

His third division intelligence price,

Accept silently, nod readily a lot,

Flatter mildly intermittently,

Price for surrender granted leave,

Solace meets at home, peaceful.

Thrive at vacation trip with family,

Immensely enchanting the valley,

Children and better half play merrily,

Heaven crashed on my head, boss silly,

Visiting the same hill station,

Started ordering for job action,

His glare blunt words wife saw,

Knew our college days fuming raw,

She knew very well boss, useless,

Obeyed his orders, children rebellious,

Decent, polite, clerical, not furious! 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Rebellious

Themes: Discarding revolt wisely and stable

Written: 23rd September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite