Sunday, September 3, 2023






The darkness of night frightened life,

Silence piercing energizes strife,

A juvenile heart lacks thrills, visible,

Search for a job, shelter looks simple, (1)


Milling crowds, busy streets, malls,

Alas, vehicle, pedestrian footfalls,

Born in this city, once considered,

Immense opportunities preferred, (2)


Gold medal postgraduate, honor,

Parents, friends, teachers clamor,

Demanded plum post, career tuff,

Walk every nook and corner huff, (3)


The interview panel polished sick,

Sick, the youth felt, the eyes prick,

Probed status, family, disastrous,

The degree certificate fails callous, (4)


Fail to impress during interviews,

Pals got employment link rescues,

Uncle, a minister, the senior officer, calls,

Telephones achieve tasks strolls, (5)


Surprised to watch youth bearded,

Out-of-focus eyes walk threaded,

The confidence gaiety visibly lost,

Sadly marked his life merits cost, (6)


Priceless possession, profession,

He deserved to lead a life notion,

Should be honored respected fit,

His position credentials explicit, (7)


But contrary to his ability, efforts failed,

From parents or teachers, life derailed,

Notice him at the bar, drunk laughs,

Smokes, he intermittently coughs, (viii)


Remorse felt to hear from parents,

He returns home very late, scents,

The sad downfall of a promising kid,

Society is less bothered to get rid, (9)


Very well knows the youth, fond,

Even if in the mud but diamond,

Need support and care, loves a lot,

Bring up confidence, great effort, (10)


Invited him to family acquainted,

Gradual comfortable yet talented,

Understood all, love, caring, feelings,

Accompanied by us know likings, (11)


The night was different, bright, felt,

A moonlit night in the boat dwelt,

The lake, luminescent silver, quiet,

The boatman playing a flute, a duet, (12)


Kids were mesmerized and hungry, yet,

Returned, consoled his mind, bet,

Advised him to switch to business,

Promised to arrange loan address, (13)


He looked at me, believed, relieved,

A story was a decade ago, retrieved,

The youth is a big shot, a businessman,

He showed his prowess, that he can, (14)


The same is the lake, similar full moon,

Invited me to the boat lives bloom,

He was crying, smiling, laughing well,

Found tears in my eyes gaiety dwell, (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Gaiety 

Themes: Differed the full moon, night gaiety visible

Written: 3rd September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





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