Monday, September 11, 2023





Reminiscent, imaginary game,

School days teenage life, same,

Slipping out of class hide-seek,

Foe or friend group, play trick, (1)


Catch screw ear friend change,

After the game closeness craze,

Long after matured surprising,

Alarmed word foe if distressing, (2)


Enmity ground fertile breeding,

Hatred, anger, jealousy treading,

Terrifies life language provokes,

The heart can spit venom socks, (3)


Repulsive, angry face muttering,

Interaction arguments pivoting,

Intensions may harm injurious,

Hibernate enmity, plots furious, (4)


Simple verbal duel inflame hot,

The human can plan, kill effort,

Friend or foe, watchmen shout,

Darkness opaque nights doubt, (5)


Behind windows, curtain, shiver,

Close windows thieves insecure,

Foe to humanity, sanity insane,

Loot everything can harm sane, (6)


No mercy may commit crimes,

Kidnapping act, bargain, fines,

Plunder underworld, masterly,

Foe of society, crime dastardly, (7)


Wisdom lighted many lives in fear,

Prefer friendship a foe insecure,

Focused on travels, frequent life,

Accident machine trouble strife, (viii)


Trains hundred miles at speed,

Driver God for passenger read,

Friend is a driver, dependable,

Life of hundreds of travelers able, (9)


Not the train but bus or plane,

Pilot disciplined disobey same,

Threat foe to human lives link,

Drink, drive drunk, lives sink, (10)


Revelation pilots drunk think,

Often sleep in the cabin brink,

Friend or foe habit bit decider,

Depend the unaware traveler,(11)


The infinite trust belief is shown,

Alas, driver delirious, unknown,

Foe against the Lord, invisible,

Childhood game foe, not simple, (12)


Gruesome aspect, foe, feticide,

Womb shelter for an unborn child,

The soul of an unborn trusting,

Mother betrays destroys willing, (13)


Foe against the Lord sins grave,

Conscience clipped, lives behave,

Hidden nature foe fight fortitude,

Lord blesses friendship attitude. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Foe

Themes: Foe to feticide human sins

Written: 11th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite






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