Showing posts with label PASSIONATE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PASSIONATE. Show all posts

Saturday, November 11, 2023






Autumnal phenomenon bewitch,

Unbelievable mirth times switch,

Touch arid soil, inert rock, livable,

Hostile climate melody ensemble, (1)


Whispers breeze kisses ear-buds,

Revives romanticism, ages prods,

Dismantle dormant intention lit,

Reject lethargy, agile heart defeat, (2)


Watch the sunrise orange sky invites,

Colored blue sea glowing, excites,

Stupefied, disbelieve, leaf sprouts,

Lifeless rock, dews soaked routs, (3)


Green lives greenish nature yell,

Autumn superlative, revive trail,

Wild grass failed adoration glow,

Colorful flower blossoms show, (4)


Vibrant smiling scenic sight sail,

Rock and flower youngness nail,

Discover spring life flowering fit,

Passionate thoughts, airy, delight, (5)


Survive like rock water air links,

Human body limb spring winks,

Compared with wildflower lovely,

Inherit passion benign solemnly, (6)


The human heart is passionate, learns,

Educator honey bee flies scorns,

Flower fragrant live for a day exists,

Wait, sunlight, beaming joy, excites, (7)


Short a life lingering effect stays,

Passion to meet sunshine, essays,

Wither human life stinking note,

Human deed noble lesson quote, (viii)


Live, cows give milk, feed children,

Grew kids stronger, less shaken,

Breed cows, cow dung fertilizes,

Fertile soil bountiful crop raises, (9)


Serves cow to humans signifies,

Killing cows, mercy, life dignifies,

Breed, well sustainable, flourish,

Cattle link gold action feverish, (10)


Passion, prosperity, growth, peace,

Passion brotherhood time wish,

Passion cruelty behold a rock,

Passionate water percolate sock, (11)


Reduces rock to pebble to sand,

Fluidity melting heart life stand,

Sacrificial attempt, cruel, discard,

Survival instinct, imitate, reward, (12)


Passion deletes hunger, poverty,

Passion literacy, grow prosperity,

Teach flowers upon rock lesson,

Passionate nature earth motion, (13)


Stop today freezes living beings,

Dies the planet passion swings,

Passion, of life secret mysterious,

Inert rock and wild grass are curious. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Passionate

Themes: Nature is passionate procreative

Written: 11th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite