Thursday, June 17, 2021






Elusive world mesmerizes n fluent,

Milling crowd amuse me efficient,

Bustling cities million inhabit nit,

Smiles, scorn, laughter, wish, lit, (1)


Sky scrapper glass, steel, concrete,

Highway sketch mazes n discreet,

Parks, museum, college, institute,

Corporate n office complex repute, (2)


Shopping center restaurant swell,

Amazing people night never quell,

Recreation, sport, entertainment,

Child to old finds little discontent, (3)


Busiest life hectic rush hour flow,

Endless, river of live dreams glow,

Great circus of fame, fortune, luck,

Fate destiny change all time mock, (4)


Poor rises as affluent spirals high,

Surprise people applause, all sigh,

Crumbles, tower of reputation well,

Craze novel, story n in heart dwell, (5)


The people never sleep industrious,

I wander in rural splendor curious,

Overwhelm silence, green, solitude,

Pictorial sweet homes no multitude, (6)


Great, firms, cornfield tree meadow,

Witness spellbound beauty window,

Walk happy amid forest desolation,

Nature befriend instant consolation, (7)


Weariness unpleasant memory nil,

Peace, tranquility, calm mind reveal,

I realized as part of nature n naked,

Lose vanity, ego a cloth confiscated, (viii)


Stark mountain n captures horizon,

White cloud mist spread my reason,

Lost soul from, wonderful-world feel,

Lose identity past for moment kneel, (9)


Creator’s toy He plays make or break,

Esoteric enchantment human awake,

Few understand, His games entrap,

Human sense His weapon lust wrap, (10)


Enormous appetite human seek all,

Million, attraction under canopy call,

Attractions, of oasis, pleasures invite,

Illness, death, pain, agony, less, respite, (11)


Sat nightlong watch billion-star gaze,

Alone in forest thought mystery haze,

Craze human, family, friend, people,

Life story, eon we portray, yet miracle, (12)


Cycle-of-life birth-death nature occur,

Our, sojourn the world to me unclear,

Notice men reject world detach total,

Behave fearless to death, less mortal, (13)


Quit mundane world people, wander,

Most desire, hope, dream squander,

Little dress, asset, wealth n enchant,

Merge past, present future, remnant, (14)


Concluded that night man in nature,

Part of nature bare beautiful seeker,

Seek mystery of world sojourn clean,

Ah…, esoteric enchantment ends win!  (15)










Wednesday, June 16, 2021






Lifelong mind enamor pleasure,

Tireless my efforts offer leisure,

Accumulates wealth at disposal,

Never argues mind least-refusal, (1)


Struggle harder, provide comfort,

Mind wills enormous, self-effort,

My self-effort satisfy mind short,

Harbor memories thoughts hurt, (2)


Harbor humiliation insult scold,

Feed heart fuel all emotion gold,

Pour potion of hatred, my anger,

Inflame burn within mind eager, (3)


Rainbows of greed, jealousy play,

Thought clouds colorful, display,

Eyes attract glass palace, dazzle,

Opulence mind savor work fizzle, (3)


Pens melancholy song mind rule,

Shy conscience console life mule,

I meet glitter mind is never gold,

Hard work self imagination bold, (4)


Passion-of-soul control mind nit,

Check temptation, lust every bit,

Work is life work encourage most,

Conscience, wisdom dreams host, (5)


Epicurean-mind seeks knowledge,

Feed soul expertise skill if college,

Dispel ignorance dark mind edge,

Revolt with anger ego bitter craze, (6)


Fear mind with, light feel insecure,

Force feed me ethics a myth cure,

Change my craze of food, thought,

Transform mind appetite as if lost, (7)


Entrap me n mind drink humility,

Potion of love care kind simplicity,

Train my mind, behave epicurean,

Harbor the compassion herculean, (viii)


Harbors sympathy for sufferer all,

Epicurean empathy serves self roll,

Epicurean nature my mind, acquire,

Paradigm change happen n inspire, (9)


Express all long nights got torture,

Mind was a forest in fire fuel anger,

Dry wood greed jealousy ego I hate,

Use to feed epicurean heart inmate, (10)


Burnt limbs scarred image smolder,

Smolder my heart I never get older,

Childish hungry always cry in vain,

Feed my mind its lust as act insane, (11)


Reveal bitter battle epicurean mind,

Narrate conquest of evil purity find,

Narrate dream night sweet enamor,

Awaken my mind epicurean harbor,  (13)


Tuesday, June 15, 2021





Bitterest struggle people seek

A white dove peace, hope leak,

Amazes the world n proclaim,

Friendship fraternity we gain, (1)


Mutual trust respect a nation,

Sovereign land tie admiration,

Build bridges of trust n culture,

Assimilate gradual mix future, (2)


Reject humanity aspersion nit,

Segregate scorn despise delete,

Dreads disease, cancer actual,

Harbor mind in guise kill total, (3)


Pandemic show path unity lit,

United mankind fight discreet,

Share vaccines help medicine,

Control viral clips quarantine, (3)


In peril threats to human-race,

Intimate herald n unities grace,

Nations come forward empathy,

People to people feel sympathy, (4)


Tell me friend near new herald,

Oceanic bond goodwill emerald,

Ocean draws one world picture,

No boundary wall earth secure, (5)


One sky, same worlds-of-nation,

One rain cloud n rivers swollen,

Ocean unites n continents sail,

Treasure trove ocean floor hail, (6)


Mineral, oil, seafood all regain,

One Earth nature care remain,

Human greed pollute the earth,

Ruin soil pollute seas air worth, (7)


Herald for future survival claim,

Conserve water build forest aim,

Cleans ocean all oil leaks, plastic,

Costal belt green, marine exotic, (viii)


Replicate pandemic cooperation,

Question world citizen a notion,

Essential to maintain heat trap,

Build ozone layer, sea level tap, (9)


Save a thousand islands clarion,

Quest for herald one earth morn,

Herald messages delete darkness,

Ignorance is a curse walls depress, (10)


Education, research, skills equal,

Women equality empower n total,

Disappears race, clan caste creed,

Wish future gen, heralds indeed, (11)


Humanity forsakes nuclear arm,

Fraternity force nation to disarm,

Freedom, democracy n free travel,

Mankind communicates, unravel, (12)


A white dove peace musk prosper,

Quest for herald a future whisper,

Simple a microbe taught a lesson,

Unite to survive or hymn oblivion.  (13)












Monday, June 14, 2021





Guilt torture me blind to failure,

Adequate plan effort rare secure,

Whimsical instinct struggle hard,

Abysmal estimate snatch reward, (1)


Hope against hope betray, elusive,

Eloquent, thought dream divisive,

Young mind I grow youth temper,

Aggressive often n obstacle suffer, (2)


Epitome entangle sock inferiority,

Fail to digest superior n seniority,

Savage nature cast aspersion nit,

Arrogance ego ignorance rule wit, (3)


Backbones the future generation,

Anarchic mind shame veneration,

Mute society deaf legal machines,

Burn shopping mall, city rhymes, (4)


Insinuate insult humiliate leader,

Perverse persuasive dilutes order,

Ignore national sentiment respect,

University campus burns inspect, (5)


Disorder disunity disillusion nail,

Mushroom of unemployment fail,

Terror violence suicidal state rule,

Clueless leadership parent people, (6)


Amber alert show red, turn green,

Youth abjure aspersion n screen,

Skill credential credits weightage,

Rebuild life settle family envisage, (7)


Agronomy economy research well,

Vastness of nation nature to quell,

Sympathy social movements serve,

Empathy Covid patient help curve, (viii)


Rise mass youth collaboration hail,

Spread rural field shelter food trail,

Oxygen medicine carries patient all,

Tearful, watch youth cremates, call, (9)


Face dangers to life youth act angel,

Ensure mass vaccination mask fuel,

Young women drive n oxygen freight,

Railroad flight lead with men great, (10)


Horrors of May second wave decline,

Son, daughters of sacred soil do incline,

Salute to bold daredevil future seed,

Motherland days of agony pain need, (11)


Flutter University campus lockdown,

Indwellers commit flag march crown,

Desolate roads bazaar people in fear,

Million strong youth, prompt secure, (12)


Dedicate my ink golden color cherish,

Abjure aspersion rinse sin n blemish,

Salute people parent leader heroism,

Youth of nation rebuilds nationalism,  (13)


New-dawn, new-decade, hold mantle,

Today’s lad tomorrow’s leader mettle,

Shelters in retired life, senior citizen,    

Abjure aspersion child wiser netizen. (14)


Sunday, June 13, 2021





Enthrall celebration ameliorate,

Festive mind wait eagerly relate,

Millennium old culture survives,

Human tragedy fade, joy revives, (1)


Tells the land-of-opulence distant,

Golden era, prosperity lit instant,

Invasion era nit bondage slavery,

Violent time crumple lives worry, (2)


Uncertain a future, death prowls,

Excellent cuisine in-season rolls,

Fertile land defeat invaders moot,

River-delta, dense forest hill root, (3)


Tradition secure pockets delight,

Gather pilgrim epicure nice sight,

Summer season fruits succulent,

Mango, jackfruit, litchi nut scent, (4)


Jamun, karaunda tadgola flavor,

 Watermelon Jujube ginger savor,

Cashew nut Wax Jambu numerous,

Ripe Papaya plum grape delicious, (5)


Pineapple kiwifruit peach n sauce,

Fruits salad drink paste onerous,

Banana, Gooseberry, Anjeer tasty,

Apricot lemon Orange pear beauty, (6)


Spices enrich aroma allure curry,

Bay leaf Black pepper Hing story,

Black salt cardamom celery seed,

Cinnamon, cumin, coriander need, (7)


Cloves garlic chili onion capsicum,

Innumerable dishes use awesome,

Saffron tamarind turmeric ecstatic,

Hundred spices the food aromatic, (viii)


Cereal rice wheat barley sorghum

Maize Finger millet bay leaf some,

Billion people equal appetite taste,

Million taste fragrance recipe best, (9)


Centuries of invader colonial past,

A nation takes pride in food ever-last,

Temple thousand worships Indian,

Offers a thousand plates of food can, (10)


No-vegetarian delicacy cake curry,

Sauce soup ripe fruit sweet, savory,

Read a long list of food beverage best,

Amid poverty pain sufferance invest, (11)


Indian heart, lie in stomach ancient,

Motherland bountiful n magnificent,

Population growth culprit illiteracy,

Curse of independent nation messy, (12)


Enjoy food most birth marriage time,

Destroy much more hungry life fine,

Hope self-trust beautiful mind grow,

Development happiness stable show, (13)


Nation rebuild shoulder to shoulder,

Smile poor cottages, satiate epicure,

Nationhood n food symbolize culture,

Pursuit ambrosia is cuisine, epicure.   (14)