Tuesday, June 15, 2021





Bitterest struggle people seek

A white dove peace, hope leak,

Amazes the world n proclaim,

Friendship fraternity we gain, (1)


Mutual trust respect a nation,

Sovereign land tie admiration,

Build bridges of trust n culture,

Assimilate gradual mix future, (2)


Reject humanity aspersion nit,

Segregate scorn despise delete,

Dreads disease, cancer actual,

Harbor mind in guise kill total, (3)


Pandemic show path unity lit,

United mankind fight discreet,

Share vaccines help medicine,

Control viral clips quarantine, (3)


In peril threats to human-race,

Intimate herald n unities grace,

Nations come forward empathy,

People to people feel sympathy, (4)


Tell me friend near new herald,

Oceanic bond goodwill emerald,

Ocean draws one world picture,

No boundary wall earth secure, (5)


One sky, same worlds-of-nation,

One rain cloud n rivers swollen,

Ocean unites n continents sail,

Treasure trove ocean floor hail, (6)


Mineral, oil, seafood all regain,

One Earth nature care remain,

Human greed pollute the earth,

Ruin soil pollute seas air worth, (7)


Herald for future survival claim,

Conserve water build forest aim,

Cleans ocean all oil leaks, plastic,

Costal belt green, marine exotic, (viii)


Replicate pandemic cooperation,

Question world citizen a notion,

Essential to maintain heat trap,

Build ozone layer, sea level tap, (9)


Save a thousand islands clarion,

Quest for herald one earth morn,

Herald messages delete darkness,

Ignorance is a curse walls depress, (10)


Education, research, skills equal,

Women equality empower n total,

Disappears race, clan caste creed,

Wish future gen, heralds indeed, (11)


Humanity forsakes nuclear arm,

Fraternity force nation to disarm,

Freedom, democracy n free travel,

Mankind communicates, unravel, (12)


A white dove peace musk prosper,

Quest for herald a future whisper,

Simple a microbe taught a lesson,

Unite to survive or hymn oblivion.  (13)












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