Friday, October 20, 2023





Remind incident childhood memory,

Thatched houses village sight worry,

Looked at the road late at night sacred,

Sky was lighted fire, cottage charred, (1)


The wind was blowing, the fire spread faster,

Noise, outcry, helpless, time matter,

Siren blaring from a distant get near,

Hour of horrible efforts doused clear, (2)


Imprinted in memory, scary pictures,

Siren later in life perspire limbs tears,

Dead of the night, the metropolis lighted,

Invisible siren blared charred sighted, (3)


Hail indomitable spirits, fireman fight,

The red truck bell ringing gives fright,

Siren, learned in life, people give ways,

Violate traffic light speeding displays, (4)


Honor bystanders and traffic, clear the road,

Siren involves silent prayer gift afford,

Charred homes death wounded bitter,

Siren those moments hopefully usher, (5)


Alas, the noise was not like a thorn, graceful,

Indicates disaster is near, lives hopeful,

Invasion, sudden invasion surprising,

Illuminated sky Diwali night blaring, (6)


Not crackers in the sky, missiles, hellfire,

Blaring sirens in cities, burning scares,

Innocent people, sweet home, depressed,

Kidnaper glider with arm accessed, (7)


Alarm bells louder, inform people, hell,

Death is near, save lives escape detail,

Childhood pictures, relevant, glaring,

Modern life terrorism cruelty sparing, (viii)


No human compassion, tolerance to live,

Wait, belief in killing people, hate thrives,

Every night, the siren is louder, indicating well,

The world is not peaceful, inferno to swell, (9)


Moving to the temple, pay solemnly lit,

Oiled lamp, scented stick, lighted sight,

Pray for dead, wounded men, women,

Pray for killed children times ill omen, (10)


Siren live in my heart clearly distinct,

The world is burning, not villages hint,

Purposeful humans bombard caution,

The class of races, religion, civilization, (11)


Let not the siren only inform plights,

Human wisdom siren message lights,

I dream, the siren informs holocaust,

One world, one family, one future, to dust, (12)


Let the human race learn the consequences,

The siren screams in every life sequence,

What do you want humans to live, borrow,

To live in peace is essential, hope tomorrow, (13)


Siren warns, indicate fire, charred lives,

Fail fireman to douse flames survive,

They are peaceful doves brave to save,

Siren, noisy, loudly lead destiny is grave. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Siren

Themes: Siren, noisy cities are burning

Written: 20th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Spontaneous childhood memories,

Fight among friends, rivalry series,

Counter statements contradict lives,

Surface enmity within the bond thrives, (1)


Countless quarrels, shouting vanish,

Exam result final day school amiss,

Melted animosity adversary fiction,

Embracing moments of teary emotion, (2)


Childish behavior hearts innocent,

Friendship lasts a lifetime lo moment,

Imprinted in memory lane hunting,

Merit list mark sheet war taunting, (3)


Grew up, discovered a hostile world of evil,

Fighting for land, supremacy, devil,

Exploitation beneath friendship old,

Plunder mine, forest water are gold, (4)


Eliminate people firmly who oppose,

The human race at war continues to pose,

Learned literate declare peace unite,

Lacks peace uncompromised fight, (5)


Listings mindboggling cities ruined,

The sight destructiveness entwined,

They build monstrous construction,

Bombard everything to dust motion, (6)


Intelligent, wise, educated, people hail,

Actions littered with savagery detail,

Compare our childhood, arguments,

Bitter fight yet agree at last cements, (7)


Astonished such people exist divided,

Create a group on the color skin wall-sided,

The bond thicker than blood religion,

Accept or ethnic cleansed a rebellion, (viii)


Unsolved for millennia won't solved,

Hatred rules spirituality not resolved,

War on boundary recourses religions,

Continues the future of the captive pigeons, (9)


Eludes war death prevails hunger nail,

Education wrong sadly incorrect wail,

Incorrect religion, sadly dominant, evil,

Preaches conversion tomorrows anvil, (10)


Book Holy that teaches love, friendship,

Human blood saline unity is worship,

Pray, unseen creator for living beings,

Pray the almighty none living things, (11)


That born must die, temporal exists,

The war between humans and animals twists,

Enhances the cycle of death, rebirth,

Beyond the books, realization, worth, (12)


Reject war material possession soon,

Simple life, need lives less, the boon,

Save human future unite school kid,

Childish your intention wars indeed, (13)


Real realization war is necessary, yes,

Diminish poverty, illiteracy to love, grace,

The fight from ages continues to achieve,

War is critical for science to perceive. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: War

Themes: The real fight is against hunger

Written: 20th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Thursday, October 12, 2023






Industrious lives, families fond,

Brothers and family, like a bond,

Single sweet home business fit,

Reach brothers time midnight, (1)


Tired day long, hardship, works trail,

Prosperous lives, luck prevail,

Children a few dozen growing,

From babies to adults glowing, (2)


Studious, disciplined, customs,

Dinner time at the table, systems,

Discussions warm with elders,

Questions reply kid shoulders, (3)


Women elderly listen, attentive,

Children, their study tentative,

Long are the dining table chairs,

Families sit together and share, (4)


Family problem solutions rise,

Argument clues, precise prizes,

Unity visible at dinner time lit,

Happiness, love, care to delight, (5)


Principle observed by families,

Dinner time adds eventualities,

Dairy foods, bread, curry, sweets,

Milk medicines for elder greets, (6)


After the children and elders disperse,

Back to their rooms, of course,

One pendulum watch indicates,

The house several floors relate, (7)


Sleeping hours strict stay,

Children study late at night way,

Scolded often to disobey rules,

Escape route homework mules, (viii)


The table, clean, shining, chairs,

It is a long dining room admired,

Years worth watching dinners,

Love a big joint family winners, (9)


The ecstasy inspiration litters,

Time changed gradually, filters,

A child grown up spreads wings,

One by one, left home evenings, (10)



Twilight years brothers realize,

Children spread far flung wise,

Established had their nest wit,

The joint family collapsed feat, (11)


Son, his wife, a child threesome,

Daughter, her hubby, kid home,

The sight of long table dinners,

Devastate urban lives winners, (12)


I, me, mine, cumulative to last,

Joint families ghost of the past,

The pressure of job, career, busy life,

Visit parent impossible a strife, (13)


Brothers are living in an empty home,

Dinner time, scarcely welcome,

Hunting sight missing children,

The noise interactions, shaken, (14)


Silent midnight pendulum ring,

Dinner attendance broken wing,

Transformative years paradigm,

Changes dinner table time sign. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Dinner

Themes: Joint family nonexistent

Written: 12th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Tuesday, October 10, 2023






Bewilders the mind look at the sky,

Clear skies at night, galaxy defy,

Milk-way, millions of stars blink,

Universe marvels, creation link, (1)


Timeless, infinite distance exists,

An hour in thought immerse resist,

The immensity of mysterious time,

Add space matter gravity define, (2)


From the atomic pin head expands,

Trillion suns formed His hands,

Creator indefinite, infinite stays,

Created stars merge point ways, (3)


The universe expands converge point,

Space union phenomenon joint,

United to point expanded cyclic,

Temporal universe world a relic, (4)


Hours I sat, thoughtful, excited,

Pray the play of the Lord recited,

He builds infinite capacity lives,

Living, non-living, cyclic revives, (5)


Closed my eyes and felt my breath,

Each breath is in cycles of death,

Exhale breath, life goes out well,

Faithfully come back we inhale, (6)


A birth occurs within life enters,

As exhale, no inhale encounters,

Gigantic star or human life end,

Star lives billion years, pretend, (7)


Feel permanent, time terminate,

Immortal aspires human relate,

Tearful felt death cyclic discreet,

Pyre burns the body to ashes lit, (viii)


End of human dream desires fail,

Aspire soul last breath to inhale,

Left ambitions lust planning list,

Thousand of thoughts end, in mist, (9)


It was late at night, noticed flowers,

Shiuli flowers, fragrant, showers,

Showers, happiness rejuvenated,

From life and death now excited, (10)


Convinced Shiuli, end night wait,

Resemblance to human life duet,

Heart aspires to wait, nightlong wish,

Dawn timely breaks lives cherish, (11)


Seek the rising sun orange, hail,

Life is precious, destinations prevail,

Meet objectives united achieved,

God the center, realize perceived, (12)


Surmise my heart, sun or moon,

The air, water, and earth merge soon,

From cosmos to objects attract,

Merge with creator time contact, (13)


Human waits for this time, focus,

Wait for dawn night mysterious,

Waits soul, alert, infinite is love,

Spraying sunshine lo escapes dove, (14)


The union is so real before keen,

Shiuli wait like me for dawn kin,

Sitting on the balcony in the early hours,

Eastern sky orange sights cower, (15)


Fallen to the ground on grass, dry,

Dew cover touched me, seemed to cry,

Such vibrant color fragrant lives,

Wait for union with sun believes, (16)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Union

Themes: Life wishes to unite with the creator

Written: 10th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite