Wednesday, June 2, 2021





Macabre mural of landscape hunt,

Vulture, vagaries of fate, life blunt,

Flood of misery merciless time nail,

Night etch railway track specter ail, (1)


Silent township dark pyre burns lit,

Rows of fire swallow dying realm nit,

Departed corona patients cremated,

Human love for life desire cemented, (2)


Horror links speechless mute spirit,

Anxious to watch a dawn soul greet,

Amber, fire diminish fumes pervade,

Ocean of tear, pain suffering invade, (3)


Solitude desolate field darkness rule,

Melancholy night harden heart cool,

Pitiless to a loving heart tender soul,

Mind empties sorrows serves an ill, goal, (4)


Sanitize neighborhood road building,

A mask, polythene cover in shielding,

Night progress, tired limbs seek rest,

Back home hot bath fresh body best, (5)


Sleep takes over deep state dissipate,

Dissipates agony dream world create,

Macabre mural melts to purple-cloud,

Express train speeds, in night aloud, (6)


Rhythmic beat on railway track dwell,

Passengers unknown visible light well,

Speed fast into dark destination dare,

Runs life, intrepid human hope share, (viii)


Unknown time, people, place manifest,

Time eras cleanly a past surprise best,

Elegance-of-spirit ornate smile, leisure,

Peace prosperity promulgate life allure, (9)


Allure golden era, healthy frame mind,

Citadel of chime cipher, paragons find,

Unseen evil nature visible milieu love,

Love pristine nature earth-bound dove, (10)


Ocean of happiness children flourish,

Scars of nightmare memory all perish,

Unite people simple bond brotherhood,

Perils when visit, joint help share a mood, (11)


Dismantle border of nationality unique,

Outpour sympathy care empathy clique,

Battle mankind for saving nature, total,

Dream cast different time world mural, (12)


Morning train whistle, make me awake,

Rewind faint dream scenes mists flake,

Trickle a warm tear search misty dawn,

Bring up sunshine lighten life no moan, (13)


Console my heart paradise wait in time,

Melancholy night curtain dawn incline,

Blue sky lifts lockdown travel ban free,

Messages renewed hopes blooming tree. (14)







Tuesday, June 1, 2021




Overwhelms torpid thought,

Sleep, nice dreams wrought,

Year erases happiness, love,

Covers fear, breathless dove, (1)


Life fights bitter, long hours,

Dawn a healing limb cowers,

Fresh-air nay help body nit,

Oxygen mask nightlong writ, (2)


Ephemeral thought brew bit,

Time reach, end fight to quit,

Anxious eyes of nurses wait

Drip fluid cardiograph duet, (3)


Night’s end liner graphs miss,

Tear know survival win kiss,

Passion to dream create well,

Fade sad face aspiration nail, (4)


Pen nightmare in life n suffer,

Hope, prayer faith mix buffer,

Silver lines, a graph wavy fox,

Go straight-line fight end box, (5)


Bubbles of life burst fevers win,

Long to live quit hospital twin,

Dilemmas of elusive time wink,

Memory, plan future work link, (6)


Heartthrob survives complete,

Fears of death a survival delete,

Speechless to blooming smiles,

Happy tears hug tight n whiles, (7)


Rest complete, alone to confine,

Cares of doctors, nurse all refine,

Whisper tearful congratulation,

Floods heart gratitude emotion, (viii)


World’s love my life  feel content,

Never thought my world decent,

Struggle test spirit endure pain,

Bitter battles of evil nature vain, (9)


Lust temptation beehives inflict

Anger greed selfishness n indict,

Ramification ruins very root well,

Corrects instinct to survive swell, (10)


Hate pretentious realm, distrust,

Ink realized an experience, trust,

Negate my ugly ideas scare exist,

Self-committed, err crime explicit, (11)


Sob in repentance n people’s love,

Sacrifice, selfless defiance resolve,

Fearless to dreaded disease serve,

Not only duty humane still nerve, (12)


Reforms me in ICU bed surmise,

Paradise not in heaven here rise,

Pandemic brought battles lesson,

Survival selfless deed in infusion, (13)


End wonderful dream quarantine,

Sweet-home reborn new self refine.

Observe a world outside pour aura,

Incidents link n engross ephemera, (14)







Monday, May 31, 2021





Mesmerizes melodious song,

Nostalgic symphony lit long,

The daughter’s voice charms,

Remember evening if swarms, (1)


Pulsates music practice nice,

Applause in orchestra entice,

Father’s pride less boundary,

Invaluable gift by Lord, ivory, (2)


Adore childhood smile giggle,

Fun endless story nit simple,

Beautiful face, priceless love,

Dearest to heart sad dissolve, (3)


Smile laughter ring quiet lot,

Remorse melts pleasure aloft,

Erases agonies misery, a call,

Hug in bosom embrace enroll, (4)


Enroll in college music charm,

Annual functions invite warm,

Accolade applause trophy love,

Love proud father’s soul above, (5)


Young daughter watchful care,

Neat dress lunch dinner share,

Endless warning, dare her soul,

Father’s health comfort joy goal, (6)


Inseparable daughter’s love test,

Between horns of dilemma best,

Marriage of daughter a welcome,

Yesterday’s baby settles fulsome, (7)


Her happiness is her husband nit,

Pray Lord to grace her kid n neat,

Life travel like river forward well,

Event of marriage departure nail, (viii)


Moment of leaving home tearful,

Wife, mother, daughter in law full,

Frequent visit fall to infrequent,

Misses my dearest daughter recent, (9)


A decade passes waits her arrival,

Her absence never feel enthrall,

Puzzle emotion marital life bless,

Misses her music song distress, (10)


Silent home silence torture most,

Life travels precious moment lost,

Her voice sweet melancholy shape,

Resound record player sour grape, (11)


Her voice organ once thrill suture,

Memory dad’s heart devastate lore,

Search lonely home her footsteps,

Alert mind look thirsty hope melts, (12)


Never dare to disturb her stay far,

Agonies of lovelorn mind a life mar,

Bottle up deep emotion within tight,

Little message betray her tell right, (13)


Unparallel bond n daughter’s love,

A sonata melancholy melody throb,

Search albums her sweet faces stare,

Heavenly peace melancholy songs hire. (14)








Sunday, May 30, 2021




Devastate life trouble, endless,

My world collapse life depress,

Friend, foe discard feel useless,

Simple mind lonely n clueless, (1)


Incapable nit to accrue assets,

Insolvency, people lot dissects,

Fragile health jobless feel sad,

Home tags incompetent discard, (2)


Far from family people wonder,

How to survive hangs a future,

Complex-struggle of life defeat,

Sad exploited often ill fate, wit, (3)


Unsuccessful in studies reject,

Menial works hard works wait,

Sickness restricts income total,

Moneyless, no hope, fears fatal, (4)


Mysterious life desperate, wish,

Live longer get healthy flourish,

Hate untimed lonely death well,

Tearful never pray Lord, indwell, (5)


Merciless knows, mute n silent,

Simple heart little please decent,

Mocks a world fight unfinished,

Recover my hope undiminished, (6)


Fail human character n recluse,

Shelter amid nature help infuse,

Fresh wind clean water to heal,

Heal agonies sadness life fulfill, (7)



Erase stigma forget all blemish,

Her pristine beauty joy nourish,

Learn smiles of flower yet alone,

Sing like a whisper of wind morn, (viii)


Night sky intoxicate n stardust,

Silence becomes a song of life host,

Discover forest life animal bird,

Collect fish fruit future-forward, (9)


Listen to bird chirps to admire,

Innocent eyes of deer n inspire,

Discarded life surmises endure,

Paragon of wonderland enamor, (10)


Never sense inferior my nature,

Resembles pristine nature cure,

Peace, tranquility, bliss acquire,

Think to quit this world despair, (11)


Night covers dreams wait for dawn,

Endless night fevers high morn,

Thirst for water my spirits yearn,

Creep fears again miss, sunrise,

Conclude soul is immortal wise, (13)


Free from mortal limb to fly far,

Sweep like gusts of wind at par,

Distant Mountain invites spirit,

Mingle milieu natural n discreet, (14)




Saturday, May 29, 2021





Loving memory of a name visit,

With fame honor dwell discreet,

Dwell admirations respect love,

Dwell opulence powerful above, (1)


Name familiar across a land hit,

Famous face opinion remark wit,

Adore a people for knowledge lit,

Messages cross cities men greet, (2)


Ideal, a symbol for youth worship,

Family, relatives friend yet reap,

Busy life dawns last midnight,

Appointment a meet, date fright, (3)


Enamored long me a personality,

A great fan found noble quality,

Opulence, lifestyle, globe trotter,

Immature resemblance squander, (4)


Squander money n quick return,

Mutual fund, share market earn,

Spiral wealth to zenith n affluent,

Climax crumbles, nadir nascent, (5)


Shatters heart n my idol crashes,

Fragile glass idol, ideal smashes,

Remorse invade n mind clueless,

Ideal life in recluse soul depress, (6)


Memory fades painful idol vanish,

Never could guess guilty, blemish,

Forget a people weary land realize,

Colorful water bubble nice precise, (7)


Floats in the air, free dazzle attract,

A moment after bursts little contact,

Age gets wise to understand reality,

Death is sure to err rare life mortality, (8)


Wise mind how came to get blind all,

Betray conscience self-ego enthrall,

An entourage of ego blindfolds insight,

Fuel desires lust greed conspire nit, (9)


Tragedy anger burns on failure fire,

Ignores spirit reality rational share,

Depression anxiety tension awake,

Nightlong soul torment fear to break, (10)


Fear to lose name fame glamor best,

Fear to lose reputation shames rest,

The untimely death of a name self exists,

Banish self fails own world to resist, (11)


Recluse willful, unknown n content,

Allow  the name to sleep in the grave,

Fertile land memories garden place,

Sleep in peace name eternity grace, (12)


Creepers, fragrant flower yet sprout,

A fragrant entourage of ego easy rout,

Rout perseverance of the realized spirit,

 The loving memories of the name visit, (13)