Wednesday, April 14, 2021





Earth under a dark cloud,

Sunless yet thunders loud,

Summer sun blazes, hurt,

Cold winds feel fears most,

Arrival untimed if ill omen,

Festive season me frighten, (1)


Watch tears warm in pain,

Pandemic erase life again,

Veils future people cower,

Corona warriors in power,

Nights in curfew no crowd,

Never nation feel lot proud, (2)



Vaccination in a war footing,

Pandemic speed spiraling,

Vaccine people search jab,

States appeal center grab,

Millions daily in queue lot,

Inoculation in place effort, (3)


Wave after wave it spread,

Severe now million to bed,

Infected in, rise in a dragnet,

Containments to plummet,

Nation in festive season rot,

Gloom future n remorse lot, (4)


Nava Rati is nine days long,

Fast, prayer devotees’ song,

Entire nation watch festive,

Never before people restive,

Baisakhi Gudi padwa here,

Bihu Vishu solar new year, (5)


Immense happiness guise,

Lightning strike surprise,

Earth illuminates bright lot,

Pain in heart worries avert,

Descends Mother in grace,

Wipeout virus sorrow, less, (6)


Mother your aura brilliant,

Thousand sun pale instant,

Dispels dark shroud cloud,

Vanish illness heals proud,

Life trusts pride wide girth,

New Year renew hope birth, (7)


Incorporeal mind my look,

Incorporeal notions n hook,

Is it fiction n myth a doubt?

Drench in squall feel I shout,

Trust Mother Sky lighten,

No more my heart frighten,

Health emancipation I pray,

New Year dance people gay (8)


Incorporeal dream tears dry,

Mother assures n people try,

Discard fear avoid horror lot,

Surreal sadness events avert,

I cry in jot tears never listen,

Incredible my nation glisten, (9)


Ah… no more I feel n chokes,

No more destinies ever mock,

No more school kid be indoor,

People will be fresh n secure,

No mere miracle hopes worth,

I whisper incorporeal mirth, (10)


(AUTHOR’S NOTE: Navaratri,

Baisakhi, Gudi Padwa, Vishu,

Indian New Year solar calendar,

Great festivals in April month)









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