Tuesday, April 13, 2021





Long nature of self a pick,

People ever contact n sick,

Arrogance careless a look,

Ignore rule customs book,

Least repentant bold aloof,

Taunt civility imbecile goof,

You in disbelief, all I knew,

Tearful contumacious view, (1)


Fate distinguish rag n rich,

Favors only a few ruins each,

Fountain of fame wealth lot,

Famish fateful destitute rot (2)


Fortune for gate opportune,

Fantasy turns true fortune,

Favors rule, custom, rights,

Fear people oppose or fight (3)


Luck happens rare supports,

Like mighty spirit let gloats,

Lack of luck successes fizzles,

Lament loser sad or sizzles, (4)


Destiny common belief rule,

A distinction of a crown cool,

Desires met easy complete,

Descend leadership at feet (5)


Hear all his stories in detail,

Fate, fortune, luck does fail,

Pittance God’s grace bestow,

Custom, vanity, rule to tow,

Revolt his spirit all deprives,

World jokes dead wood vibes,

Speechless to torture in lieu,

I listen to contumacious view, (6)


Console a dampen spirit lot,

Human life little mean inert,

Year, month, day, hour lost,

Human lives with work most,

A yardstick of life only work,

Fate, destiny, luck al’ block, (7)


Man in an effort known forever,

Son of prosperity grow sure,

Spirit futile find reason vain,

Fate or God punishes, explain,

Lazy life find reason enough,

Hard works succeed tough, (8)


Human life on a colorful stage,

Down below earth act in craze,

All accomplish their works,

Yet returns from world lurks,

Departure dictates time due,

Convince contumacious view,

None but ignorance now hugs,

Shelters within me watch fogs,

Contumacious mind goad lot,

Conscience corrects an effort, (9)


The truth of a life dark mind rule,

True lived, ignorance ever fool,

Reckon soul pure wisdom fine,

My contumacious views refine,

My life, a life of common man,

Know never work, effort sham, (10)












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