Thursday, April 29, 2021





Nervous disarray a people,

Peace mirth misses simple,

Tranquil town, silent tomb,

National program if dumb, (1)


Horrible war conflict zero,

Death today pervade hero,

Pyres burn, nameless life,

Witness time differs, strife, (2)


Stadium, hotels star guest,

Encroach, sick beds haste,

Doctors, nurse outnumber,

Kin disallowed sick suffer, (3)


Life battle, struggle breathe,

Gold melts, oxygen wealth,

Paradox a realm, real sad,

Death equalize sane, mad, (4)


Rich in glass towers know,

Money little saves life owe,

Ever world realize essence,

Humanity fight sick tense, (5)


Savagery nature supreme,

Ego, greed ruins, extreme,

Cruel, sinful, saints equal,

Message time, learn mortal, (6)


A canvas of land impress,

Medicene, vaccine distress,

Long queues, summer heat,

Toils people for a bed treat, (7)


Election rallies gather fade,

Festival crowd, sick invade,

Notion returns to lockdown,

School, college is shut down, (8)


Media noise message dense,

Never people feel a pretense,

Mask, keep distance, sanitize,

Take a jab, to confine precise, (9)


IPL, election, festival continues,

Less to pen alert time reviews,

Oxygen in air n short supply,

Metropolis dust bowl if reply, (10)


Air quality O’ people dictate,

Fresh air distant verdure bet,

Farmland, highways, township,

Industry, housing forests dip, (11)


Nature in deplete air toxic,

Water polluted people sick,

Future is a battle for water,

River, underwater dry near, (12)


Polar-ice melts threaten bit,

Devastation destruction hit,

Never mean nature’s curse,

The sin, mankind of course, (13)


Recycle earth-being nature,

Truth insignificant creature,

Boasts mankind face rather,

Eon virus erase a race fewer, (14)


Key to survive hostile planet,

Nature friendly promulgate,

Revive nature conserve water,

Clean air Sequel to Verdure. (15)





Wednesday, April 28, 2021





Fertile the soil I grew,

At dawn, lives renew,

Luxurious is verdure,

Soul amaze love lure, (1)


Verdant valley excite

My village bit remind,

Innocent people work,

Peace joyful life mark, (2)


Forest covers hill all,

Meadows do enthrall,

Flora faunas imprint,

Brook animals glint, (3)


Never forget fresh air,

Flower spring inspire,

Pool a lotus remember,

The heart loves pure, (4)


In college life, we love,

Lonely feeling dissolve,

We share pain desires,

Trouble face n aspires, (5)


Unforgettable memory,

I recounts leave worry,

Golden time soon pass,

Ever let you embarrass, (6)


Our pure love n future,

N ambitions later differ,

Verdant valley feel recall,

Career affluence you roll, (7)


Gold jewel pleases life lot,

Car bungalow dress alert,

Class society all pleasant,

Forget me, life in enchant, (8)


Remain  a single decided,

Years pass post reminded,

Your tear pain agonies toll,

Fortune wealth ever enroll? (9)


Peace, happiness keeps fit,

Love care share golden kit,

Amidst nature life secure,

Waits forever dear I prefer, (10)


 I invited you seek a reunion,

Wait little your letter come,

Silent tears morning dews,

Breeze your touches infuse, (11)


Dawn, dusk golden valley,

Mimic your aura feels folly,

Green-fields soft recline lot,

Err your dress on lap alert, (12)


Whispers weed tiny flower,

Feel you in silence shower,

Love is a flower, lives short,

A valley witness your most, (13)


Return home, I feel lonely,

Amaze a mind in greed only,

Ego desires flood devastate,

Agony, pain n ego  intimate (14)


Simple human life pure,

Nature-friendly, secure,

Mind deviates outward,

Dear, you got if reward,

Wait for you a remnant,

Hope I my valley verdant (15)


Moonless n stars a night,

My love, I seek miss sight,

Silence in hut melancholic,

Let you happy feel ecstatic (16)


Asleep, in a dream I saw,

Morning sun beacons glow,

Knocks door someone now,

Got awake see dawn breaks,

Watch you in disbelief takes. (17)






Tuesday, April 27, 2021





Teenage life fascinates most,

Adventure thrills dearly cost,

Scolds parent warn frequent,

Saves an Apotropaic amulet, (1)


Innocence trust time assure,

Wonder in forest little to fear,

Queer voice noise jolts group,

Run, apotropaic prayer coup, (2)


Believe amulet protect often,

Dilapidated houses in caution,

Nighttime shadow terrify a lot,

Amulet prevents ghost boast, (3)


Midnight story of demon witch,

Dream adds further n beseech,

Grandparent rebukes, narrate,

Keep in hand tight an amulet, (4)


Why you laugh simple I trust,

In youth n adulthood almost,

Humiliation threat when test,

Feel amulet presence is best, (5)


Worship n apotropaic nature,

Fever in trouble agree secure,

Agree you say my blind belief,

Cold fear all time brings relief, (6)


Incredible human nature host,

Dark mind raise surreal most,

Blind belief true or false enact,

Courage, calm mind well react (7)


A modern century man contest,

Old fashion blind notion reject,

My mother old age evening wait,

Wicker in the lamp-lit pray late, (8)


Exit well an apotropaic amulet,

Marriage travel distant intimate,

Ah.. people do divorce, accident,

Ruin life sure if amulet prevent,  (9)


Black magic dark world survive,

Erases faith clean yet it revives,

Apprehension fear to dominate,

Traditions customs promulgate (10)


My child laughs at amulet best,

We keep smile check exam next,

Son’s amulet daughter’s locket,

Examination time keep top-secret, (11)


Kids watch ship to inaugurate,

A cocoanut is broken elaborate,

At least you talk, my friend nut,

Apotropaic amulet locket a trust, (12)


Trusts we forfeit, conscience rot,

Never oppose ego greed what not,

Surrender to bitter fight, quarrel,

Legacies exist n good omen revel, (13)













Inexhaustible energy fountain,

Green forest rapids, mountain,

Treasure troves hideous invite,

Tired bones fatigue mind excite, (1)


Nature’s gift human greed class,

Ambivalence look through the glass,

Human recluse n sheds tension,

Resurrect from ruins if mention, (2)


Fresh air clean water intimate,

Romantic mood dusks dictate,

Effusion of sensations counter,

Devastation project an answer, (4)


Morning mist lose myself lame,

Sunshine in brilliance to tame,

Lovelorn walk abandon I move,

Charred trees fire smoke wove, (5)


Rain in forest rivulets enamor,

Waterfall river swell wind lure,

Tore wounds in my heart heal,

Barren field dirt, mud me kills, (6)


Flees life to summer resort cool,

Cold wind cool shade wonderful,

Greenery fresh afternoon excite,

The lake vanishing sadden light, (7)


Boathouse hideout life unwinds,

Misery Sorrow agony erase kind,

Pelican flamingos migrate delight,

Seasons arrive late I miss a sight, (8)


Spring brings intense pleasure,

Pink crimson yellow, blue color,

Red, white flower fragrant steal,

Heart miss late a fall reveal kill (9)


Ink canvas of my pattern of life,

Wish nature I recover face strife,

Spreads epidemic lessons worth,

Vanishes verdure, barren earth, (11)


Listen to the waves crash loud,

Blue ocean watch a silent cloud,

Cloud mind bottom ambivalent,

Plastic poison lacks benevolent (12)


Time disappoint me find cocoon,

Sleep long wait earth heals soon,

Metamorphose my life a butterfly,

The pain of caterpillar memory lie, (13)


Moonlit might jasmine blossom,

Butterfly me amuses awesome,

My nature ephemeral pretense,

Nature best grows ambivalence, (14)


Monday, April 26, 2021





Early morning sun yet to rise,

Awake get up from bed realize,

A new day blank page to write,

Story of my life hope in delight, (1)


Mind is alert query endless best,

Self euphoric plans promulgate,

Visit nature rest a temple I love,

Pray for sick spirit, heal revolve, (2)


Nature lives recluse fresh total,

Worry tension fear, greet mortal,

Good n bad news excite thought,

Wait, guide conscience wrought, (3)


Breakfast ends wheel of life roll,

Escape euphoric n ephemeral all,

Hospital duty serves patients call,

Forget family visit work enthrall, (4)


Nightlong life battle hopes heal,

A dawn new day begins to seal,

Evening night over ignores time,

Recovers sick brings tear clean, (5)


Early dawn a patient sleeps still,

Never can see a sunrise I kneel,

Ramadan month fast it reminds,

Almighty may grace life rekindle, (6)


Frantic call home enquire worry,

Situations among patients hurry,

Watch pleading eyes of guests’ lot,

Medical bed vaccine tests entrust, (7)


Gossip rumor kill best effort care,

Preventive clean life masks share,

Simple food lot of water diet meets,

Exercise on breathing n walks fit, (8)


Writes eulogy of euphoric escape,

Early dawn joy ephemeral shape,

In a restroom, know close temple,

Almighty if mute deaf wait, simple, (9)


Miseries of people tears of visitor,

Cry kin of departed in pain fear,

Ah… let me stop these scenes dot,

Only motto duty to save lives most, (10)


Emotion only fetches other’s plight,

Forget family children wife’s sight,

Weeks passed guess if duties end,

Realize life transparent transcend (11)


Dual realm born sure to die fact,

A pandemic raises n sink instant,

Thought jolt at noises overwhelm,

A patient recovers a disease tame, (12)


Happy tear I look from the door,

Escape as euphoric beat death cure,

Self euphoric miss yet vindicate,

Patients escape euphoric dictate. (13)