Friday, December 16, 2022





Dark is the room sits quietly alone,

Contemplate immersive my plight,

Offer my hands to help but refuse,

Rudely conveyed to me, keep aloof,


Notices folk dance from a distance,

Overwhelms my heart swayed now,

Rhythmic dancing, my limbs sing,

Mix with people, joyous automatic,


Mingles my  smiles festive ecstatic,

Pulling someone with alacrity out,

Shout disgustedly and warn me,

Not invited to our community bet,


Join let again threat consequence,

Dismayed at the look scorn reason,

Served people from birth sweeps,

Cleans street of city dirt in heaps,


Chest deep in sewerage lifts filth,

Lovingly smile at life underneath,

Duty least discriminate accepted,

Earn peanut for work, not wicked,


Gentle, polite to people, respect all,

Feast or ceremony time get a recall,

Lifts garbage of foods, paper dishes,

Fight with beggars, dog's life wishes,


Morsels of food hungry lives want,

Fails to notice leftover looked scant,

Humans, if equated with a dog a bit,

Sad then watching the sight, I quit,


Felt occasionally pray at the temple,

May god grace destitute life simple,

Get food, cloth, a roof needs shelter,

So mercy to the ill recovery matter,


Life is precious fate causes disaster,

Untouchable is the tag life inferior,

Less than a beggar surprised soon,

People offer food or cloth to them,

Sit among them for food overwhelm,


Thrown out of the line, scolded a lot,

Happen in front of temple lies but,

Not allowed to the community wall,

Clean our door front sewerage mall,


Born with the caste to die someday,

Not allowed to lift departed dismay,

Life dead dogs sick die on the road,

Stinking smell dispelled crowds trod,


Angry eyes pointed fingers at me now,

Clear devil from here get lost to bow,

Illiterate child labor father died early,

Illicit wine poisoned, killed him nearly,


Work mother in brick-kiln grew there,

Play on the muddy road timeshare,

Slum with tin roofs,  a bed, and an oven,

Once a meal rice salt onion is chicken,


Lunch-diner breakfast combine into one,

Fortunate today get my meal, a man,

Seldom complains for life, dear friend,

Grudge against humanity, to befriend,


Told me, men, at pyres, move to heaven,

Ask you intelligent wise for me shaken,

Mixes the ass, graves side by side well,

Grows the tree luxuriant, spirits dwell,


Our spirits live together leniency if, exist,

Mingles with mirth lives why me, resist?


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Leniency

Theme: The untouchability

Date: 15th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Thursday, December 15, 2022





Behold my mind humming always,

Visible like a bee flies at random,

Searching flowers beautiful colored,

Detects fragrance  direction guesses,

Drunken and wild playful neatly hops,

Flower to flower settle flies moment after,

Laden with honey sweet back to the hive,

Store well happily seek next adventure,

The flower that magnetizes short a while,

Last, from dawn to dusk completes life,

Pregnant with future, shrouded dreams,

Delivers its tomorrow succulent fruit,

Fruit of intimate relationship with bee,

Eons creator's deep and divine wishes,

Exist for propagation undefeatable,

Functions my mind compare, visible,

Life is subtly equivalent to a flower's existence,

I discovered the budding mind,

Grown, beautiful thoughts, fragrant,

Pervade inescapably infects bees,

The pair of eyes, ears, lips, and tongue,

Metamorphoses to bee honey traps,

Drink the elixir of life, dear limbs fade,

Eyes ears impaired in time lips crack,

Loses tongue, the taste of world magnetic.

That offers sweetness myriad, versatile,

The fish, meat, fruit, juices, drink lists,

Honey is the lust of mind collects heart,

Laugh today, O' mind when is satiated,

Stores like a bee search adventure more,

Till twilight settles,  seek calmness, tired,

That your thoughts pollinated mature,

Seeds are growing pregnant soul succor,

Love the thought fructify in time,

Spreads from the heart to heart harbor swell,

Attainment, honey of flower life hides,

Looking inward, behold my heart well,

The beehive full of honey stored love,

Spreads like seeds to hearts,

The sight of the season when flower blossoms,

Spring is a fantasy of mind love people,

Thought pregnant with love infects,

Sustains this beautiful nature,

Human is the animal do sleep, eat, conjugate,

Experiences the same fear, animal instinct,

Differ the thoughts believe trust and faith,

Senses very clearly the master's presence,

Flowery petals, loving surrender scented,

Oblate the honey, rich heart devout,

Wear your color indebted for aromas,

Brightness  inherits at morn to glorify,

Fulfills life through attainment fallen,

Know very well, Lord, the seed in me,

Some day another life heart storehouse,

 The creator's charisma is  cherished collect,

Sprout flowering buds like mango,

Ignorant mind aware of acute scent,

The revelation of attainment ripens in summer,

Mango fruit succulent sweet, I smile,

May once again my thought is same,

This mind, unruly, bee visualizes.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Attainment

Themes: Mind is a honey bee

Date: 14th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Tuesday, December 13, 2022





Far from the west meets the eastern line,

Railways that connect people well,

East meets west amalgamates culture,

Lifestyle, eating habits, and cuisines differ,

The people host of language linking,

Migrates youth old like vice and versa,

Livelihood paramount adopts places,

Often pay revisits home reunites kin,

Students move for education distantly,

To and fro, life begins till the end in service,

The junction worth watching is large,

Dozens of platforms linked by over-bridge,

The staircases link to the flyover platforms,

Busy sight people are running with luggage,

The maze complex every hour arrives train,

The departure platform number announces,

People are perplexed, confused, wrong,

Catch the flyover, desperately move soon,

Language less understood mobile help,

The best sight is a red dress, understand,

Guides travelers to the right places in time,

Carries the luggage on head easily balanced,

Take more luggage on back speed past,

A train arrives, enters to coaches handle bags,

Shows unknown travelers a path to exit,

Dawn to dusk and reversed duty endless,

Bone tired quits silently to home a tin shed,

One room place sleep, cook and rest,

Happy is the person, meet unknowns always,

Accompanies them, delivers goods,

Get his dues for gets soon faces look another,

The oval brass badge with the number tied,

Tied to left arm certified for authority,

Meager income but exceptional service,

Weary traveler hasty finds solace meets train,

Get down in time, catch a rented car, bus,

The help of this person calms a tense mind,

The junction, crowded day and night,

In the wee hours, announce the arrival, slept life,

Wakes up sleepy passengers, helps to board,

Nobody thanks such a helping hand to pay a few,

Ah, the narration of a coolie, his world nit,

Confined to the railway stations bound,

Help plying trolleys from goods carriage,

The postal bags and parcels faithfully get paid,

The parting of dear ones, tearful emotions,

Awestruck  children at the engine, if a monster,

The hissing sound thrills terrified a little,

Wide-eyes life, a bud, watch the traffic,

Less can estimate the periphery of a dream,

Starting endpoints of a big world exist subtle,

Years and years, generations crawl here mystic,

The person in the red shirt knows commuter,

The man, polite, sober, and gentle, is missing today,

His world is over departed, but I notice,

A youth with red color dress first time,

Joins this world of junction today promptly,

I sat on a bench, a lonely platform knew well,

Acquainted for my life, loved this junction,

Like a ghost, at late night leaving my home,

A final look at the station to live with son, travel.


 Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Junction

Theme: highlight the railway porter,

Date: 12th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Monday, December 12, 2022





A mute witness observed very closely,

Found solace in your presence a lot,

Instrumental, your encouragement.

I could rebuild my life from downfall,

Frustration shadowy covered mind,

Depressed  felt very lonely befriends,

Wanted to trust someone reliable too,

Betrayed by own blood and kin, sadly,

Opening my heart loved at first sight,

I know you have different aspirations,

Uniting in life inconceivable understood,

Your ambition a mission in life differed,

We parted, promised to be close friends,

Later part of life, I found great solace,

In testing times, troubled and clueless.

You listened to owes hours late at night,

Your crisp pointed solutions inspired,

Invaluable gains strength to face dawns,

Never I became intrusive to your life,

You were as if a mirror watching me,

Where are your images virtual,

 It answers me, always when I inquiry,

Knows to telephone only to talk,

Never asked you to see each other,

Discuss our lives, exchanging facts,

That was a promise you left the country,

The story is unique in both trust,

It was after midnight you called me,

That was the call from you surprised,

You are coming home with the child to meet,

Requested to be the caretaker if not adopted,

Continued not to ask further waited,

Know we trust, for a long, I assured you,

You met me later, handed over her,

Shining eyes probing me, willing to stay,

The dot between eyebrows and bangles,

Missing noticeable, your black hairs,

She didn't answer and fled silently abruptly,

Blocked her in front, curious and concerned,

Angry rudely, I retort, neither you nor her,

Stay with me, do not allow you both,

Pulled her with the girl to my home,

Sat near to her and told her, never tonight ask,

Have dinner, sleep well both,

Tomorrow we shall decide on future actions,

One question, you are not married yet,

I confirmed, single and unmarried.

Why I retort, you are intrusive,

Obeyed me, had dinner, both slept,

The next day, I took them, adopted the girl,

Declared to court as her father signed,

Pale was my friend's face, hold,

She signed as her mother, born abroad,

Her journey abroad for a higher degree,

Her daughter is the result of the relationship,

The co-student got married and fled,

Orphaned my deed, never forgiven,

The next day we both got court marriage,

Manicured her forehead with vermilion,

Gold bangles inserted into slim hands,

She was crying, sobbing silently.



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Intrusive( Fiction)

Theme: Parallels meet at the horizon

Date: 12th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Friday, December 9, 2022





I was listening to your stories,

Opened the heart, everything in detail,

The heart is the chamber that stores,

Keeps everything well immaculately,

Those can overwhelm, chamber open,

Frequented by the mind promotes thoughts,

Excites these memories reality visible,

Lives the spirit tortured gains faith,

Trust, well, the dawn will change a life,

The unexpected result that shatters,

Cause for the collapse of dream castles,

Far worse, reality crumbled to dust,

This life is a miracle to survive and sprout,

When presumed a demise, missing,

Out of oblivion returns alive often,

Heart stores memories forgotten freeze,

Astonishment lurks in eyes spellbound,

How come, impossible, you have come,

Live, hard to reject the ghost for you,

Mind searched excitedly, heat melts,

Memories flash again, and life is rebuilt!

The truth is that is born must die surely,

No question of a miracle ever life return,

Never sprouts a pair of green leaves,

From a charred wood in water and light,

Destines to disintegrate life experiences,

Death, departure, separation, or is lost,

Painful intolerable heart stores dutifully,

The dark chamber prevents light,

Locked well thought can never assess,

Listened to surprising explanations,

Elaborated unfortunate life tolerated,

A bowl of smelling rice, salt his living,

Thatched roof of straws decayed open,

Use to see the moon and sun in the room,

Still accommodated life rain percolates,

Reality life is not a bed of roses,

No television, car, or furniture is costly,

Convinced the rebellious heart,

Not to grumble frustrated enough,

Accepts the pain of lacking a modern life,

Fumes at the wretched life hateful,

God deprives good health attractive,

Better job affluence materializes,

Good food, dresses, assets, and goods,

An illiterate woman attached parasite,

All in life wanted a son failed miserably,

My avalanche of patience busts,

Covered like advancing snows quickly,

Stop those hallucinations forthwith,

Establish credence on your ground,

Everything is false contempt unfounded,

His angrily outburst is worth watching,

Credence for the heart, suspect,

Foolish, egoist, and ignorant,

You have a thatched-roof cottage,

There is a street life, destitute, singing,

Had food, there are hundred hungry,

Not a morsel for a few days dying,

You moan for appealing figure dresses,

Gadgets that proudly can be displayed,

There is a handicapped, blind, deaf exists,

A mute still aspiring for life accepts,

There is a woman childless you have one,

The parasite you mean help you,

When you are sick, her glass of water,

That can save you, but know,

Credence your heart says is a trickster,

I quit suddenly and never looked back.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Credence

Themes: Heart on false ground

Date: 9th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Thursday, December 8, 2022






Here is a family continental apart,

Flourished for two generations settled,

Talented members, doctors, engineers,

The family of each individual member grew,

Settle in nearby and distant cities,

Keep communication, unites one yearly,

Remember, root an ancient land,

Forefathers migrated for job menial,

Prospered, got free, cherished the soil,

Loved the adopted country acquainted,

The air, water, landscapes  chained,

The alien culture, language, lifestyle,

Went into the blood domicile stories,

Forgotten the land that belongs to them,

Theirs exist a small village nameless,

Obscurity poetic unbelievably paradise,

Living an idealistic woman iconic,

Approaching a century, still in fine shape,

Remember everything, children,

Comfortable in a beautiful mansion,

Attendants, the doctor serves

Lives with a grandkid in love and care,

Treated as a goddess worshipped,

Contacts her children overseas,

Another group of children lives in Europe,

Family of writers, architects, business,

Wealthy affluent a few generations,

Branched out to neighboring countries,

Settled with children got nationality,

European by now linked to her,

Never saw her in person, heard a lot,

Heard about the paradise the abode,

One son traveled to Africa, is living there,

Five sons and three daughters grew up,

Got married, have families business,

Gems  export hospital chain lifeline,

Flourished in decades, got nationality,

Citizens of these countries, globetrotters,

The octogenarian lady has a son,

Stays in her country in a city settled,

Educationist, his six sons, professors,

Two are with their father rest migrated,

Their families are established,

Rarely ever visit the grandmother,

Hundreds of invitations from the world over,

She is magnanimous, politely refuses,

 Keeps track of hundreds of families,

Their children keep in contact, surprised,

Far off from their land, there is a home,

An ancient land, an unknown village,

The beauty of nature, from the book, is stark,

Sparsely populated village life is serene,

Spellbound in their ancestral language,

The culture, dresses, customs, and fantasy,

Festivals inspiring Holi, Diwali, Dussehra,

The folk dance tune drum flute is thrilling,

Awakened a lot of curious links with the lady,

Her picture is in every family home,

Kids look for questions imprinted on their eyes,

Pilgrimage just started now and then,

Circulated picture, video, recording,

World over circulated instantly liked,

You are our relative blood elation,

The mainland linked on lips to continents,

Her children, grandkids, great grand ones,

Nearing a few hundred think relatives,

The astonishing aspect, the title stays the same,

Living on the planet virtually strangers,

On the occasion of her hundredth birthday,

International visitors homing pointed,

The festive atmosphere from the news hidden,

Dense forest hilled circled the village,

Each visitor looks other hypnotized,

You are in Europe, Africa, and America!

Oh my God, ancestral blood links,

The plethora is disbelieving,

The reality is incredible, Ma.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Plethora

Theme: Expanding blood links

Date: 7th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite