Showing posts with label PLETHORA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PLETHORA. Show all posts

Thursday, December 8, 2022






Here is a family continental apart,

Flourished for two generations settled,

Talented members, doctors, engineers,

The family of each individual member grew,

Settle in nearby and distant cities,

Keep communication, unites one yearly,

Remember, root an ancient land,

Forefathers migrated for job menial,

Prospered, got free, cherished the soil,

Loved the adopted country acquainted,

The air, water, landscapes  chained,

The alien culture, language, lifestyle,

Went into the blood domicile stories,

Forgotten the land that belongs to them,

Theirs exist a small village nameless,

Obscurity poetic unbelievably paradise,

Living an idealistic woman iconic,

Approaching a century, still in fine shape,

Remember everything, children,

Comfortable in a beautiful mansion,

Attendants, the doctor serves

Lives with a grandkid in love and care,

Treated as a goddess worshipped,

Contacts her children overseas,

Another group of children lives in Europe,

Family of writers, architects, business,

Wealthy affluent a few generations,

Branched out to neighboring countries,

Settled with children got nationality,

European by now linked to her,

Never saw her in person, heard a lot,

Heard about the paradise the abode,

One son traveled to Africa, is living there,

Five sons and three daughters grew up,

Got married, have families business,

Gems  export hospital chain lifeline,

Flourished in decades, got nationality,

Citizens of these countries, globetrotters,

The octogenarian lady has a son,

Stays in her country in a city settled,

Educationist, his six sons, professors,

Two are with their father rest migrated,

Their families are established,

Rarely ever visit the grandmother,

Hundreds of invitations from the world over,

She is magnanimous, politely refuses,

 Keeps track of hundreds of families,

Their children keep in contact, surprised,

Far off from their land, there is a home,

An ancient land, an unknown village,

The beauty of nature, from the book, is stark,

Sparsely populated village life is serene,

Spellbound in their ancestral language,

The culture, dresses, customs, and fantasy,

Festivals inspiring Holi, Diwali, Dussehra,

The folk dance tune drum flute is thrilling,

Awakened a lot of curious links with the lady,

Her picture is in every family home,

Kids look for questions imprinted on their eyes,

Pilgrimage just started now and then,

Circulated picture, video, recording,

World over circulated instantly liked,

You are our relative blood elation,

The mainland linked on lips to continents,

Her children, grandkids, great grand ones,

Nearing a few hundred think relatives,

The astonishing aspect, the title stays the same,

Living on the planet virtually strangers,

On the occasion of her hundredth birthday,

International visitors homing pointed,

The festive atmosphere from the news hidden,

Dense forest hilled circled the village,

Each visitor looks other hypnotized,

You are in Europe, Africa, and America!

Oh my God, ancestral blood links,

The plethora is disbelieving,

The reality is incredible, Ma.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Plethora

Theme: Expanding blood links

Date: 7th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite