Saturday, December 19, 2020




Dark a night front is opaque,

Abruptly halt forward compact,

Something happens within the shock,

Feet in motion stop as inert rock,

A gut feeling, the hair rises in fear,

Instinct warns mind alert clear,

A pit before, cliff at the edge, threat,

Alert a mind, totally blind create,

Create focused survival instinct,

Backward safely covered distinct,

Life encounters threat to life rare,

Alert mind invents escape fare,


War is a test of valor threats most,

Moment poses do or die worst,

Alert mind provisions guise quick,

Escapes dangers in time explosive,

Alertness is the gift of destiny saves,

Sharpness lacks, kills blast waves,

Alert mind courageous hearts pour,

Forces defeat attacking front core,

The alert mind of a leader turns quick,

Surprise invent, own enemy, a risk,

Win or defeat in merciless is a fight,

Alert invents surprise brave is sight,


Common people alert in public life,

Arsons, violence in the street fast strike,

Innocent bleeds lack an alert state,

Alert mind, life-saving tact intimate,

Alert female saves well stalker follows,

Alert lacking insane killer face gallows,

Alert housewife, guess correctly market,

Alert family man saves income intricate,

Alert adult conscious of future preplan,

Mind invents secure n safe, wise is man,

Alert seniors plan fitness of life, insure,

Alert is a keyword, solves puzzle mature,


Narrate life experiences alert is inborn,

Wise or taught, practice intense burn,

Who aspires there is a way, alert invent,

Prosper in life, successful effort decent,

Alert in, game, alert to answer opponent,

Learned, cheat, magician alert efficient,

Alert ruler, army, police defend well,

Alert a thief, mastermind, looter swell,

Alert crime, spies, intelligence serves,

Detective alert in hot pursuit deserves,

Concludes alert is boon to a noble mind,

The boon to a goon devastates mankind! 


Excited alert kids win puzzle, crosswords,

Win games, result pink, adored forward,

Alert mind electric bulb, floodlight instant,

Daylight, opaque dark, hide, run, hesitant,

Kid shows the way to ignorant key well unlocks,

Parent, teacher public crazes alert kid rocks,


 Alert is animal feature survival kit well,

Snake, mouse, tiger, deer, cat, dog smell,

Alert bird, plant, insect, animal, is a gift,

Gifted saves a life, haunts well, turns swift!









Friday, December 18, 2020




Ever tranquil mind bewitch,

Transcendental peace switch,

Erases forthwith pain n tear,

Erases turbulent past n fear,


A heart once sank, bottomless,

The demise of dearest speechless,

Mind got wild cruel madness,

Disease incurables, life misses,

Death forces future, hollowness,

Unstable a state seek balances,


Flees tortured youth to greens,

Extends horizon rows of hills,

No city noise, busy life creeps,

No bright glare of light blips,

No dust, smoke, haze screens,

Incredible nature quiet scenes,

Solitude, fresh breeze all thrills,

Silent valley sun-kissed smiles,


Shelter of a tortured heart sank,

Melody in the consonance riverbank,

Desolation of forest, consolation,

Memories of sadness in erosion,

Tears no trace dry wind kiss cool,

Tranquil mind bewitched watchful,


Heart soothed in the beauty of nature,

Gentle clouds sails, nice placid river,

Boatman moves mid-river kids young,

Consonances melodious lure folksong,

Unaware crying self was smiling angel,

Overwhelmed, ecstatic heart sang gel,


Nature at evening amused girl smart,

Her dancing happy, consonance an art,

Melody was green fields, none to share,

Melody was bright peaks, hills care,


The lonely valley was reverberating in song,

Life was mimicking waves in the ocean long,

Surging waves white in furry n foam,

Dives into the breast of ocean miss own,

Time was singing in whispers of breeze,

Painful death, sadness, crevasse freeze,


Exotic enchantress overwhelm heart,

A sullen young heart inspired smart,

Brimming with smiles at a hill station,

Watching impatient clock in motion,

Hill station was laughing wonderful,

A crying girl came, leaving beautiful,

Evening train was approaching, slow,

Hill station farewell her, cheers glow,


The consonance of hissing locomotive halt,

Consoled her, the story of life, sweet n salt,

Gentle hills sped past her eagerly eyes,

Melody consonance was an enticing prize!

Thursday, December 17, 2020



Eon, dismayed wild mind captured,

Human is only animal gold enamored,

Unknown a time human touched to gold,

Perplexed it hypnotized, millennia fold,


Mere earth element, mortal frame alike,

Empty hand spirit descend, empty quit,

Antiquity gold, golden civilizations miss,

Present wedding rings golden for a kiss!


Temples in tons, ornaments, idols gold,

Females’ necklace, bangles, ring mold,

King's throne golden, embroideries alike,

King's treasury with golden object strike,


Ancient a people, common saved gold,

Only means of an asset, exchanges n sold,

The puzzled ancient land trust, a faith total,

Envisage simple life, detached, gold fatal,

The lust for gold, peace, tranquility lost,


For gold men plunder, massacred most,

Antiquity, a carnage, blood socked past,

The golden past in ruins, invaders last,

Aliens lured into an immense treasure hunt,

Temples ruined, idols stolen, treasury burnt,


Forced to slavery merciless, colony for loot,

Land of gold once dazzled, skeletal foot,

Antiquity gold is a reminder of past horror,

Hidden beneath the earth in fear, discovered,


Wonder a billion humans in a nation hope,

Collect gold, a madness, highest reserve,

Female lifelong wishes, ornament classic,

A day in the year comes for buying gold, risk,

Bridal dress adore gold jewelry common,

A nation failed time total, gold commotion,


Golden temple, golden crown, and reserve,

Temples swell with a gift in gold, well, preserve,

God is wealthiest than the land of destitute poor,

The nation is poorer than temple trusts wonder,


Devotion to divine urges prayer n surrender,

Gift ever fulfills wishes, career, destiny favor!

A donation, contribution, gift during life tests,

Ever incurable disease, get cured faith invests,


Antiquity gold coin, fascination for gold less,

New century search gold reserve, market trace,

Miracle yellow metal means of life smuggle,

Caught by law red-handed, prison life simple,


Antiquity is attraction, gold captivates the mind,

Adorn mortal frame joyous, cold lockers find,

Satisfaction in mind total, hollow in essence,

Every human feels gold avert, cruel fate sense?


A modern man dreams gold, tag good things,

Enchants career, period, opportunity, wings,

All golden, thanks antiquity as an evil power,

Legacy of violence, death, memory shower…








Wednesday, December 16, 2020




Golden age, untraceable detail,

Sparkle antique stones unravel,

Thousands of years, cruel time,

Erased legacy of brightest mind,

Incredible imaginative fascination,

Executive artwork in rock glisten,

Antique city ancient ruins remake,

At, bank of sea mimic surging wave,

Devastated in invasion traces lost,

Sand dunes immortal taunts most,

Coastal storms, winds salty mingle,

Priceless antiques amiss as brittle,

Pristine a river dissecting the city,

Indistinct sand bed, dirt drain pity,

Stone-wall embanks round ponds,

Freshwater clean for a sacred bond,

Antique prehistoric saline underneath,

Wonderful ponds hundred feet beneath,

Narrow lanes brick houses close,

A dozen feet higher than roads owes,

Lanes were century-old brick path fine,

Time changed as concrete serpentine,

Antique kerosene lamp posts vanish,

Time swept development electric kiss,

Ancient temples antique idols sizzle,

Ancient faith allure pilgrims mingle,

Morning n evening crowd prayer,

Bare feet dancing ecstatic admire,

Festivals antique traditions exist,

Generations converge trust persist,

Ancient warrior fight enacted a year,

The procession moves slowly in lanes clear,

Sword, costumes drums firecrackers,

Reminds a race of brave mighty fighters,

Symbol of antique kingdom reminisce,

Bank of the Ganga to the Godavari remains,

Celebration of Dussehra idols earthen,

Divine mother decorated antique tradition,

A couple of week ancient worship recreates,

Immersion in the river, holy moth initiates,

Sacred the beach, ponds, antique faith,

Early morning bath, temple visit wealth,

Detached from family life widows in vows,

An ancient practice in the city, austerity glows,

Vegetarian month, purity in practice,

Concludes with boating in the morning,

Bright race voyages symbolize missing,

Neither valor nor voyages in a stormy sea,

Nor executives rock carvings, kings’ glee,

Antique exist in festivals in celebration,

Car festival in city catches admiration,

Deities in a chariot pulled with rope in the crowd,

Antique ancient faith absolves mix in pride.



Tuesday, December 15, 2020




Xmas is the season to celebrate love,

Ever human pain sorrow dissolves,

Forgiveness to cruelty, inhuman,

Color, place, gender, helpless one,

Victims of fate or lost future total,

Greedy for bright future, alien regal,

Foolishness to forgive, accept all,

The decision for millions rotting or call,

Who escapes from asylum life is a test,

Who lingers longer, misery in hell best,

Human race at odd with destiny run,

Discrimination, race, religion burn,

Flight beyond border quitting home,

Over boat, sheep, road travel mourn,

Twentieth-century modern prosperous,

Human this century in luxury curious,

Innovative, futuristic vision, intense,

Suffering, the river of life in cage immense,

Year of corona horror, death is close,

Asylum lost lives, sickness destiny owes,

Winter coldness fewer shivers than fate,

Every new year will let good news wait,

Ever asylum seekers return home sweet,

Ever family friends unite, locals greet,

Ever host country allows entry welcome,

Ever citizenship offered to settle a new home,

Ever children attend lost education,

Ever work permit offer in compassion,

The black hole of destiny in erosion,

Ever, terror, merciless killings vanish,

Ever discrimination of nation perish,

Ever asylum within barbed wire fades,

Ever human life rare, isolation evades,

The shanties, muddy roads, dirty look,

Hunting fear, dark futures hunger hook,

Destitution, stateless, floating in the globe,

The picture of the disaster, an asylum hub,

The picture questions future, New Year,

 Refugee life stream merge in ocean clear,

Asylum, the shame of modern time, turn a page,

A new life, home, hope, smiles but soil craze,

Selfish minds young, adult quit desert soil,

Stop humiliating servitude at pittance boil,

Be paradise in the desert, the dreamland of honey,

Be luxury, comfort, career golden n money,

New Year awaken flooding refugees turmoil,

Leaving parents, friends, home n own soil,

Who goes, then knows asylum dilute dignity,

Death on own oil better, patience is beauty,

Destruction of cities, homes never explode,

Never in name of faith, discrimination corrode,

Never powerful treat own people as a slave,

New Year may gimps of freedom as a wave,

New citizens on mercy, brotherhood surge,

New Year, new faces, alien culture merge

The new millennium, new concept asylum past,

Stateless, migrant, refugee, misfortune last.