Wednesday, June 30, 2021





Wonderful-world I exist watch,

Float smooth, life needs catch,

Struggle enough, amass, asset,

Means deplete quickly n reset, (1)


Dawn breaks hungry stomach,

Delicacy cook food limbs ache,

Unbridled crush tongue relish,

Gather groceries endless wish, (2)


Empty belly curse mind cruel,

Work hard, earn enough quell,

Satiate thirst, hunger, limb rest,

Beautiful house comforts best, (3)


Intuit mind lure furniture trick,

Pleasure body seek, earn prick,

Need, expand, infinite, enjoy life,

Steal most of, time thinks strife, (4)


Sweet home, food cloth, goods,

Convince, lucid heart in woods,

Dream-world intimates variety,

Prestige position worth society, (5)


Increase friendship invite feast,

Delicious cuisine offer irk least,

Celebrate birthday anniversary,

Marriage, festivals mood rosary, (6)


Familiar person admiration nit,

Sweet, gift, sweet talk smiles lit,

Budget year, end grow in, spiral,

Loss in business incomes viral, (7)


Infect worry tension let burrow,

Fetch money no honey, sorrow,

Debt a disease spread wide nit,

Life painful sick limb mind twit, (viii)


Tension melt frame first wrath,

Intuit solvency discipline worth,

Solvency factor surmise, myself,

Lifelong save n insure, safe help, (9)


Minds go astray well squander,

Vagaries of lust, desire wander,

Luxury comfort asset infectious,

Opulence fuel, inferno cautious, (10)


Watch tragic life citadel crumble,

Rich turns like, beggar n humble,

Burns ego to ash spirit tearless,

Food, cloth, shelter to live sense, (11)


Realizes ruined lifetime forward,

Self-correction after little reward,

Past error hurts never heal total,

Begins life, solvency tells critical, (12)


Endless stories of broken-home,

Family distances cry debt broken.

Simple life n moderate necessity,

Intuit solvency incomes, gratuity, (13)


Secret, way to save conscious nit,

Difficulties, rise cruel expense hit,

Cut according to cloth, measure,

Lifelong, solvent, intuits treasure. (14)








Tuesday, June 29, 2021






Time elapse slow quiet appear,

Scintillating scenes, disappear,

Incredible experiences, memory,

Thrill fountain-nice, pain worry, (1)


Born amid joy, festive heart all,

Son- of-family arrives n enthrall,

Small town surround the forest,

Steep n green mountains arrest, (2)


Small population, tribal culture,

Peaceful, simple life, time secure,

Animal rich forest elephant tiger,

Dense forest range challenge sure, (3)


Villages spring, beautiful pocket,

Cultivation, animal feed intricate,

Lack electricity, school n college,

Lack hospitals, wide road privilege, (4)


Events festival shopping mall nit,

House utensil food cloth discreet,

Happy-occasion is birth marriage,

Community gather feast envisage, (5)


Rarely people visit far miss motor,

Sparse population village scatter,

Oxcart, river-boat move only lure,

Dense forest motel shelter secure, (6)


Months take a visit hundred-mile,

My teenage etch canvass lifestyle,

Grow in height, speed first, school,

Home, costal-city, decade pass, cool, (7)


Fountain pen pencil paper n book,

Read, write, study, memorize hook,

Game cycling cinema black-white,

Silver screen evoke emotion, sight, (viii)


School college rail station bus life,

Miss crowd few people rarer strife,

Strife hunt epidemic flood cyclone,

People watch, loss-of-life feel alone, (9)


Newspaper or postcard message,

National event to local, read, page,

Message distant relatives to post,

Invitation on marriage, death cost, (10)


Money order we mean to transfer,

College study works far city labor,

Coal engine black fume rhythm lit,

Reminiscence rouse emotion built, (11)


Adulthood time revolution unfold,

Shook lifestyle sock kid youth old,

Television air travel common, light,

Electricity radio record player twit, (12)


Dark-night lost, sleep city late nit,

Villages numerous people lack hit,

Diesel fast trains, computer enter,

Television film in color entertainer, (13)


Crowd noise pollution time picture,

Brick mansion metal road enamor,

Retired new millennium n century,

Unknown civilization, times sorry, (14)


Mobile internet cyberspace unite,

Audio, video, text, mixture delight,

Online money transfer market live,

All-day business I doubt to survive, (15)


Family collapses to couple, live-in,

My way highway freedom question,

Violence, anger hatred walls divide,

Silver-sequel, you say I, feel override.  (16)





Monday, June 28, 2021





Surprise bright sunshine morn,

Spread, horizon, in illumination,

Divide blue sky golden earth all,

Portray divine glory invite scroll, (1)


Eon soul mesmerize n decipher,

Bewilder, immanence metaphor,

Wine of knowledge addiction lit,

Pour nature, differ time, implicit, (2)


Morning warmth loses bliss test,

Midday sun hot blister skin rest,

Sunset song peace tranquil hail,

Midnight world sleeps dogs wail, (3)


Motion, of time demand, discover,

Revelation knowledge trace pure,

Squander morning radiance will,

Twilight miss fresh quiets reveal, (4)


Awaken life meticulous, plunder,

Message passage of sojourn lure,

Manuscript conspicuous search,

Metaphors wisdom, divine touch, (5)


Bird; sing the glory leaf murmur,

Wind whisper, cool rain n winter,

Sea noise spread far, wake spirit,

Loud-song define bottomless love, (6)


Infinite, shapeless existence solve,

The earth forest, hills, river, write,

Obey messages, read knows right,

Essay, deny squander, possession, (7)


Essence, of the sojourn realization,

Reason of the world, birth n death,

Born for death must count breath,

Count breathe earth-life possess, (viii)


Number, destiny fixes nil changes,

Human strives hard pride, possess,

Assets n material gain leaves most,

Quit, certain; physical abstract lost, (9)


Death steals everything, adds body,

Possession defeat death, rhapsody,

Song pervade forever, awareness lit,

Self deed, art, literature, help, grit, (10)


Sacrifice, service, compassion depict,

Acknowledge nature teacher, explicit,

Short human life n gold possession,

Gold value mind is soil tell illusion, (11)


Gold pure nature realization, remain,

Acquire before exit squander in vain,

My contemplation influences morn,

Hues of reflection thoughtful yearn, (12)


Mysterious Lord, hide, shine allure,

Reminds burning candle-light clear,

Remove darkness reveals truth nail,

Burn wick last n luminescence, fail, (13)


Felt my spirit resembles the candle,

Breath the wick burn time, rekindle,

Wax the body possession all matter,

Body melt like wax peter out faster, (14)


Sigh focus eye wax, true-possession,

Folly life finds, squander possession.

Amazes notion my conscience caution,

Morning mist is illusion realization. (15)














Sunday, June 27, 2021





Inflame desire n lose self-control,

Disintegrate balance life embroil,

Observe intense scrutiny amaze,

Innocence rot in gutter n enrage, (1)


World moves, fast bitter battle on,

Wise fit survive, rises, exploit con,

Sock often my life, trust sacrifice,

Act benevolent fox loots, practice, (2)


Simple believer of people depend,

Rely, wholehearted, little pretend,

Open up life, details elaborate nit,

Least expect unscrupulous, greet, (3)


Guises, monk, tantric n physician,

Expert on black magic’s musician,

I witness, poor cottage devastates,

Loot criminal elopes, demonstrate, (4)


Pretension endless shrewd devise,

Speechless, I ink, swindle precise,

Ornament, house, estate plunder,

Bank balance insurance loot here, (5)


Ordinary mediocre life, electorate,

Vote, elect leader, ignore frustrate,

Society, grow, discover family ruin,

Civil right fail law protect between, (6)


Lack of proof evidence culprit flee,

Dark world infamous, luxury glee,

Act dream, steal, get rich overnight,

Heart-rending n heartbroken fright, (7)


Simple-hardworking persons save,

Lifelong accrue assets safety grave,

Boil insanity, inhumanity smolder,

Simple folk turn cruel, burn, anger, (viii)


Brutal spirit has little mercy, hurt,

Conscience fail, console fade alert,

Disrespects compassion, sympathy,

Bruise, life burn nit miss empathy, (9)


Evade suffering people revenge lit,

Tumultuous social fabrics explicit,

Contemplate grievance reform best,

Law must exhibit prowess rule test, (10)


Fear punishment n legal rope tight,

Disciplines, law, decency do fright,

Door, of jail, wait, eager, quick action,

Sequel instigate crime, consolation, (11)


Introspect, complex write intrigues,

Solution prevail n stubborn argues,

Sequel start, from ruined home first,

Illiteracy, poverty, ignorance n thirst, (12)


Broken home split orphan wife die,

Dying soul little hesitate, reject sigh,

Desperate, wounded tiger roar hunt,

Angry snake bite lethal loser taunt, (13)


Education character, take root child,

Literacy of girl woman mother yield,

Crimes, deception n cheat dissipate,

Focus inks, episode sequel instigate. (14)