Sunday, June 27, 2021





Inflame desire n lose self-control,

Disintegrate balance life embroil,

Observe intense scrutiny amaze,

Innocence rot in gutter n enrage, (1)


World moves, fast bitter battle on,

Wise fit survive, rises, exploit con,

Sock often my life, trust sacrifice,

Act benevolent fox loots, practice, (2)


Simple believer of people depend,

Rely, wholehearted, little pretend,

Open up life, details elaborate nit,

Least expect unscrupulous, greet, (3)


Guises, monk, tantric n physician,

Expert on black magic’s musician,

I witness, poor cottage devastates,

Loot criminal elopes, demonstrate, (4)


Pretension endless shrewd devise,

Speechless, I ink, swindle precise,

Ornament, house, estate plunder,

Bank balance insurance loot here, (5)


Ordinary mediocre life, electorate,

Vote, elect leader, ignore frustrate,

Society, grow, discover family ruin,

Civil right fail law protect between, (6)


Lack of proof evidence culprit flee,

Dark world infamous, luxury glee,

Act dream, steal, get rich overnight,

Heart-rending n heartbroken fright, (7)


Simple-hardworking persons save,

Lifelong accrue assets safety grave,

Boil insanity, inhumanity smolder,

Simple folk turn cruel, burn, anger, (viii)


Brutal spirit has little mercy, hurt,

Conscience fail, console fade alert,

Disrespects compassion, sympathy,

Bruise, life burn nit miss empathy, (9)


Evade suffering people revenge lit,

Tumultuous social fabrics explicit,

Contemplate grievance reform best,

Law must exhibit prowess rule test, (10)


Fear punishment n legal rope tight,

Disciplines, law, decency do fright,

Door, of jail, wait, eager, quick action,

Sequel instigate crime, consolation, (11)


Introspect, complex write intrigues,

Solution prevail n stubborn argues,

Sequel start, from ruined home first,

Illiteracy, poverty, ignorance n thirst, (12)


Broken home split orphan wife die,

Dying soul little hesitate, reject sigh,

Desperate, wounded tiger roar hunt,

Angry snake bite lethal loser taunt, (13)


Education character, take root child,

Literacy of girl woman mother yield,

Crimes, deception n cheat dissipate,

Focus inks, episode sequel instigate. (14)







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