Sunday, October 31, 2021





Floats sweet melodious song hail,

Air fragrant, festive hilarious nail,

Awake, O’ citizen n Diwali arrives,

Hope against hope spirit survives, (1)


Fade Corona horror health better,

Decline death, memories sharper,

Wipe tears sip losses departed lit,

Diwali festival of night-lamp light, (2)


Nightlong, candlelit cities, villages,

Souls departed prays encourages,

Let there be peace, surreal sphere,

Worship humanity, unseen sheer, (3)


Cracker light fountain, sky bright,

Across all age happy, spark fright,

Families distribute sweet smiling,

Hypnotize Diwali times sparkling, (4)


Wait, few days brother day unity,

Nation celebrates unity, security,

Billion-heart sing slavery bygone,

Oppressor tyranny buried lesson, (5)


Let not land divided, again praise,

One people culture race envisage,

Expand Himalayas Indian Ocean,

Exhilarates liberty equal freedom, (6)


One mantra united sings splurge,

Defeat divisive dark lives scourge,

Cement misunderstanding polish,

Soil dismantles anarchy, flourish, (7)


Unique feats women equal leader,

Achieves at par with men prosper,

Little discrimination girl children,

Feat intoxicate chivalry heighten, (viii)


Olympic gold, silver, bronze fetch,

Sportswomen bring pride, sketch,

Illiteracy minimizes, skill develop,

Nation-united feel secure envelop, (9)


Peasant spine-of-nation produce,

Bumper crops, every year seduce,

Skyrocket economy industry hit,

Poverty lines diminish lives greet, (10)


School college hospital energy fit,

Develops hinterland, rustic greet,

Free education, self-employment,

Nation-state provide fund anoint, (11)


Higher education youth envisage,

Contributes all country privilege,

Communication age quick cheap,

Travel faster, now possible, leap, (12)


Historical places n scenic beauty,

Forest alluvial soil paradise cutie,

Diwali festive season journey nit,

Vocation holiday flavor life, greet, (13)


Roam happy families nationwide,

Mirth confidence, mature preside,

Least, wait and watch ruin near,

Nature destroyed land disappear, (14)


Day for national unity n promise,

Save nature, protect soil surmise,

Plantation conserve-water scarce,

Check pollution water air sparse, (15)


National unity let not mere hype,

Holocaust nearer alert time ripe,

Cherish bonhomie may last long,

Celebrate Diwali unite like, song.  (16)





Saturday, October 30, 2021





 Rarely dogmas hunt capture spirit,

Bold decide gets-stronger, defeat,

Broad heart-mind, window to open,

Accept reformation corrects notion, (1)


Often discriminate fights tendency,

Know acceptance evil turns lunacy,

Evil nature life experience, love pal,

Resemble nature day n night equal, (2)


Day discover energy hard work feel,

Meets world wholehearted fate seal,

Friendship, love, care, bonds unite,

One world n mankind build, excite, (3)


Serves sick, poor, destitute, beggar,

Never ego dare touch, help sufferer,

Service duty satisfy, feel happiness,

Love pure, not physical, nit impress, (4)


Fight sickness, hunger, poverty, nice,

War raise-mankind n divine service,

Resemble night darkness mind feel,

Pure love care serving heart in-seal, (5)


Physical temptation raise-night tall,

Captivate love luxury comfort stroll,

Ambition satiates body desires feat,

Cripple mind conscience ego defeat, (6)


See, life midnight during, afternoon,

State-of-mind match crumble soon,

Fail to protest tramples conscience,

Unimaginable metal torture evince, (7)


Depression affects new generation,

Youth mostly hunted exasperation,

Untimely death heart attack socks,

Suicidal tendency rise hope mocks, (viii)


Disastrous frustration, career gold,

Tender age to adults lure prey odd,

Corruption, vice, malpractice, sink,

Never imagination real, nature link, (9)


Nature both sides of coin head-tail,

Win or defeat one and same, detail,

All depends, discretions recognize,

Good or bad, part or parcel precise, (10)


Mistake happens, to err is human,

Finds learn lesson experience can,

Reconcile with blunder, guilt cure,

Experiences alert prevention pure, (11)


Self reconcile life learn lesson wise,

Midnight, watch sun bright precise,

Feel absurd fiction as pleases love,

There is no destiny, fate lives solve, (12)


Rare quality self reconcile protect,

Stronger pure character, indicate,

Humility, purity, simplicity, unite,

Reconcile past mistake seek right, (13)


Learn, learn and learn, lorn right,

Essentially life beckons love, sight,

Link life birth-death self reconcile,

Aim realize, truth purest versatile. (14)





Friday, October 29, 2021






Awesome-time heart sense modesty,

Detects pulsation, anguish travesty,

Roam mind unknown territory trail,

Image fantasize eyes glisten, prevail, (1)


Enormous face attracts still picture,

Eye, transfix exceeding beauty pure,

Downcast eyes motionless sparkles,

Cipher message silently say trickles, (2)


Attracts young face girl seem, speak,

Laugh juvenile picture wears streak,

Radiate feminine aura imagine soul,

Unknown country time place to roll, (3)


Picture just picture, juvenile thinks,

Simple face eyes meet n heart sinks,

Preserve sweet photo hide, precious,

Precious heart assumes, yet curious, (4)


Silence solitude prefer heart ponder,

Mere eyes transmit, pain lives suffer,

Infinite attractions appeal, touch, feel,

Innocent juvenile heart sings, reveal, (5)


Who are you damsel, steal my peace,

Where you live, tell name you notice,

Here young lad silently suffer plenty,

Says, forget, imagine romantic scanty, (6)


Feel castle in air fulfill desire shelter,

Adolescence wild runs helter-skelter,

State of mind, dreamy night creates,

Angelic damsel descend love threats, (7)


Girl’s picture seems, materialize seal,

Young heart fascinate nights, instill,

Juvenile romance thrills experience,

Dawn beaks fairy disappear incense,   (viii)


Feel withdrawn, write poems of love,

Lighten burdens of life express solve,

Throw papers in anger fire still burn,

Draw, pictures, fails matching churn, (9)


Search in vain, among cities earnest,

Alert, search film cyberspace to rest,

Curious life, probe intense why, why,

Why life feels, madly, girl in pains shy, (10)


What, maybe reason hides, willingly,

Inquires intuition romances failingly,

Has lover excited shown paradise nit,

Youthful times intoxicate; separate it, (11)


Perhaps, lover escapes heart if stolen,

Modesty, prevent n speaking frighten,

Society less accept failure, love stays,

What love juvenile experience, strays, (12)


Secret emotions speak eyes, life feels,

Fail to detect such girl imagine heals,

Consoles mysterious life raise mirage,

Young heart temptation collude craze, (13)


Primeval lust attraction ethereal exist,

Fail, adolescence romanticism persist,

Dream nightmarish heart search love,

Juvenile romance cure, tell ever solve?    (14)




Thursday, October 28, 2021





Amazes society introspect detail,

Parity of genders unequal derail,

Men’s world, sycophant demand,

Occupies power, rule reprimand, (1)


Deprive education skill sport nit,

Force menial domestic life, treat,

Confined behind wall sorrow tell,

Discontented-heart suffers rebel, (2)


Anger volatile, sad family nature,

Reflects, rebellious, evil character,

Lose politeness soft heart tender,

Silently poison society surrender, (3)


Surrender love passion intention,

Suppressed mind hit depression,

Children lose humanity to, beast,

Imagine youthful stage fear least, (4)


Less fear precious lives, tortures,

Nations witness killing fractures,

Divides society manifold, enmity,

Bitter fight destroys peace, petty, (5)


Offense cross limits heinous feel,

Watch, men dictator autocrat kill,

Rare female turns butcher sadist,

Motherly tendency inhibits, racist, (6)


Fail, discriminate gender murder,

Passion compassion heart suture,

Love flows in blood, soft soul-sick,

Men’s cruelty, watch closer prick, (7)


Fearful keep silence ill cooperate,

World watch, wicked people, hate,

Rot, friend starts from childhood,

Fail mother teach humanity good, (viii)


Allows, kid play with guns bomb,

School massacre sight feel-numb,

Present-world infested with terror,

Shout, lauder hue and cry, furor, (9)


Mindless-violence killing witness,

Suicide attack shocking, depress,

Create mass death bleeds critical,

O’ man ever saw female killer pal, (10)


Eliminate innocent place worship,

Railway, bus, air passengers ship,

Innocent people families wipe out,

How many blast twin-tower, scout, (11)


Angry on my ink writer male, sad,

Exposes male chauvinist less-dad,

Kid future for nation educate love,

Care mankind one fraternity dove, (12)


Rejects gun volunteer life kill, kill,

Kids know surprise, reveal anthill,

Deep down anthill, anger embroil,

Womanhood, feel freedom turmoil, (13)


Freedom only escape, nation grow,

Mother first teacher children show,

Reveal anthill explode mirth peace,

Root prosperity kid swarms notice, (14)


Mother motherland enchant smile,

Beautiful life believes if for a while.

Save female modesty vanity admit,

Detect anarchy n autocracy defeat. (15)

Wednesday, October 27, 2021





Proudest moment travel country,

Spirit discover, challenges entry,

Young life heart thrilling intense,

Curious mind search duly sense, (1)


Rail journey, romance disbelieve,

Pass alluvial land panorama live,

Scrutinize landscape enchanting,

Moving scenes scenic mirth sing, (2)


Behold bewilder nation beautiful,

Unknown people village life mule,

Thrives, nation, fragrant, intricate,

Rustic lives enamor fade, dictate, (3)


Watch through windows silently,

Rhythmic noises shake violently,

Pass, cinematic sceneries excite,

Revolts young heart, miss recite, (4)


Imagine, free bird, fly over forest,

Spell sock beauty below interest,

Fly out of window find lost enjoy,

Mingle with nature pain destroy, (5)


Journey for interview far off city,

Train, carries hopes opportunity,

Dreamy eyes mesmerize dictate,

Life stretched longer n frustrate, (6)


Comfortable life wish settle fine,

Secure feels, family lead routine,

Dream where ends fail estimate,

Human life, so young intoxicate, (7)


Pass quickly big cities milieu test,

Benign unknown town manifest,

Wish visit let mingle with people,

Find lifestyle custom mix simple, (viii)


Make friendship life discover all,

Train rolls speed past job recall,

Yes, complete duty, service wait,

Life not midway reach sing duet, (9)


Earn sufficient establish decide,

Family friends accompany, ride,

Train best mate feel convenient,

Wish experience country decent, (10)


Railway stations glitter clean fit,

Amenities of all, kind litter greet,

Train schedules in time comfort,

AC sleepers-coach dining escort, (11)


Faster travel, express train time,

Right time maintains, move, fine,

Spider net railways connect well,

Thousand each minute leave tell, (12)


Online booking, communication,

On train let possible satisfaction,

Year passed settles life n family,

Vacations, family travels simply, (13)


Day first journey for job remind,

Train get part of lives do rewind,

Unforgettable experiences sweet,

Inseparable nostalgic the twilight, (14)


Part and parcel of national lives,

Carry hope essential goods lives,

Run-run round the clock design,

Accident sadly maligned benign. (15)